Cholinergic Agonists/Antagonists Flashcards
Muscarinic receptor M1
Increased IP3, DAG, and Ca
Activated myenteric plexus
Muscarinic receptor M2
Opens K channels
Decreases heart rate and contraction (decreased CO)
Decreased cAMP, decreased Ca
Inhibits NE release from sympathetic nerve terminals
Muscarinic receptor M3
Increased IP3, DAG, and Ca
Contracts circular ciliar muscle (pupillary constriction, near-vision accomodation), bronchiolar muscle, GI smooth muscle, uterine muscle, bladder detrusor muscle (micturition)
Relaxes vascular muscle (via NO from endothelium)
Stimulates secretions of GI tract, eccrine sweat glands, tear glands, salivary glands, pancreas digestive fluids, and liver bile
Nicotinic receptor
Ligand mediated ion channel
Ach binding, conformation change, Na comes is and allows depolarization of the membrane
Open angle glaucoma
Fluid goes past lens and pupil, can still pass through drainage canals but there is some resistance in trabecular meshwork
Closed-angle glaucoma
Trabecular meshwork angle obsured by pupil, rapid increase in pressure and pain
Emergency situation
Acetylcholinesterase: NM junction and cholinergic synapses, RBCs
Butrylocholinesterase (pseudocholinesterase): plasma, glial cells, liver
Inhibition of these increase Ach at synapse, increased muscarinic and nicotinic actions
Organophosphate toxicity
DUMBBELS Diarrhea Urination Miosis Bradycardia Bronchorrea Emesis Lacrimation Salivation
Treatment of irreversible cholinesterase inhiitors
- Ventilation
- Suction of tracheal secretions
- Anti-muscarinic agent (atropine)
- Reactivation of acetylcholinesterase with pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM)