Class 3 Flashcards
For the average person, the _____ tends to be overactive.
a. serratus anterior
b. gluteus maximus
c. transverse abdominis (TrA)
d. hamstrings
For the average person, the _____ tends to be overactive.
a. pelvic floor muscles
b. pectoralis major
c. external oblique
d. multifidus
For the average person, the _____ tends to be overactive.
a. internal oblique
b. gluteus medius
c. deep neck flexors
d. teres minor
For the average person, the _____ tends to be underactive.
a. lower trapezius
b. erector spinae
c. sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
d. gastrocnemius
For the average person, the _____ tends to be underactive.
a. soleus
b. transverse abdominis (TrA)
c. scalenes
d. pectoralis minor
For the average person, the _____ tends to be underactive.
a. levator scapulae
b. adductor complex
c. anterior tibialis
d. rectus femoris
Which statements are true?
a. correcting an underactive muscle depends on being pain-free and injury-free, using optimal postural and movement habits, working all sides of the body with equal stimulation, following a balanced exercise program, and embracing a sound movement practice
b. when starting a traditional exercise program, people tend to train the local control muscles the most
Which statements are true?
a. an overactive muscle tends to activate quickly; tends to contract more than it should; tends to be tense and tight; and tends to be overdeveloped
b. muscles have a common goal, but different roles
both are true
Which statements are true?
a. traditional exercise programs tend to reinforce a client’s current movement compensations and generally do not help to improve movement compensations
b. movement coaches, as often as possible, should watch and monitor their clients’ exercise technique, and provide meaningful feedback for improvement, using video, pictures, verbal cues, analogies, examples, etc.
both are true
Which statements are true?
a. the ACSM recommendation to “exercise all of the major muscle groups” couldn’t be said better
b. the fact that standing or sitting with good posture is fatiguing or painful, is a sign one’s body is out of whack, reflecting poor muscle balance and control
Which statements are true?
a. pain-free movement can accelerate the healing process following a musculoskeletal injury
b. movement coaches should focus mostly on relaxing overactive muscles
Local control muscles tend to _____.
a. be overactive
b. contract isometrically, eccentrically, and concentrically
c. be harder to palpate
d. can stabilize a joint but not in all ranges, directions, and across all activities
Global control muscles tend to _____.
a. produce large forces (are force-efficient)
b. have a lower activation threshold
c. focus on stability to create essential stabilization stiffness
d. cover a large surface area
Which of these global control muscles looks to provide the most stability based on its shape?
a. hamstrings
b. rectus femoris
c. latissimus dorsi
d. erector spinae

What if your unfit client doesn’t want to start with postural alignment, movement correction, and core training, and would rather run and lift weights?
a. go with what the client wants to do, temporarily
b. show them their muscle imbalances and educate them about the value of a sound exercise program and movement practice, so you can guide them in the right direction
c. remember behavior change is a process
d. all the above
Which image illustrates the local control (1) versus global control (2) muscles of the spine?
a. left image = 1; right image = 2
b. left image = 2; right image = 1
c. both apply
d. neither apply
