E.4 managing tourism and sport for the future Flashcards
define tourism carrying capacity?
The maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic, socio-cultural environment.
This includes not decreasing the quality for visitors and no displeasing of the host population.
what causes unsustanible tourism?
Tourism gaining popualtiry- Tourism has become very popular with an increase in the standards of living of many people around the world.
Advancements in air transport and the growing power of the media- tourism destinations have become popular leading to an increase in the number of visitors per year.
Both factors causes overcrowding, leading to the development of the concept of unsustainable tourism.
can you define unsustanible tourism?
Unsustainable tourism is tourism that fails to consider the livelihood and culture of the local population and does little to protect the natural environment/resources.
what was the worlds most listed tourist area in 2017?
The Strip, Las Vegas (U.S.) = 39.7 M
what are some factors that can affect the carrying capacity of a tourist hotspot?
The fragility of the landscape to development and change.
The level of tourism development and infrastructure.
Level of economic divergence and dependency upon tourism.
what are some environmental consequence of un-sustanible tourism?
More flights means more consumption of fuel, and more gas emissions that cause air pollution
More flights means more airports, which means more consumption of land
Littering and pollution:
More flights means more consumption of disposable products (such as plastic meal trays and cups) which means more plastic waste
what are some social consequences of unsustanible tourism?
Loss of local culture due to tourists’ culture.
Severe congestion and overcrowding
Tourists disrespect historical and heritage sites
what is the economic consequence of unsustanible tourism?
Inflation: rent (out migration)
how is unsustanible tourism being managed?
bans on day-trippers because they exceed the carrying capacity of the city and don’t contribute much economically to the city either. Thus, helping to reduce congestion.
To reduce congestion during peak seasons the transport routes could be made one-way.
The government is trying to build more affordable housing so locals can still afford to live.
what is sustainable development?
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
what is the definition for sustainable tourism?
tourism that meets the needs of tourists, the environment and the local population without compromising the ability of future tourists, environment and locals to meet their needs.
It involves economic, social and environmental dimensions of development.
what is ecotourism?
Ecotourism is a form of niche tourism it is also called “green” or “alternative” tourism.
It usually takes place in rural areas and involves a limited number of tourists visiting a destination at a given time; unlike mass tourism. Examples of ecotourism include Game Parks, Nature reserves, Forest parks etc.
what are the three main characteristics of eco tourism?
increasing involvement with local communities.
being appropriate to the local area.
balancing conservation and development.
what are the factors influencing future international tourism that you need to be aware of?
greater use of social media, international security and diaspora growth
can you expand on social media as a factor that influences future international tourism?
Many people who visit the tourist site post pictures of their experience on one or more of the social media sites to show their friends the places they visited over the vacation period.
The effect is the posting of pictures would serve as an advertisement of the tourist destination to their friends which would encourage them to want to go there as well.
Furthermore, websites such as TripAdvisor.com helps to promote tourism by allowing tourists to book hotels and other tourist destinations in advance and help in feeding tourists with information about the intended tourist destination through comments posted by other tourists.