Diversity Purple Book Flashcards
What is counseling a client from a different cultural or social background called?
Cross-cultural, multicultural, or intercultural counseling.
These terms are roughly synonymous and involve working with clients of diverse backgrounds, emphasizing respect for cultural differences.
What does culture refer to?
Customs, values, attitudes, beliefs, art, and language shared by a group, often passed from generation to generation.
This is because culture encompasses the shared practices and norms that distinguish one group from another.
What does it mean when a client is culturally different?
They belong to a different culture from the counselor.
This is because multicultural counseling involves addressing the entire range of human difficulties while respecting and understanding cultural contexts.
What is necessary to diagnose clients from a different culture?
Counselors need information about the client’s cultural background.
This is because cultural awareness is essential to avoid imposing one’s own values and to provide relevant and effective support.
What does each socioeconomic group represent in the U.S.?
A separate culture.
This is because socioeconomic groups have distinct norms, behaviors, and values that can differ from other groups.
Which therapist was not instrumental in the early social psychology movement?
Eric Berne.
This is because Berne, known for transactional analysis, focused on individual and group interactions but was not a major figure in the foundational work of social psychology.
Which theorists believed humans have an instinct to fight?
Freud and Lorenz.
This is because Freud emphasized aggression as a basic instinct, while Lorenz viewed aggression as an evolutionary survival mechanism.
Who believes aggression is learned?
Social learning theorists.
This is because Bandura’s research demonstrated that children imitate aggression when they observe it in admired or authoritative figures.
How did the APGA contribute to cross-cultural counseling?
By forming the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance (now the AMCD) in 1972.
This is because this group focused on raising awareness and competence in multicultural counseling.
What did Daniel Levinson propose?
A stage-crisis theory with life transitions, including a midlife crisis between ages 40 and 45 for men and five years earlier for women.
This is because his work emphasized developmental stages shaped by life events.
What are the three factors that enhance interpersonal attraction?
Close proximity, physical attraction, and similar beliefs.
This is because social psychology shows that these factors increase the likelihood of forming positive relationships.
What does contextualism imply?
Behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which it occurs.
This is because contextualism emphasizes the importance of cultural and environmental influences on behavior.
Why did Carol Gilligan critique Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
She believed it was more applicable to males than females.
This is because Gilligan emphasized that women focus more on caregiving and responsibility, while men emphasize justice and rights.
What helped popularize the multicultural counseling movement?
The civil rights movement.
This is because it emphasized equality and raised awareness of cultural diversity in counseling.
What does a counselor refer to when discussing the probable outcome of a case?
The prognosis.
This is because prognosis involves predicting recovery likelihood and treatment outcomes.
What is the counselor referring to when describing what must transpire from therapy?
This is because recommendations outline the therapeutic actions believed necessary to address the client’s issues.
What did Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrate?
People conform to social roles.
This is because participants internalized their assigned roles as guards or prisoners, leading to extreme behaviors.
Who do clients typically prefer as counselors?
Someone of the same race and cultural background.
This is because similarity increases comfort and perceived understanding in counseling relationships.
What is the frustration-aggression theory?
It states that frustration leads to aggression.
This is because Dollard and Miller’s theory links goal obstruction to aggressive behavior as a reaction.
Who proposed cognitive dissonance theory?
Leon Festinger.
This is because his theory explains the motivation to reduce discomfort caused by conflicting beliefs or actions.
What does it mean when culture is described as normative?
It provides individuals with standards of conduct.
This is because cultural norms guide acceptable behaviors within a society.
What does a cultural norm describe?
How people are supposed to act.
This is because cultural norms set expectations for behavior, unlike statistical norms, which describe actual behavior.
What are mores?
Beliefs and social customs regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior.
This is because mores reflect moral standards within a culture and violations often lead to serious consequences.
Who was the first pioneer to focus heavily on sociocultural issues?
Frank Parsons.
This is because he addressed sociocultural issues in guidance, earning him the title ‘father of guidance.’
A counselor working in polar regions and near the equator should primarily be concerned with what type of culture?
Ecological culture and national culture. This is because ecological culture relates to behaviors shaped by environmental conditions (e.g., clothing, shelter), while national culture reflects the shared language and governance of a country.
What indicates biological similarities and sameness among humans?
Universal culture. This is because the Human Genome Project shows we are more biologically alike than different, and universal needs like food, water, and sleep apply to all humans.
How do early vocalizations in infants differ across cultures?
They are nearly identical across all cultures. This is because initial vocalizations are universal, though environmental reinforcement later shapes language development.
What did Emory Bogardus’s social distance scale evaluate?
How individuals felt toward other ethnic groups. This is because it measured prejudice and attitudes toward people of different backgrounds.
According to the foot-in-the-door technique, what should a counselor do when visiting a resistant client’s home?
Ask to come into the home as a small request before making a bigger one. This is because starting with a minor request increases compliance with subsequent, larger requests.
What reflects a country’s official language, central government, and stated viewpoint?
National culture. This is because national culture unifies citizens through shared governance and identity, often transcending regional differences.
How does a society differ from a culture?
A society is a self-perpetuating, independent group occupying a defined territory. This is because a society encompasses multiple cultures within its boundaries.
What does ethnocentrism involve?
Using one’s own culture as a standard to judge others. This is because ethnocentrism reflects the belief that one’s culture is superior to others.
Which statement is not ethnocentric?
“The Gross Domestic Product in the United States exceeds the figure in Mexico.” This is because it is a factual economic comparison, not a subjective judgment of cultural superiority.
What are the effects of ethnocentrism?
It promotes patriotism and national sovereignty but can be dangerous in a nuclear age. This is because it fosters group pride but may lead to conflict when taken to extremes.
What is a key trait of a popular individual across cultures?
Good social skills. This is because effective interpersonal skills facilitate positive interactions and relationships.
What does social exchange theory propose about relationships?
Relationships endure when rewards exceed costs. This is because people seek relationships that provide a sense of profit or benefit.
What does balance theory postulate?
A tendency to achieve cognitive consistency. This is because people strive to reduce mental discomfort caused by conflicting thoughts or beliefs.
What do people often assume about attractive individuals?
That they have other positive traits. This is because of a bias known as the “halo effect,” where physical attractiveness leads to assumptions of other desirable qualities.
What predicts retirement adjustment for older adults?
Financial security and health. This is because stable finances and good health are key factors in maintaining well-being during retirement.
How should a multicultural counselor approach diagnosis?
Within a cultural context. This is because behavior is influenced by cultural norms, and what is considered normal in one culture may differ in another.