Donation Infectious Disease Testing Flashcards
IDM tests performed
HIV: Anti-HIV 1/2(IgG&IgM) and HIV-1 NAT HCV: Anti-HCV and HCV NAT HBV: HBsAg, Anti-HBc (IgG&IgM), and HBV NAT HTLV I/II: Anti-HTLV I/II (IgG) Syphilis: Treponemal or non-Treponemal West Nile Virus: NAT Zika Virus: NAT Chagas' Disease (T.cruzi IgG)
Estimated Risk of Transfusion Transmission:
Estimated Risk of Transfusion Transmission:
Estimated Risk of Transfusion Transmission:
Estimated Risk of Transfusion Transmission:
Bacterial Contamination
1:1,000- 1:3,000
HIV permanent deferral
repeat reactive anti-HIV confirmed with positive supplemental test
anti-HIV and HIV NAT positive
HIV indefinite deferral with reentry option
repeat reactive anti-HIV 1/2 not confirmed positive
HIV NAT reactive but serology negative
Hepatitis B permanent deferral
repeat reactive HBsAG confirmed positive by supplemental testing (HBV NAT or HBsAG antibody neutralization)
Anti-HbC and HbsAg both positive
HBV NAT positive and HBsAg is positive
Hepatitis B indefinite deferral with reentry option
HBsAg repeat reactive not confirmed by supplemental test
Anti-HbC positive > 1 time
HBV NAT positive and all serology tests are nonreactive
HCV permanent deferral
HCV NAT and serology both positive
HCV indefinite deferral with reentry option
Anti-HCV reactive with negative NAT
HCV NAT reactive with negative serologic test
(retest for reentry in 6 months)
HTLV deferral
56 day for first occurrence
indefinite for second occurrence
syphilis deferral
12 month for confirmed positive
syphilis supplemental assay
antigen specific immunoflourescence
T.cruzi testing/deferral
donors usually only tested once
positive IgG antibody- indefinite deferral
reentry option in 6 months is supplemental test negative
West Nile Virus deferral
120 days for presumed viremic donors (regardless of supplemental test)
Zika deferral
120 days for presumed viremic donors (regardless of supplemental test)
HIV window
9 days
HCV window
7.4 days
Additional agents tested for with reproductive tissue donation
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhea
HBV window
26.5-18.5 days
elements of reducing blood bacterial contamination
careful disinfection of donor skin before collection
diversion of first 10-40 ml of collection away from collection bag
FDA requires initiation of previous product retrieval after a current reactive donation within
Within 3 days for HIV and HCV
Within 1 week for HBsAg, anti-HBc or anti-HTLV
Look back required for
HIV and HCV only