Donor Deferral- Disease Risk Flashcards
After childbirth
6 weeks
Syphilis or gonorrhea diagnosis/treatment
12 months
Sexual contact with an individual with HIV
12 months
Male sex with males
12 months
Allogeneic blood transfusion
12 months
Organ, tissue, or bone marrow transplant
12 month
12 months ( unless performed in a licensed sterile parlor then no deferral indicated)
Ear or body piercing
12 months
Contact with another individual’s blood or body fluids (needle stick)
12 months
Sexual contact with an individual with Hep B, symptomatic Hep C, or unknown hepatitis
12 months
Sexual contact or residing with a person with asymptomatic Hep C
No deferral
Sex with a prostitute or IV drug user
12 months
Females who have sex with males who have sex with other males
12 months
Incarceration in jail or juice for >72 consecutive hours
12 month
Travel to malaria endemic region
12 months
Emigrated from malaria endemic region
3 years
History of malaria
3 years
Bone or skin graft (except dura matter)
12 months
Dura matter graft
Residing in Great Britain for >3 months between 1980-1996
vCJD risk
Transfusion of blood component in United Kingdom or France since 1980
vCJD risk
Lived >5 cumulative years in Europe since 1980
VCJD risk
Formerly lived on a military base in N Europe for >6 months between 1980-1990
(Germany, Belgium, Netherlands)
vCJD risk
Formerly lived on a military base in S Europe for >6 months between 1980-1996
(Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Spain)
vCJD risk
Anthrax vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Cholera vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Diphtheria vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Hepatitis A vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Hepatitis B vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Influenza vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Lyme disease vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Paratyphoid vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Pertussis vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Plague vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Polio (Salk, injectable) vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Rabies vacccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Rocky Mountain spotted fever vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Tetanus vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Typhoid injectable vaccine
Toxoid, synthetic, or killed vaccine
No deferral if symptom free
Recombinant vaccines
No deferral
Measles (rubeola) vaccine
Live attenuated
2 weeks
Mumps vaccine
Live attenuated
2 weeks
Polio (Sabin, oral) vaccine
Live attenuated
2 weeks
Typhoid (oral) vaccine
Live attenuated
2 weeks
Yellow fever vaccine
Live attenuated
2 weeks
Rubella (German measles) vaccine
Live attenuated
4 weeks
Varicella Zoster (chickenpox, shingles) vaccine
Live attenuated
4 weeks
Smallpox vaccine
21 days from vaccination or until scab falls off (whichever is later)
2 months of scab is removed (did not fall off)
14 days from resolution of any complications
exposure to another person’s small pox vaccination site
No deferral for simple exposure
If skin lesion develops defer until scab falls off
If scab is removed defer for 3 months from original individual’s vaccination
14 days after resolution of any complications
Sex with hemophiliac or use of clotting factor concentrates
12 months
Travel from Iraq
12 months
Leishmaniasis risk
Travel from area with widespread Ebola transmission
8 weeks
Blood center defined
No deferral after treatment for localized cancers that are excised and considered cured
1-5 years after treatment of nonhematologic maliganancy
Permanent for hematologic malignancy
Bleeding conditions
Factor XII deficiency
No deferral
Carrier of recessive or sex linked clotting factor mutations
No deferral
Cardiovascular disease
Generally acceptable to allow donors who are asymptomatic and report no functional impairment or limitations on daily activity