Digestive Intensive - Week 3 Flashcards
The wandering nerve
Vagus Nerve
Six Key Functions of the Vagus Nerve
- Slows the heartbeat
- Constricts bronchi in the lungs
- Stimulates peristalsis
- Provokes enzyme secretion
- Activates the neuro-chemical acetylcholine
- Stimulates the release of bile to help break down our fats
4 Major Physiological Aspects of the Digestive System
- Cephalic Phase
- Esophageal Phase
- Gastric Phase
- Intestinal Phase
The part of digestion before food enters the pictures is the ___ phase of digestion. It’s the one that starts in the brain and is key for gut healing.
___ carries those enzymes that are going to help break down food when it arrives
The saliva also activates the secretion of ___ in the stomach & ___. Together they help your food to digest or breakdown.
HCL & Pancreatic Secretions
Stimulates gastric and intestinal motility
The spontaneous movement and contractions of the the organ to stimulate the movement of the food through the digestive system
Intestinal Motility
Step #1 of Cephalic Phase
The sight & smell of food stimulates a nerve impulse that goes to the hypothalamus
Step #2 of Cephalic Phase
The hypothalamus signals the medulla in the brain stem and it responds by sending out nerve impulses, which travel down the vagus nerve to stimulate more saliva production, increased gastric and pancreatic secretions
Step #3 of Cephalic Phase
After initial stimulation, you put fork to mouth
Step #4 of Cephalic Phase
The physiological function of the mouth in digestion is to chew & liquefy food (saliva helps make this possible)
Step #5 of Cephalic Phase
The mouth has a huge role in the mechanical breakdown of food through the process of chewing
Step #6 of Cephalic Phase
Food is dissected into smaller bits from your teeth, but your saliva produces a host of enzymes that further disassemble the food’s molecules
Step #7 of Cephalic Phase
Your saliva contains softening agents & lubricants to allow the food to be molded into that bolus for swallowing
Step #8 of Cephalic Phase
When you chew food, chemical reactions take place and your food breaks down. This signals additional hormones, enzymes, and gastric juices to further instigate the process of digestion.
3 main functions of chewing
- reduce the particle size of the food
- expel air & mix the food thoroughly with saliva to form a bolus
- increase surface area of the food to allow more digestive enzymes to have at it
2 reasons to incorporate mindful chewing
- Chewing creates an automatic delay factor into a meal. Your body doesn’t know it’s full until after a lag of about 20-30 min.
- It helps the body to release more enzymes and HCL.
___ has its own pH buffering system in place to keep its acid/alkaline balance
Salivary pH should be __, but can fluctuate between __ & __
around 7.4
6.8 to 7.4
Enzymes secreted by the saliva
- Bicarbonate
- Anhydrase
___ production can be disrupted by a zinc deficiency