chromotohaprahy Flashcards
is thin layer chromtoprahy?
mobile phase: metal, glass plate, silica aliminia,
= line drawn in pencil
= placed in solvent,above the solvent
= leave until solvent has moved near to the top, mark the solvent front quikly, prvents eavporation
How do we see colourless compounds?
= iodine or floruscent dyes
= UV light
How do we use floruscent dyes and uv radiation?
= add flourscent dye, to lamp seen by uv light
= colourless spots on chromatgram, will block any glow
= draw round thes espots
Hw do we use iodine?
= place in sealed jar with few iodine crystaks
= iodine vapour stixks to chemials on plate tunin purple
= vapour is locating agent
How does column chtomrkoraphy work?
= seperating and purfying, larger quantities in a mixture
= bureete, collumn, packed with silica or alumina, staionay phase
= mixture and solvent is run through collmu, continousy
= different compounds, run throufh collum n at different rates, come out bottom at different times
how does gas chromotoraphy work?
= seperate a mixture of liquid that are volatile and can be identified
= uses a collumn but this is thin and wounded inside of a oven to save space
= lined with solid or viscous liquid, oil, stationay phas
= sample is injected itno machine and carried by an inert gas- mobile phase
= sustances take a different amount of time to travel theough collumn and to the detector- retention time
How do we calculate r values?
= distance trabelled by the spot/ distabce travelled by the solvent
In gas chromotorhaphy what does the timeit takes for it to move through the sample depend on?
= some molecules may stay more stuck on the stationary phase
= some may spendmore travelling through the mboile phase