An endocrine
disorder in which the
pancreas cannot
produce adequate
insulin to regulate
body glucose levels.
diabetes mellitus
DM incidence
3-5% - most frequent
increasing in incidence as more and more obese
____ develop type 2 diabetes
4 cardinal signs of DM
polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss
classifications of DM
- type 1 or IDDM
- type 2 or NIDDM
- gestational
- impaired glucose homeostasis
Characterized by the destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas that usually leads to
absolute insulin deficiency
- auto immune destruction of the beta cells
type 1 DM
Usually arises because of insulin resistance combined with a relative deficiency in the production of insulin
type 2 DM
A condition of abnormally glucose metabolism that arises during pregnancy Possible signal of an increased risk of type 2 diabetes later in life
gestational diabetes
A case between “normal” and “diabetes” in what the body is no longer using and/or
secreting insulin properly
impaired glucose homeostasis
a state when fasting plasma glucose is at least 110 but under 126mg/dl
impaired fasting glucose
a state when insulin of the oral glucose tolerance test
are at least 140 but under 200mg/dl in 1-hour sample
impaired glucose tolerance
what trimester?
- increased insulin release
- hypoglycemia
first trimester
what trimester?
- placental hormones rise
- insulin resistance happens
- insulin requirements double or quadruple
second and third trimester
at birth: Decrease in insulin requirements after passage of ____
Non breastfeeding mothers- insulin- CHO balance returns
in approximately ___ days
Breastfeeding mothers- insulin requirements remain ___
glucose challenge test is done when?
24-28 weeks
- The woman should ingest 50g of oral glucose solution.
*One hour later a blood sample is taken.
glucose challenge test (GCT)
GCT: If the result is ___ mg/dl or greater, a 3-hour oral glucose
tolerance test is recommended.
- The woman must fast from midnight on the day of the test.
- The woman should ingest 100g of oral glucose solution.
- Plasma glucose levels are then determined at 1, 2, and 3 hours.
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
OGTT: abnormal levels of glucose
1 hr
2 hrs
3 hrs
fasting - > 95 mg/dl
1 hr - > 180 mg/dl
2 hrs - > 155 mg/dl
3 hrs - > 140 mg/dl
The measurement of ___ is used to
detect the degree of hyperglycemia present.
glycosylated hemoglobin
a blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months
maternal HYPO / HYPER glycemia?
pallor, cold, clammy skin
disorientation; irritability
blurred vision
maternal HYPO / HYPER glycemia?
hot skin
dry mouth, polydipsia
rapid, deep respirations
acetone breath
drowsiness, headache
depressed reflexes