Circulatory System Flashcards
Location of the heart -
Between the lungs in the lower portion of the mediastinum just behind the sternum
The lower end of the heart forms a blunt point called the ….
And this lies on the …..
The size of hearts ….. with the size of the individual
The bigger the person, the bigger the ….
The heart is roughly the size of your ….
Blood flow through the heart -
- Deoxygenated blood enters the ry atrium from the superior and inferior vena cava.
- When the right atrium is full, it contracts.
- Blood passes through tricuspid valve to rt ventricle.
- Then rt ventricle pumps the blood into the pulmonary artery.
- Blood goes to lungs (where it becomes oxygenated).
- Blood returns from lungs through pulmonary veins, to Lt atrium.
- When Lt atrium is full, it contracts blood through the bicuspid valve, into the left ventricle
- Oxygen rich blood is pumped out of Lt ventricle though aorta to major arteries
Contraction of the heart is called
Relaxation of the heart is called
Both atria contract ….
When atria both contact together, the blood is forced into the …
To control the direction of blood flow, there are …… located at the entrances and exits of the ventricles
4 sets of one-way valves
The heart makes predictable ..
The first lub sound is caused by the closing of the AV valves between the atria and the ventricles as the ventricles contract - what valves are these
Tricuspid and bicuspid
The sup sound is a short sound caused by the closing of the SL valves - what valves are these
Pulmonary semilunar & aortic semilunar
Occasionally blood can make odd sounds called … because of faulty valves
Valves that are narrow slowing blood flow from chamber -
Stenonosed valves
flaps of mitral valve extend back into the Lt atrium. When Lt ventricle contracts, some blood backflows into atrium
Mitral valves prolapse
Mitral valve is also known as..
Bicuspid valve
Two circulation patterns -
Systemic and pulmonary circulation
This circulation describes the blood flow from the Lt ventricle of the heart, through all parts of the body, and back to the Rt atrium.
This circulation describes the flow of blood from the Rt ventricle, to the lungs, and back to the Lt atrium
Systemic is indicated by what letter
Pulmonary is indicated by what letter
Its a vessel that carries blood away from the heart -
The wall of an artery is ….. and muscular
The function of an artery is …
Transport blood to capillaries
They are microscopic vessels that carry blood from small arteries to small veins
Capillaries have very ….. walls
Since capillaries are thin walls, this allows the exchange of …..
Gases, O2, CO2, fluids
….. array blood to the heart
Veins have thin walls and …….. that prevent back flow of blood
One way valves
3 blood vessels -
The heart muscles are alive and must have a constant supply of ….. and ….
Nutrients and oxygen
Coronary arteries ….
- Supply blood to …. of heart muscle
- ….. branches off the aorta
- both ventricles receive their blood supply from branches of …… and …… coronary arteries
- most abundant supply goes to the …. ventricle
Rt & Lt
Blood for the heart muscle flows from coronary arteries, to capillaries, to coronary veins, and empties into the Rt atrium -
Coronary veins
Its where the Lt ventricle can’t keep up due to muscle weakness or high blood pressure. Blood will back up into the lungs. Eventually fluid seeps into tissues resulting in pulmonary edema. -
Heart failure
Enlarged veins where blood tends to pool rather than continue to the heart -
Varicose veins
Section of artery has become abnormally bc of weakening of arterial wall -
Also called stroke. Lack of O2 to the brain cause by ruptured aneurysm or embolism -
Cerebral vascular accident
Lack of O2 to heart cells -
Severe chest pains due to lack of O2. Nitroglycerin dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow and O2 -
Angina pectoris
The clinical name for a heart attack. This is actually the death of cardiac cells. Frequently caused by a blood clot (coronary thrombosis) permanent damage.
Myocardial infarction
“Hardening” of arteries due to lipid build up -
Mechanical opening of atherosclerotic artery. Balloon pushes plaque back to restore blood flow -
A mesh balloon that looks like a spring
An abnormal heart sound due to faulty valves -
The conduction system of the heart is composed of …
Sinotrial node
Atrivoentricular node
AV bundle
Purkkinje system
Its located in the Rt atrium near the junction w/ superior vena cava
- cells in this place initiate impulse at regular intervals
- impulse travels from this place through both atria
- atria begin to contract
- this node fires 70-80 times a min
SA Node
Located at the base of the Rt atrium
-this node delays the conduction so both atria contract while ventricles are relaxed
AV node
This is a group of connecting fibers in the septum between the ventricles
the bundle forms two branches, left and right, that carry impulses down the apex which is the tip of the heart
AV bundle
At the apex, these fibers carry the action potential up and around the ventricle walls so the ventricles contract together -
Purkinje fibers
Is a graphic record of the hearts electrical activity
NOT a record of the hearts contraction but electrical events that precede them
ECG or EKG (electrocardiogram)
An impulse from SA node thru atria
-precedes atrial contractions
Its the repolarization of the atria & depolarization of the ventricles.
-impulse is traveling thurs AV bundle and Purkinje fibers
Its the repolarization of the ventricles
-represents the resting period of the ventricles
Very rapid heart rhythm (>100 boom)
Normal - stress
Abnormal - blood loss, shock, drugs, toxins, fever
Slow heart rhythm (<50 bpm )
Normal - slight is normal during sleep and athletes
Abnormal - damaged SA node
Where cardiac muscle fibers contract out of step with each other.
-affected heart chambers do NOT effectively bump blood
Its the application of electrical shock to force cardiac muscle fibers to contract in unison -
It is the force of blood against your artery walls as it circulates through your body -
Blood pressure
Normal blood pressure -
….. pressure - force of blood when the ventricles are relaxed
-indicates resistance of blood vessels -
Diastolic pressure
….. pressure - force w which blood is pushing against artery walls when ventricles are contracting
Systolic pressure
High blood pressure -
High blood pressure (example)-
Blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day, but if it stays high, it can cause ….
Health problems
Having high blood pressures raises your risks for ….
Heart disease
High blood pressure is called the “silent killer” because many people don’t realize they have it because ……
It has no warning signs/symptoms
It means no single known cause -
Primary hypertension
“Because of..”
caused by kidney disease, hormone probs, oral contraceptives, pregnancy
Secondary hypertension
10 risk factors for hypertension -
Genetics Gender Race Age High stress Obesity High levels of alcohol High levels of caffeine Smoking Lack of exercise
2 membranes w fluid in between
-surrounds the heart
Function of the pericardium-
- Stabilizes & limits movement of the heart
- Protects heart (from trauma / infection)
- Fluid lubricates & decreases friction during systole & diastole