Common causes of anaemia and thrombocytopenia Flashcards
Causes of anaemia
- Blood loss
- Haematinic deficiencies
- Secondary to chronic disease
- Haemolysis
- Alcohol, drugs, toxins, renal impairment
Classification of anaemia
- Macrocytic – High Mean cell volume, Big RBC - B12 / folate deficiency
- Normocytic – Normal MCV
Anaemia of chronic disease - Microcytic – Low MCV, small RBC
Iron deficiency, haemoglobin disorders (thalassaemia)
Iron deficiency anaemia – microcytic anaemia
- Most common cause of anaemia
- Body can’t excrete iron so regulates it by limited absorption
Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia
- Cause is more important than treatment
- Establish low iron through FBC, MCV and film
- Establish cause - based on type of patient
- Iron therapy - IV the only route commonly used
Megaloblastic anaemia
- RBC bigger, MCV high, lobed nuclei
- B12/folate deficiency most common cause - DNA starved of bases
- Treatment - B12 and folate until B12 deficiency excluded - cannot give folate without B12 unless proven folate deficient
- Folic acid 5mg orally daily to build stores; need potassium and iron initially
Diagnosis of B12 and folate deficiency
- Bilirubin and LDH - haemolysis
- B12 and folate levels
- Antibodies - B12 deficiency often autoimmune
- shortened red cell life
- Caused by intracellular Haemoglobinopathy and enzyme defects
- Caused by membranous hereditary spherocytosis
Investigations for haemolysis
- Anaemia
- Blood film - spherocytes show up
- Raised bilirubin, LDH - markers of RBC breakdown
- Low haptoglobins
- Urinary haemosiderin
Anaemia of Chronic Disease/Inflammation
- A normocytic anaemia
- Suppression of normal BM function and release of iron
- Typically normocytic = normal ,MCV
- Reduced RC production , release of inflammatory cytokines in particular hepcidin - inhibits release of iron
Diagnosis of Anaemia of Chronic Disease/Inflammation
- often raised inflammatory markers
- Normal/high ferritin but low serum iron
- Normal % saturation of transferrin
What is thrombocytopenia
Decrease in the number of platelets - asymptomatic until severe
Common causes of thrombocytopenia
- Drugs, alcohol, toxins
- ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura)
- Liver disease and/or hypersplenism
- Pregnancy
- Haematological/marrow disease
- Infections – acute or chronic
Acute sepsis/ HIV/ EBV/ etc - DIC
Presentation of thrombocytopenia
- Bruising/petechiae
- Low platelet count - Below 30 requires treatment
Therapy of thrombocytopenia
- Steroids IV
- New thrombomimetics - eltrombopag
ITP (immune thrombocytopenia purpura)
- Antibody mediated platelet destruction
- Presents with bruising, platelet count <10 is urgent
- Treated again with steroids as first line - followed by Immunosppresives or thrombo-mimetics
TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura)
- Abnormality in proteins such as vWF that cause lots of little thrombosis in the vasculature = damage to RBC membrane
- Usually present unwell with fever
- Therapy = plasma exchange - DO NOT GIVE PLATELETS