Chapter14 Flashcards
In 632, what happened?
The prophet Muhammed visited his native city fo Mecca from his oem in exile at Medim a
Teh holy pigrimage draws many people to Saudi Arabia
What did Muslim rulers invest a lot in?
The creation of Roads and things that people coudtravel in
What Jamila bint Nasir al Dawla do
provided food and fresh green vegetables for her fellow pilgrims and furnished five hunded camels
What des the world Islam mean?
One who has submitted
Where did Islam arise
In the Arabian peninsula and the new religon relected
What was the area like in where Islam developed>
It was not very well watered. There were few cities, and bedouin kept herds ofsheep, goats, and camels migraing through the deserts to find grass and water for thier animals.
What were some seas in Arabiia?
The Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Basin
Muhammed’s background?
He was bron in 570 into a reutable family of Merchants in mecca. He lsot his parents early , and Married Khadija in 595
Muhammed middle ife?
BY age 3o he is established as a merchant. Makes comfortable life in Arabian society where people of different reigous and cultural traditions deal with eachoher
Muhammed undergoes spiritual experience. He left him with confictions that htere is onely one Allah and that he ruled the universe.
What were Allah’s qualities
That he ruled ht euniverse and tha tidolatory and the recognition of other gds would be punished. Muhammed experienced visions which he udnerstood as messages from the Archangel Gabriel instructing him to explain the faith to others.
How did Muhammed originally present his revations?
In oral recitaitons of the revaltions he had recieved during his visions. As the islamic community grew, his follewrs prepared written texts of his teachings
650s, it was a compilation of Muhammeds revatations. Knon as revalations.
Include sayings attributed to Mumammed. Sevveral collections of Hadith appeared between the ninth and eleventh centuries C.E.
What was the conflict at Mecca?
The insitence that Allah was the ony divine power struck others as offensive. It disparagedother deities. Also, the attack on idolatry was bad for the economy.
What was the Ka’ba?
It was housedin a cube shaped building and drew worshipers from all over the place
Where did Muhammed’s followers fled?
To Abyssinia. They made a city called Mediana (cty of the prohphet) I
What is the hijra?
The official start to the islamic calender
Community of thefaithful and roviddd it with a legal and social code. He led this community in ritals, and social welfare.
What did Muhammedrefer to himself as?
The last prophet. He taught that the message entrusted to him offered a complete version of the Allah and the others were only okay
In 629
The Oeople went to Ka’ba and they conqured MEcca. They forced the elites to adopt Muhammeds faith and they imposed a government dedicated to Allah .
What was the Ka’ba
Not the home of a deity but it was asymbol of Mecca’s greatness. They only allowed the faithful to approach the shrine.
How was Islam expanding?
They launched campaigns against others
What were the five pillars fo Islam
- Allah is only god, pray to allah while facing mecca, observe fast during Ramada, contribute to the relief for the weak adn poor, must go to Mecca
What does the term Juhad mean
Struggle, It imposes a spiritual and moral obligaitons on Muslims by requiring them to comabt vice nd evil. It calls on Muslims to struggle against ignorance na dunbelief
What is the sharia
The islamic law. Emerges during the centuries after Muhammed and offers detailed guidance on proper behavior. Inspiration from the Quran adn Muhammes life
Dar al islam means
house of Islam
Because Muhammed was the last prophet, who took over after he died?
Abu Bakr a man who was one of the pprophets close friends
Bakr was the
Caliph or deputy.
Caliphs did what?
Served as the the head of state for the Islamic ommunity aswell as chief jduge, religous leader. They were lieutenants
Why were Muslim armies so effective?
Because they attacked at the moments hwere the Snasanids and the BYzantine Emprie were exhausted
Muslim forces seized Byzantine Syria and PAlestine 640 Conquored Byzantine 651 Tppled the Sansanid Dynasty
Whne did they get to Indian
in 711
What problems were encountered during the rapid expansion
The governance and administration. The selection of caliphs. Leaers of the most powful Arab clans negotiated among themselves and appointed the first four caliphs
originated a party supporting the appointment of Ali and his descendants. He was a cousin and son in law of MUhammed na d heas a candidate wen he died. He was 4th caliph
accepted the legitimacy of the early caliphs and Shia partisans observed the holy days inhonors of their leaders
Umayyad Dyansty
66-750 solved the problem of successiontemporarily. Umayyads ranked among the most prominent of th e Meccan mercahnt clas and thier reputation and netwekr of aliances helped them bring stablit to the Islamic community
WHere was the Umayyad Capital
At Dascus-A thriving commerical city in Syria whose central location enabled thm to maintain better comminication with the vast andstill expadnign Islamic empire
What did the policies of the Umayyads reflect?
Support of the Arab mulitary aristocracy.
The bad representation caused what?
Severe upset. There were Chritinans, Jews adn other faiths in the place