refers to diagnostic techniques
that are used to examine cells from various body sites to determine the cause or nature of disease
when does the first era of cytopathology started
19th century
the second era in cytopathology is about the _____ and ____
development and expansion
father of cytopathology papanicolaou
the third era in cytopathology is about
important ferson in the 3rd era of cytopathology
Dr. Leopold Koss - diagnostic cytology
what is being contributed or invented in the 4th era of cytopathology
the bethesda system for reporting cervical/vaginal cytology diagnosis
microscopic examination of cells from different body sites for diagnostic purposes
diagnostic cytology
refers to the microscopic study of cells that have been desquamated from epithelial surfaces
exfoliative cytology
Exfoliative cytology recommended ___
detection of malignant cells
detection of precancerous cervical lesions in women
assessment of female hormonal status
for detection of genetic sex
for detection of infectious agents
2 categories/type of specimen for cytopathology
gynecologic specimen
non gynecologic specimen
gynecologic specimen
cervicovaginal smear (pap smear)
cervicovaginal smear (pap smear) is can be obtained from what sites/smears
non gynecologic specimens
prostatic and breast secretions
gastric or bronchial secretions
pleural and peritoneal fluids
smears of urine sediments
csf specimen
methods of smear preparatiosn
pull apart
touch/impression/imprint/abraded smear
characteristics of an ideal smear
should be evenly spread
uniformly thin and flat
why should the smear is uniformly thin and flat
to enable rapid drying and fixation
to permit optimal penetration of stain
what are the specimens that require adhesives agent
urinary sediment
bronchial lavage specimen
specimen that utilizes proteolytic enzymes
adhesive agents used for cytologic method
pooled human serum or plasma
celloidin ether alcohol
leuconostoc culture
fixative we use for all types of effusion if there is some delayed in smearing
50% alcohol
saccomano preservative is made up of
50% alcohol and 2% carbowax
common fixatives we use
ether alcohol
95% ethanol
best fixative we can use for cytopathology
ether alcohol
fixative for routine preparation
95% ethanol
this fixative selectively lyses rbc
carnoy’s fluid
this fixative provides a protective waxy coating for postal despatch
polyethylene glycol in alcohol
cell concentration technique uses what preparation
cytospin and sedimentation preparations
the cells are isolated via a series of centrifugation steps to concentrate the cells into a small suspension
cytospin and sedimentation preparations
is a paraffin embedded specimen derived from different fluids and aspirated materials
cell block
used for establishing a more definitive cytopathologic diagnosis
cell block technique
example of a more definitive cytopathologic diagnosis
serves as a bridge between cytology and histology
uses of cell block
architectural evaluation
categorization of tumors that are not possible for smear
special stains and IHC
immunophenotyping, molecular studies
as archival material for future studies
stain for air dried slides
romanowsky type stains
romanowsky type stains example
wright’s giemsa stain
may grunwald
giemsa stain
stain for immediate fixated slides
papanicolaou stains
it is a polychrome staining reaction that results in well stained nuclear chromatin, differential cytoplasmic counterstaining and cytoplasmic transparency
papanicolaou staining method
cytoplasmic stains example
OG 6 (monochrome stains)
EA 36 (polychrome stain )
formalin-fixed cytology preparations must be stained with wither
H&E or papanicolaou stain
a cytoplasmic stain for mature (superficial cells)
OG 6
stain for immature vaginal cells (parabasal, intermediate cells)
EA 36 or 50
stains for cytochemistry that is for glycogen
PAS - periodic acid schiff
stains for cytochemistry that is for hemosiderin
perl’s stain
stains for cytochemistry that is for mucins
alcian blue
stains for cytochemistry that is for fungal organism
grocott methenamine silver
stains for cytochemistry that is for acid fast bacilli
Ziehl-Nielsen stain
these specimen are obtained to exclude the possibility of malignancy or infectious agents
respiratory tract specimen
type of specimen for respiratory tract specimen
sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial washing, bronchial brushing
cytologic collection and preparation of respiratory tract specimen
collect sputum at least 3 consecutive morning
collect every morning in a wide mounted jar containing saccamomano fluid
the collection is usually done to exclude the possibility of malignant tumors
gastrointestinal specimen