3.2. Impacts of changing trends in resource consumption Flashcards
what is the water-food-energy nexus?
it refers to the close links between the three sectors and the ways in which changes in one sector have an impact on one or both of the other sectors. The Nexus approach stresses the need for stewardship of these resources.
what is the definition for water security?
access to safe drinking water and sanitation.
what is the definition of food security?
It is defined as the availability and access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
what is your definition for energy security?
the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price.
long-term energy security mainly deals with timely investments to supply energy in line with economic developments and environmental needs.
what are the interactions between water, food and energy like?
There is a range of interactions between water, food and energy. For example, water is essential for the mining, refining and transport of energy sources, as well as being necessary to produce crops and rear livestock.
Food production is the world’s larges single use of water, accounting for about 70% of water usage. In turn, food production may affect water quality and quantity, through water extraction, water pollution (eutrophication and salinisation) and land use changes.
Energy is needed for the extraction, transport and distribution of water, and the construction of dams. Energy is needed for farming, for example, for fertilisers, for machinery and for transport. Agriculture accounts for 30% of global energy use.
why is there a need for adaption in the water-food-energy nexus?
.Many countries face difficulties providing for the growing demand for water, food and energy. The difficulties are compounded by the uncertainties of climate change. Adapting to climate change will require effective use of scarce resources and a coordinated response. The rapid increase in resource use since the mid-1990s, particularly in the emerging economies, has accelerated the risk of resource scarcity.
where and why can the nexus approach be used?
The nexus approach can be applied at a number of scales, from small-scale local competition over access to water, to large-scale global interactions between energy, food and water providers.
At times these are positive impacts, such as increased use of fertilizers leading to increased yields. More often, though, the impacts are negative - the increased use of fertilizers leads to higher energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution.
When discussing or analysing the nexus provide specific examples of interactions between water, energy and food, for example, how does the construction of a dam affects the provision of water, energy and food?
what is you first case study of resource security?
Water security in South Asia, a Nexus Approach
give an introduction for Water security in South Asia, a Nexus Approach?
South Asia faces the challenge of providing sufficient water and energy to grow enough food for its expanding population. The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region is vital for the promotion of food, water and energy security downstream.
The issues and challenges in the food, water and energy sectors are interrelated in many ways. Moreover,t here is a high degree of dependency of downstream communities on upstream ecosystems servises such as water for irrigation, HEP and drinking water.
What are some key indicators in water security in South Asia?
POPULATION (MILLIONS) 2007=1520 2050 projection= 2242
ANNUAL POPULATION GRWOTH RATE 2007=1.5% 2050 projection= 0.53%
POPULATION BETLLOW US$1.25/day (Million) 2007=596 2050=14.1
what are the key characteristics of water security in South Asia?
growing water stress
upstream-downstream dependency on water
increasing dependency on groundwater for food production.
care to expand on growing water stress?South Asia
Growing water demand for agriculture, energy, industry and human and livestock use: annual water demand is predicted to increase by 55% compared with 2005.
what are the adaption challenges of growing water stress?South Asia
Providing access to safe drinking water in the face of increasing variability in the water supply.
what is the interface among nexus resources and adaption to climate change for growing water stress?
South Asia
water-intensive adaptation practices leading to increased water pollution and water-born diseases, high child mortality, and poor human health.
expand on the key characteristics of upstream-downstream dependence on water? South Asia
High dependence on downstream communities on the upstream for water to grow food and generate hydropower.
what are the adaptable changes for upstream-downstream dependence on water?South Asia
need for enhanced upstream-downstream coordination and cooperation for sustainable development of HKH water resources.
what is the interface among nexus resources and adaptation to climate change for upstream-downstream depenencande on water?South Asia
HKH rivers are the lifeline for dry-season water irrigation, hydropower and major economic activities.
what are the key characteristics of increasing dependence on groundwater for food production?South Asia
about 70-80% of agricultural production depends on ground water irrigation.
what are the adaptational challanges of increasling dependance on groundwater irrigation?South Asia
Adaping todeclining water tables.
what is the interface amoung nexus reasorces and adaptation to climate change? South Asia
Groundwater pumping for irrigation requires excssive energy, which furthere increases electricity demand.
what is you second case study for detailed examples of countries with contrasting levels of resorce security?
Improving food security in South Africa.
care to give your introduction for improving food security in South Africa?
Several studies have looked at the potential impact of climate change on maise and potato production in South Africa.
A 10 per cent reduction in rainfall is likely to lead to a 4% reduction in Mazie yield, whereas an increase in rainfall is likely to increase Mazie yield. Increased temperatures would lead to a decrease in potato production.
Farmers have already started taking measures to adapt to these changes. There has been a diversification and substitution of crops, changes in planting time, greater use of shade crops, a change from flood irrigation to drip irrigation, and soil conservation measures.
Irrigation has been the most favoured adaptation, as water is the main limiting factor for agriculture in South Africa.
what are the impacts of climate change yo need to be aware of for South Africa?
Impacts on crop productivity.
Impacts on food production
Impacts on food quality.
Impacts on livestock