cohort study Flashcards
cohort study
group of people followed overtime to measure the incidence oif disease
compare incidence rates of exposed and unexposed
follow up people with a particular condition/look at netural history/survival rates
identify causal factors
explore association between factors to identify causal pathways
identify biomarkers
evaluate outcomes in people with different diseases
selection of cohort
random selection defined by life event occupational group specific exposure defined by one disease to measure the incidence of other or of complications
2 types of cohort
prospective - identify people and follow them up
retrospective - disease already occurred but the group is defined by exposure
both longitudinal
measurement of exposure
baseline tests
need to collect repeated measurements of exposures to categorize patients
meaurements of outcome
record linkage - details tagged
link medical records
regular re-interview or examination
analysis and interpretation
calculate incidence in exposed and unexposed groups
incidence(cumulative incidence)
number of new cases of a disease in a group or population over time
incidence rate (cumulative incidence rate)
number new cases of disease in a defined period divided by the size of the population
proportion rather than a true rate
relative risk =
incidence in exposed/incidence in unexposed
attributable risk
absolute measure with the same units as incidence rate eg per person per year
indicates number people among the exposed group that could theoretically be prevented if the exposure was eliminated - assuming risk is causal
incidence =
number new cases/number disease free people at the start of the time period
attributable rate =
incidence rate in the exposed - incidence rate in unexposed
dynamic cohort
variation if follow up time is accounted for
people recruited at different times and followed to point when leave the cohort eg: acquire disease, lost to follow up, study ends
each person contributed a certain amount to the cohort - summed to make a total time - ‘person years at risk’ this is used as a denominator for incidence which is tehn a true rate rather than a proportion and the association is described as the rate ratio
things to watch out for in a cohort study
usually gold standard but there are things to look out for:
selection bias - reduce generalisability
exposure measurement accurate, unbiased, detailed and comparable quality in both groups
misclassification of the outcome could lead to bias
how long was the follow up
magnitude of association between exposure and disease - could association be due to chance
dose response gradient?