chapter 9 terms Flashcards
experience of ones own mental events
cognitive psychologists
look at the mind as a processor of information.
Sequence of memory
sensory, attention, short term (working memory), encoding, Long-term memory
Information-processing model
three types of memory stores
control processes
attention, rehearsal, encoding, and retrieval
sensory input
stays in your processing system
sensory memory
through your 5 senses, first stage of memory
short term memory
each item fades quickly, seven plus or minus (working memory)
long term memory
stored representation of all that a person knows.
process that controls the flow of information from the sensory store into the short term store
controls movement from the short term into the long term
long term to the short term
effortful processes
requires effort to learn and retain
automatic processes
require little or no thinking of the short terms stores limited capacity
dual processing theories
two ways of processing; effortful and automatic
stroop interference effect
cannot shut off the fast system even if it interferes with the right answer, the color and name test.
Daniel kahneman
fast and slow thinking
pre attentive processing
unconscious level analysis, assesses the importance of something,
cocktail party phenomenon
ability to pick up important info while focusing on other information
Daniel Gutman
selective viewing experiment
auditory sensory memory
hearing, ECHOIC
visual sensory memory
Iconic memory
phonological loop
speech and sound component of working memory
visopartial sketch pad
holding visual and spatial information (ie; putting a visual picture of a layout of trees when lost)
digit span
number of digits a person can keep briefly
executive function
basic and general processing, Ex card sorting test
temporal lobe amnesia
Caused by head injury such as H.M., implicit memory will remain intact
retrograde amnesia
the inability to recall or remember past experiences.
explicit memory
conscious effort for all knowledge
implicit memory
unconscious and effortless
episodic memory
memory of ones own past, personal
semantic memory
recollection of words, numbers, general knowledge. long term
allan Collins and Elizabeth loftus created
a network model of memory organization
procedural memory
is a type of long-term memory involved in the performance of different actions and skills.
using association to remember. Seeing yellow banana on bench, when you see a bench you’ll think of a banana
infantile amnesia
childhood amnesia is the inability of human adults to remember episodic experiences
maintenance rehearsal
the straight repeating of information to memorize it.
encoding rehearsal
This method involved repeating information over and over again to keep it in the short-term memory
elaboration rehearsal
Encoding by actively relating new information to knowledge that is already in memory (the better one)
the process by which the brain divides significant details into more minor units
a concept that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction.
physical or imagining creation of images
the process where our brains convert short-term memories into long-term ones
association by contiguity
we associate things that occur close to each other in time or space.
association by similarity
the sensation or idea of a particular object tends to evoke the idea of something that is similar to it.
cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information.
a sequence of expected behaviors for a given situation.
prospective memory
the memory for intentions
retrieval cue
stimuli that help people retrieve memories.
short term memory span can be affected by
how fast you read the topic
Working memory
Left hemisphere
control processes govern
the processing of information within stores and the movement of information from one store to another.
Manipulation of an individual’s ability to articulate the words to be remembered in the verbal short-term
What is the purpose of the information-processing model of the mind?
It serves as a general framework for thinking and talking about the mind.
having false memories occur when persuaded enough and the results were that ____
stoop effect is due to
automatic nature of skilled reading
Declan saw a piece of candy and remembered something what was the candy to him
retrieval cue
temporal lobe damage causes what type of amnesia