cranial cavity Flashcards
cranial venous sinus is in which layer
dura matter (thickest of the layer)
falx cerebri
large sickle shaped fold of dura matter between the cerebrum hemisphere
venous sinus in relation to falx cerebri
inferior and superior sagittal sinus
straight sinus
tentorium cerebelli
tent shaped fold of dura matter separating the cerebellum from the occipital lobe of cerebrum and makes the roof of posterior cranial fossa
also makes the supratentorial and infratentorial compartments
what contains the trigeminal ganglion
the trigeminal or meckels cave is a recess of dura matter present in relation with the attachment of tentorium. it is made by the evagination inferior layer of tentorium over the trigeminal impression of the petrous temporal bone
falx cerebelli
sickle shaped fold of dura matter porjecting forward into posterior cerebellar notch
diaphrgma sellae
circular horizontal fold of dura matter forming the rood of hypophyseal fossa
anteriorly it has tuberculum sellae
posteriorly it has dorsum sellae
and has an aperture for the stalk of hypophyseal cerebri to pass
vault blood supply
middle meningeal artery
anterior cranial fossa and dural lining blood supply
meningeal branches of anterior ethmoidal, posterior ethmoidal and ophthalmic artery
middle cranial fossa blood supply
middle meningeal, accessory meningeal, internal carotid, meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
posterior cranial fossa blood supply
meningeal branches of vertebral, occipital and ascending pharyngeal arteries (voa)
nerve supply of vault
ophthalmic devision of trigeminal nerve
nerve supply of anterior cranial fossa
anterior ethmoidal and partly by maxillary nerve
nerve supply of middle cranial fossa
ant part by maxillary nerve and post part by mandibular nerve of trigeminal ganglion
nerve supply of posterior cranial fossa
recurrent branches of 1-2-3 cranial nerves and meningeal bracnhes of 9 and 10 cranial nerves