right-wing and left-wing
why do right realists see crime as a problem?
-they’re concerned about the widespread fear of crime and the impact of crime on victims
why do right realists criticise other views on crime?
-other theories have failed to offer realistic solutions to the problem of crime
who is an example of a right wing realist?
Margaret Thatcher
what are 3 factors they cause crime according to right realists?
- biological differences
- the underclass (socialisation)
- rational choice
why do biological differences cause crime? according to WILSON & HERNSTEIN & MURRAY
-gender influence: men more likely to commit crime than women are to
-personality traits: aggression and extroversion is inherited
-MURRAY: people w/ low IQ commit more crime
why do the underclass commit crime according to MURRAY?
●underclass= group below the working class
= more likely rely on benefits as they tend to be lone-parent families with high unemployment
- risks abuse of welfare state= children grow up w/ lack of responsibility= have no initiative to better their life
=produce criminal behaviour as they seek validation & acceptance from deviant subcultures
why does rational choice cause crime according to CLARKE?
-people make a conscious decision to commit crime based on a calculation of the likely consequences
-if rewards outweighs the costs (consequences) people are more likely to do it
- e.g. YOUTH CRIME: punished leniently= don’t fear consequences of being caught (enforced if punishment from parents is minimal
what are 3 criticisms of the right realists explanation of the cause of crime?
-ignores wider structural causes of crime e.g. poverty
-overstates the rational decisions made by criminals (can be impulsive e.g. self defence as violence)
-the causes contradict eachother e.g. how can u be rational when you’re influenced by biological/social factors
what are examples of crime prevention?
-the environment: cctv, more police & better street lighting
-abolish welfare
-medical treatment (biological)
what is the intention of crime prevention?
- to increase the costs over rewards of crime by using harsher punishments and zero-tolerance policing = no more leniency for anyone
what is the main focus of the right realist view on how to tackle crime
-dealing with the causes of crime is a waste of time
- thus to reduce crime-> make it less desirable
according to right realists what should crime prevention aim to do?
-reduce opportunities to commit crime
according to WILSON & KELLING, how should crime be prevented in neighbourhoods?
- the public should maintain the upkeep of their neighbourhood appearance= ‘broken window theory’ to deter any criminals
-police having ‘zero-tolerence policing’ on petty offenders
according to YOUNG (LEFT REALIST) why was the success of zero tolerance a myth?
-many crimes had already fallen, so police having more power= easier to discriminate more on ethnic minorities= increases racism
what are 4 other criticisms of zero tolerance?
-ignores crimes of the powerful
-cause discrimination as police have power over particular groups
-don’t deal with the root cause; fail to understand structural causes of crime
-target hardening policies-> designing out’ crime would displace crime to other areas
in what way is LEFT-REALISM like MARXISM?
- acknowledges people have different life chances due to inequality from capitalism
how is LEFT-REALISM different from MARXISM?
- they reform things w/ realistic ideas instead of completely revolutionising society
why does MARXISM not take crime seriously?
-it over-focuses on the ruling class and their problems don’t have a real/indirect impact on a normal person