childhealth investigations Flashcards
late jaundice 1st line investigation
split bilurubin (conjugated and unconjugated)
diagnostic test for breast abscess
diagnostic test for developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH)
(differs with age)
ultrasound if <4.5 months
if infant is >4.5 months then x-ray is first line
vesicoureteric reflux diagnostic investigation
micturating cystourethrogram (aka known as voiding cystourethrogram)
how it works: dye is injected into the bladder, then x-ray images are taken to see if the dye moves from the bladder into the kidneys
what is the cut off value for hypoglycaemia in neonates
acute epiglottis Ixs
if suspected do NOT examine throat in case of obstruction to airway
diagnosis made by direct visualisation from senior staff who are able to intubate
when is the APGAR score used
used twice: 1 min after birth anf 5 mins after birth
What does the APGAR score stand for
Grimace response (reflex irritability)
what scores 2 points on APGAR score
2 points: normal colour all over, >100bpm, cries etc, spontaneous movement, normal resp rate and good cry
what scores 1 point on APGAR score
normal colour (but hands n feet are blueish),
facial movement only
arms and legs flexed with little movement
slow/irregular breathing, weak cry
pyloric stenosis investigation
someone having multiple uti’s and there are dilated ureters on imaging what ix should you carry out
micturating cystourethrogram (3 months after uti)
doing this as dilated ureters indicated backed up urine
Cystic fibrosis gold standard investigation
Sweat test
Ixs for transient synovitis of the hip
X ray to exclude perthes
MRI to exclude osteomyelitis
CRP to rule out septic arthritis
Diagnostic test for pyloric stenosis
Ultrasound: Hypertrophic pyloric muscle
Malrotation w volvulus Ix
1st line: abdo x-ray
confirm diagnosis: upper GI contrast and ultraound
necrotising enterocolitis Ix
abdo x ray: dilated bowel loops
gold standard investigation for coeliac
endoscopy w/ duodenal biopsy
(will show crypt hyperplasia, villi flattening)
intussusseption investigation
Ultrasound: target lesion
ixs for hirschsprungs disease - inital and gold standard
initial: abdominal x ray with contrast- shows obstruction
confirm diagnosis (gold standard): rectal suction biopsy of intestinal mucosa/submucosa
kawasaki disease Ix
urgent echo as coronary anyuresms are a worry
describe the ortolani test
attempt to relocate a dislocated femoral head
(ought to come back home)
barlow test, decribe
attempt to dislocate femoral head
(out to bar)
test for meningitis and when it is contraindicted
lumbar puncture
contraindicted in increased intracranial pressure ie if they have papilloedema (as LP can cause coning when there is raised ICP)
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
CXR- ground glass appearance (rlly just looks more opaque than is should)
malrtoation with volvulus ix
corkscrew on x ray