- or Consumptive Coagulopathy
- An acquired disorder of blood clotting in which the fibrinogen level
falls to below effective limits.
disseminated intravascular coagulation
- A serious disorder in which the proteins that control blood clotting
become abnormally active. - Early symptoms include easy bruising or bleeding from an
intravenous site.
- DIC is a common contributor to maternal morbidity and mortality and is associated with up to ___% of maternal deaths
most common cause for DIC
abruptio placenta
s/sx of DIC
- spontaneous bleeding
- oozing excessive bleeding
- petechiae
- bruising
- hematuria
- GI bleeding
- tachycardia
- diaphoresis
increased or decreased?
- platelets
- fibrinogen
- factor VI (proaccelerin)
- factor VIII (antihemolytic factor)
true or false - prothrombin time and partial PT is unaffected
false - it is prolonged
*When the insult was a
complication of pregnancy such
as premature separation of the
placenta = ???
ending the pregnancy thru delivery of the fetus and placenta
what is given when diagnosed with DIC?
- vit K
- recombinant activated factor VII
- fibrinigen conc.
- prothrombin complex conc.
- tranexamic acid
- hemostatic agents
*___ may be administered through a tight-fitting
rebreathing mask at 8 to 10 L/min, or per hospital
protocol or physician order.
___ must be given cautiously close to birth or
postpartum hemorrhage could occur from poor
clotting after delivery of the placenta