Chapter 3 Flashcards
Genes help construct the building blocks for philology which are what
What’s true about protein production
DNA serves as a template for producing RNA
What are polygenic characteristics
Characteristics that are due to influence of genes
Darwin suggested that human emotional expressions are
Genes can only affect behavior by
Interacting with the environment
Selective aiding of kin allows _____ to survive
Mark is studying red and white flowers what’s the percentage
100 red no white
What statements true about dominant and recessive genes
Not all pairs of alleles are dominant or recessive
The ____ twins originate from zygote that separates into two bundles of identical cells and _____ twins originate from two zygotes, formed from two different egg and sperm cells
Monozygotic, dizygotic.
If two genes that occupy corresponding locations on a pair of chromosomes are different, it is said that the individual carrying them is ____ at that location
According to kin selection theory, animals that engage in altruistic acts such as warning others of an approaching predator are
Helping to ensure survival
The term phenotype refers to
observable properties of the body and behavior traits
How did Tyron address the potential criticism that behavior of “maze bright” and maze dull rats might be due to learning rather than to genes
He raised some of the offspring from each strain using mothers from the other strain
Kelly noticed that everyone in her family is different height why is she?
Many genes
Idea that people inherit a variety of chemical markers that regulate genes is a part of which field study
Which statement is true regarding the relative influence of genes and environment
In no sense can either genes or environment be said to be more influence then the other
Genes can only affect behavior by
Interacting with the environment
The way human brain learns to react to stress is with what
If a trait varies in a continuous graded manner its probably ____ trait
Researcher is interested in genetic bases for dogs what’s the tendency
Controlled by a single gene
The ___ form the structure of every cell of the body, and ___ control the rate of every chemical reaction in every cell
Structural proteins, enzymes
According to Robert trivers which of the following mating systems is related to high female and low male parental investment
Two members of a gene pair are called
Portion of a dna molecule that contains the code for the manufacture
Each protein molecule in the body is synthesized under the direction
Henrys blood type A. henry____ shows his dna has both A and O alleles, the _____
Genotype, dominant recessive
Polygenic characteristics like aggressiveness in mice mean that
Most individuals fall near the middle of the range
which statement does not support evidence that an organisms environment plays a role
rats of two different intelligence
identical twins are ____ and maternal twins are ____
monozygotic and dyzygotic
Xavier is a rancher and makes decisions every year pertaining to the cows
selective breeding
which statement is not an example of an environmental influence
the persons genetic makeup
kin selection theory was developed to explain?
help close relatives
one of the first demonstrations of single gene control of a behavioral trait occurred with what animal
suppose a scientist distributes an intelligence quote test
the behavior is probably influence by many genes
each protein molecule in the body is synthesized under the direction of
the portion of a DNA molecule that contains the code for the manufacture of one specific type of protein molecule is called
Medallion Flowers red and yellow pt 2
3/4 red 1/4 yellow
different genes that can occupy the same locus, and thus can potentially pair with each other
can help construct building blocks for one physiology
red and yellow flowers pt
yellow is recessive
Robert Tysons breeding of rats according to their maze abilities refers to
selective breeding
adult mice and rats that have not given birth will ___ take care of newborns placed in their cages which illustrates that experience ____ activate genes
begin only after several hours : can