6.1. Geopolitical and economic risks Flashcards
this unit is all about risk, what are the 5 forms of risk that come in the study of global interactions?
physical hazard- geophysical and atmospheric hazards.
economy hazards- asset bubbles and ‘boom and bust’ recession.
geopolitical hazard- conflict and regime changes
biological hazard- pandemics
moral hazards- unethical actions of outsourcing suppliers.
what are black swan events?
some human and physical hazards and risks may be avoided through migration and measures; others may be unpreventable and unavoidable. Worst of all are ‘black swan’ events: these are ‘unthinkable’, high impact, had to predict and rare occurrence.
In an interconnected world, black swan events – such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the GFC – bring disproportionate impacts. They can make us question the wisdom of globalisation on account of the sheer number of negative knock-on effects for different places and societies.
talk about the overarching idea of new threats created by technological and globalizing processes.
multiple hazard risks accompany the new economic opportunities and social freedoms brought by the internet and social networking growth. Individuals who make regular use of these technologies are also exposing themselves to numerous threats, for instance, text messages, emails and online comments are sometimes used wrongly to harass people. School children may fall victim to cyberbullying. Many celebrities, politicians, journalists and campaigners have suffered from so-called ‘trolling’, which involves hateful comments being posted online.
It is not just individuals who have sometimes suffered harm on account of ICT use. The roll-out of new digital technology has undermined entire industries: think of how the music and film industries have suffered great profit losses on account of free file sharing in a post-DVD world.
what are the umbrella ideas you need to discuss under new threats created by technological and globalising processes?
hacking, identity theft and personal freedoms.
personal freedom in a surveillance socity.
global supply chain risk.
talk about hacking, identity theft and personal freedoms as one of your umbrella ideas under threats created by technological and globalising processes.
dealing with cybercrime is an increasing priority for business and law enforcement agencies globally. The speed with which new technology develops means that the boundaries keep changing, however.
An example of hacking, identity theft and security breaches was when Ride-sharing service Uber was one of 2022’s high-profile cyber attack victims in September, when it suffered a supposed social engineering attack on an employee by an apparent teenage hacktivist who wanted the company to pay its drivers more money.
talk about personal freedom in a surveillance socity as an umbrella idea under threats created by technological and globalizing processes?
A parallel to the risk of hacking and identity threats, ICT also threatens personal freedoms in what is sometimes called ‘the rise of the surveillance socity’.
Sophicsticated softwear and comunications can be used by the state to moitor the activity and behavriors of citizens. One view is that countries aee a a risk of increasingly of becoming what Georage Orwell called ‘big brother’ socities. The view that civil liberties supporters is that just beacuse we can use technology increasingly to monitor daily life it does not mean we should.
what are some rational reasons for introducing CCTV as opposition to the introduction point you made of personal freedom in a surveillance socity?
There is often a perfectly sound rationale for introducing CCTV in read space and motoring what happens in virtual space more closely:
Speed cameras make sure motorists do not pass safty limits; in the near future,c ars may be controlled and moved remotly by centralized computers in some cities.
There may be popular supoort for goverments being allowed to ‘snoop’ online. A worldwide moral pandamic has arisen over concerj that deviant social groups – from paedophiles to terrorist– are planning or participating in criminal acity online, far from the prying eyes of law enforcers.
talk about global supply chain risks as one of your umbrella ideas under threats created by technological and globalising processes.
TNCsa operating in every sector of industry can find that the benefits gained from expanding globally are countered by the costs of interrupted trade: the more extensive a company’s network becomes, the greater the number of possible local threats it becomes exposed to.
when talking about global supply chain risks as one of your umbrella ideas under threats created by technological and globalising processes, if you are giving recent examples what are the three categories they fall under?
geopolitical and conflict risk
moral and ethical hazard rik
physical risk
talk about global supply chain risks as one of your umbrella ideas under threats created by technological and globalising processes, in the context of recent examples of global risk export for TNCs under the sub-topic of geopolitical and conflict risk.
political events and changes in foreign government policies can create supply chain shocks for TCNs.
- The ‘Arab Spring’ wave of uprising in North Africa in 2011 meant that French companies such as France Télécom experienced service and supply chain disruption across French-speaking North America.
talk about global supply chain risks as one of your umbrella ideas under threats created by technological and globalising processes, in the context of recent examples of global risk export for TNCs under the sub-topic of moral and ethical hazard risk?
Unethical treatment of supply chain workers and the environment by outsourcing companies jeopardises the reputation of the TNCs who do business with them:
In highly published 2010 court cases, European companies BP and Trafigua both tried to lay the blame for the catastrophic environmental damage (in the Gulf of Mexico and Ivory Coast) at the doors of the subcontractors. Ignorance of harm done by a subcontractor to people or the environment rapidly translated into a ‘moral’ and reputational hazard for the hub companies.
introduce the idea of new threats ti state sovereigntry?
The rationale for retreating from globalisation is rooted, for some people, in the valid concern that actual political sovereignty and/ or economic sovereignty is being surrendered.
It is certainly true that multi-governmental organisations (MGOs) like the EU, NAFTA and Mercosur have gained power over certain aspects of national life, including trade and migration rules.
how does the idea of nationalism link in with new threats to state sovereignty?
The renewal of nationalism is also linked with a much broader interpretation of ‘loss of sovereignty’, which is synonymous with ‘loss of control’. The shrinking world, the argument goes, has brought chaos to national life and culture due to a new and sometimes unchecked flow of people, information and ideas.
what is a specific threat to a country’s economic sovereignty?
The acquisition of a country’s business and infrastructure by foreign buyers could be viewed as a threat to its economic sovereignty. Some state governments buy foreign assets using their sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). There are global-scale ‘piggy banks’ used by these countries to help build global influence and diversify their income sources.
However, only a minority of countries operate SWFs. They are mostly countries with oil and gas revenues ( such as Norway and Qatar) or mineral resorces (Chile’s copper wealth e.g)
introduce the idea of profit repatriation and tax avoidance by wealthy TNCs and people?
A complex relationship exists between each world state and the TNCs that are domiciled there. Governments and businesses sometimes work together in order to further one another interests. This is another example of interdependency.