Cultural Variations Flashcards
What was the aims and the procedure of the study
The aims of the study is , to find portions of secure , insecure avoidant and insecure resistant attachments across the world
The procedure was results from 32 studies on attachment that used the strange situations
These studies were conducted in 8 countries with a total sample size of 1990 infants
Data was meta analysed
What were some findings
Isreal - used to being separated from parent so had the highest insecure resistant
Germany- independent infants so had highest insecure avoidant
Uk - good parenting style so had the most secure relationships
What was the study of simonella and takahashi
Study conducted in Italy of the strange situation and found a lower rate of secure relationships. The researcher suggested that it was because increasing number of mothers had professional childcare as they worked long hours
Takahashi study - Japanese infants were observed with mothers
It was found that they had mostly insecure resistant relationships and this may be because of mothers used to raising independent children
What are the evaluations of cultural variations
Large sample: P-A strength of Van ljzendoorn’ meta-analysis, is the large sample that was generated. E-Nearly 2000 mothers and babies were used in this study. E-This sample size is a strength as it reduces the impact of poor methodology. L-Therefore, being able to generalise the findings to a larger population.
Counter argument: On the other hand, a criticism of Van ljzendoorn’s study is the limited number of studies in some countries. For example, only one study was conducted in China, whereas 18 studies were conducted in the USA. L-This is a problem because we are unable to generalise from such a limited sample to the entire country.
Indigenous researchers: -One strength of the Van ljzendoorn’ meta-analysis is that most of the studies were conducted by psychologists from the same cultural background as the participants. E-Such psychologists are known as indigenous researchers. For example, a Japanese psychologist (Takahashi) studied attachment in Japan. E-This type of research means that many of the potential problems in cross cultural research can be avoided, such as researchers’ misunderstandings of the language. L-This means that there is an excellent chance that researchers and participants communicated successfully - enhancing the validity of the data collected.
Imposed etic: P-Despite the advantage above, Van lizendoorn’ meta-analvsis has been criticised because it imposes a test designed for one culture to another cultures. The Strange Situation was designed by Ainsworth (an American researcher) and is based on a British theory (Bowlby).
Nevertheless, the test has been used worldwide to judge infants in other cultures. This is an example of imposed etic (when we create a theory, or test in one culture, usually Western, and impose it on the rest of the world!).
E-For example, in the strange situation a lack of separation anxiety indicates an insecure avoidant attachment. However, in Germany, independent behaviour is encouraged and therefore a lack of separation anxieiy is not a sign of insecurity. E-Additionally, the gredier trequency ot insecure resistant in Japan may result from the tact that Japanese intants are rarely separated from their mothers, so would find the situation more distressing than children from other cultures. L-This is a problem as it suggests that cross cultural comparisons using the
‘strange situation’, may lack validity.