- group of conditions
in which tumors
grow inside a
woman’s uterus - pathologic
proliferation of
trophoblastic cells
gestational trophoblastic disease
risk factors of ges. trophoblastic disease
- < 20 and > 35 yo
- low in CHON and vit A
- contraceptive pills
- Hx of molar pregnancy
- Abnormal proliferation and then
degeneration of trophoblastic villi - cells degenerate,
filled w/ fluid and
appear as clear fluidfilled, grape-sized
hydatidiform mole
- 46 chromosomes
- maternal chromosomes are lost
- paternal chromosomes double up
monospermic complete mole
- 46 chromosomes
- maternal chromosomes are lost
- fertilization by 2 sperms
dispermic complete mole
- 69 chromosomes
- 2 spermsfertilize an egg
partial mole
s/sx of hydatidiform mole
- vaginal bleeding
- uterine enlargement
- hydropic vesicles
- high hcg
- anemia
true or false - a partial mole is composed only
of a enlarged villi but
contains no fetal
tissue or membranes.
false - partial mole includes
some fetal tissue and membranes
true or false - a complete mole that includes
some fetal tissue and membranes
false - complete mole is composed only
of a enlarged villi but
contains no fetal
tissue or membranes
Before evacuation, ___, ___, and ___ may be performed
chest xray, ct scan, mri
The mole is usually removed by ___ followed by curettage
vacuum aspiration
After tissue removal, IV ___ is given, to contract the uterus
Weekly ___ levels for 3 consecutive weeks.
Titers are then monitored monthly for 6
months, followed by every 2 months for 6
months more
Continued high or rising hcG titers = ??
D&C is performed and tissue is examined
– If malignant cells are found = ??
chemotherapy - methotrexate