Chapter 9-Joints Flashcards
Movement away from the midline of the body
A slightly movable joint, in which the articulating bony surfaces are separated by fibrous connective tissue or fibrocartilage to which both are attached; types are syndesmosis and symphysis
Inflammation of a joint
The study or description of joints
Surgical replacement of joints, for example, the hip and knee joints
A procedure for examining the interior of a joint, usually the knee, by inserting an arthroscope into a small incision; used to determine extent of damage, remove torn cartilage, repair cruciate ligaments, and obtain samples for analysis.
A joint or articulation
Sleevelike structure around a synovial joint composed of a fibrous capsule and a synovial membrane
Articular capsule
Hyaline cartilage attached to articular bone surfaces
Articular cartilage
Fibrocartilage pad between articular surfaces of the bones of some synovial joints. Also called a meniscus
Articular disc
A joint; a point of contact between two bones, cartilage and bones, or teeth and bones
A synovial joint in which the rounded surface of one bone moves within a cup-shaped depression or socket of another bone, as in the shoulder or hip joint. Also called a spheroid joint
Ball-and-socket joint
Inflammation of a bursa
A joint without a synovial (joint) cavity where the articulating bones are held tightly together by cartilage, allowing little or no movement
Cartilaginous joint
A movement at a synovial joint in which the distal end of a bone moves in a circle while the proximal end remains relatively stable
A synovial joint structured so that an oval-shaped condyle of one bone fits into an elliptical cavity of another bone, permitting side-to-side and back-and-forth movements, such as the joint at the wrist between the radius and carpals. Also called an ellipsoidal joint
Condyloid joint
Movement in which a part of the body moves inferiorly
A freely moveable joint; types are gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, and ball-and-socket
Displacement of a bone from a joint with tearing of ligaments, tendons, and articular capsules. Also called a luxation
Bending the foot in the direction of the dorsum (upper surface)
Movement in which a part of the body moves superiorly