Control of lung function Flashcards
Where is breathing controlled in the brain?
Medulla oblongata.
In the medulla oblongata what is the dorsal respiratory group responsible for?
In the medulla oblongata what is the ventral respiratory group responsible for?
What accronym can be used for respiratory groups?
DIVE. Dorsal inspire, ventral expire.
What controls the rate of the breathing?
Pneumotaxic centre.
What controls depth of breathing?
Pneumotaxic centre.
What does the apneustic centre do?
Stimulates dorsal respiratory group activity.
What switches off inspiratory activity?
Pneumotaxic centre.
What stimulates inspiration?
Apneustic centre.
What inhibits the apneustic centre?
Ventral respiratory group.
What sets the rate of breathing?
Dorsal respiratory group.
What nerve innervates the diaphragm?
Phrenic nerve.
What allows carbon dioxide to travel through blood brain barrier?
High lipid solubility. Small and uncharged.
How do nerves in the medulla detect changes in pH?
Carbon dioxide diffuses through capillary in brain into CSF. Reacts with water to produce H+ ions. H+ ions activate medulla neurones.
Where are irritant receptors in the lungs? What are they involved in?
Within upper airway epithelium. Coughing.