Chp 11.2: Emotions I Flashcards
Emotion (3)
Positive or negative feelings (affective states) consisting of cognitive, physiological, and behavioural responses to situations and events that have relevance to important goals or motives
Emotions are important because they have _____ _____
adaptive value
Common features of emotions: (4)
- response to internal or external stimuli
- comes from our interpretation or cognitive appraisal of the situation
- our bodies respond physiologically to our appraisal
- include behavioural tendencies that can be expressive or instrumental
cognitive appraisal
- How people interpret the eliciting stimuli will determine the emotion they experience
- Involves both unconscious and conscious processes
- Emotions have an evaluative component
Affective forecasting: (3)
- predicting emotional reactions to future events
- Accurate at predicting valence of emotion
- Less accurate at predicting intensity & duration of emotion
Psychological responses (emotions)
- Emotional responses are highly related to physiological processes, complex
- Emotions involve visceral arousal
- Physiological arousal associated with autonomic nervous system
expressive behaviours (behavioural components)
-People’s emotional displays: body language or nonverbal behaviour
the capacity for experiencing the same emotional response being exhibited by another person; in therapy, the ability of a therapist to view the world through the client’s eyes and to understand the client’s emotions
fundamental emotional patterns
basic emotional response patterns that are believed to be innate
instrumental behaviours (behavioural components)
-“calls to action”
-Requires response to the situation that triggered the emotion
-Goal-directed behaviours
Eg. Anxious student needs to find a way to cope with an upcoming test
Dopamine is thought to be associated with _________, whereas serotonin and norepinephrine may play a role in __________.
positive emotions; anger
The fight-or-flight response of the body in response to physical threats is produced by the _______ nervous system.
potential problem with polygraphs (3)
- Lying may not always be associated with physiological response.
- Physiology can be aroused from emotional questions.
- Many people who are not lying still have spikes in arousal.
LeDoux’s work on emotions suggests that sensory information arrives at the _____________, where it is then routed to the ____________, which is responsible for labeling the emotion and is also sent to the ____________, which is responsible for coordinating and triggering physiological and behavioural responses to emotionally-arousing stimuli.
thalamus; cortex; amygdala
The fact that emotions typically do not occur by themselves and are usually triggered in response to various people, behaviours, situations, objects, or events best demonstrates how emotions involve
eliciting stimuli
display rules
culturally influenced standards for the circumstances and manner in which specific emotions are expressed
Name the four major components of emotions, including the two classes of behavioural responses.
First, emotions are responses to external or internal eliciting stimuli.
Second, emotional responses result from our interpretation or cognitive appraisal of these stimuli, which gives the situation its perceived meaning and significance.
Third, our bodies respond physiologically to our appraisal. We may become physically “stirred up”, as in fear, joy, or anger, or we may experience decreased arousal, as in contentment or depression.
Fourth, emotions include behaviour tendencies, Some are expressive behaviours (eg. exhibiting surprise, smiling with joy, or crying). Others are instrumental behaviours, ways of doing something about the stimulus that aroused the emotion (eg. studying for an anxiety-arousing test, fighting back in self-defence, or running away).