Concepts Of Physical Activity Flashcards
What do they do?
Water fights, hop scotch and playing at the park etc
Who is play for?
Why do they play?
Social, liberating, healthy, creative and expressive
What is a definition of play?
An activity that is fun and for enjoyment, participation mostly for the intrinsic value (no external reward) .
What are the 4 different types of physical activity?
Physical/outdoor recreation
Physical/outdoor education
What are the characteristics of active leisure?
Self development Friendship Be creative Stress relief Free time Health and fitness
What are the similarities of play and recreation?
Both voluntary Both informal learning Both developing skill Both developing health & fitness Both can be creative Both social
What are the differences between play and recreation?
Adult-recreation Children-play
Recreation free time from work, children don’t work
Adults escape reality
What are the similarities of sport and active leisure ?
Both energetic
Both in free time
What are the differences between sport and active leisure ?
Active leisure-less so
Active leisure-less so
Active leisure- less so
Active leisure- self regulated
What is physical education ?
Is the learning of physical, personal and preparatory and quality values through formal physical activity in school.
What takes place in physical education ?
Variety of practical activities and theoretical element.
How and why does physical education take place ?
Specialist staff
National curriculum
What are the benefits of physical education?
Competence-body and mind skilfulness
Performance-applying competence
Creativity-problem solving, techniques & tactics
Healthy active lifestyle-Pe for health
Enjoyment, confidence building
Skill development, lifelong participation
Preparatory-prep for leisure
What is physical recreation ?
Are physical activities pursed for a number of reasons and benefits are a relatively sophisticated level.
Helps people relax, refresh their mind and body, recoperate and recover from stressful life.
Who takes part in physical recreation?
Everyone who chooses
When and where does physical recreation take place ?
Decided by participants in free time.
How does physical recreation happen?
Unsophisticated level
Limited competition
Limited funding
Why do people take part in physical recreation?
Physical,mental and personal benefits Learn physical skills Health & well-being Stress relief Relation Meet people
What is sport?
It’s a organised, competitive and skilful physical activity requiring commitment and FairPlay.
Who takes part in sport?
Amateurs &professionals
Involves coaching, training and commitment.
Why do people take part in sport?
Competitive- objective is to win
Can involve rewards
What is the demand level for sport?
Tactical/strategic element
Performance of physical skills
What is the organisation level like for sport?
Institutionalised, organised
(NGBS, clubs,officials,structure)
Well defined (official) rules, regulations, time etc
What are the benefits of sport?
Developing skills &talent (fulfilling potential) Challenge oneself(discover strengths & weaknesses) Achieve success/ rewards Working with others/teamwork Show determination/courage & commitment Sense of FairPlay/ sportsmanship
What is outdoor education ?
Is leaning in and about outdoors and is part of structured school physical education.
Who takes part in outdoor education?
Young people
Qualified leaders,staff and specialists
When does outdoor education occur?
Special trips
Part of school or college programme
Where does outdoor education take place?
Natural environment (coastline,lakes,rives and caves) Semi-natural e.g fake climbing walls and ski slopes
Why do people take part in outdoor education?
Physical health and skill learning
Personal &social development
Preparation for active leisure
Enhancement of quality of life
What are 5 reasons why there is limited participation in outdoor education ?
- Funding (transport is expensive & often have to rely on voluntary contributions)
- Time (teachers have a lack of time to train organise… lots of pressure)
- Specialists needed (teachers need expensive time consuming training & staff)
- Safety concerns (staff reluctant to take on responsibility)
- Distance (suitable facilities maybe too far away)
What is outdoor recreation?
Physical activities which take place in the natural environment, Persued for a variety of reasons
What are the characteristics of outdoor recreation ?
An activity Self fulfilment Personal experience Freely chosen Mostly intrinsic Persued in leisure time Therapeutic & beneficial to health More organised then play,but still spontaneous
What are types of different benefits you can improve?
Social Personal Cognitive Life Appreciation Health and fitness Cross-curricular opportunities
The is the structure of the national curriculum in primary schools?
Key stage 1 (5-7 year old)
Gymnastics, games & dance
Develop simple skills & eventually sequence of movement
Independently then partners
Taught about what occurs to bodies during exercise (short-term)
That is the structure of the national curriculum at key stage 2?
Gymnastics,games,dance, plus 2x for athletics, outdoor adventures activities swimming and water safety Improve motor skills & coordination Develop more complex movement patterns Sustain energetic activity Understand affects of exercise