Chapter 17-The Special Senses Flashcards
A saclike dilation of a canal or duct
The watery fluid, similar in composition to the cerebrospinal fluid, that fills the anterior cavity of the eye
Aqueous humor
An irregularity of the lens or cornea of the eye causing the image to be out of focus and producing fault vision
One of the three small bones of the middle ear called the malleus, incus, and stapes
Auditory ossicle
The tube that connects the middle ear with the nose and nasopharynx region of the throat. Also called the eustachian tube or pharyngotympanic tube
Auditory tube
A membrane in the cochlea of the internal ear that separates the cochlear duct from the scala tympani and on which the spiral organ (organ of Corti) rests
Basilar membrane
Area in the retina at the end of the optic (II) nerve in which there are no photoreceptors
Blind spot
A series of cavities within the petrous portion of the temporal bone forming the vestibule, cochlea, and semicircular canals of the inner ear
Bony labyrinth
Loss of transparency of the lens of the eye or its capsule or both
Waxlike secretion produced by the ceruminous glands in the external auditory meatus (ear canal)
Cerumen or ear wax
A modified sudoriferous (sweat) gland in the external auditory meatus that secretes cerumen
Ceruminous gland
One of the vascular coats of the eyeball
One of the three parts of the vascular tunic of the eyeball, the others being the choroid and the iris; includes the ciliary muscle and the ciliary processes
Ciliary body
A winding, cone-shaped tube forming a portion of the inner ear and containing the spiral organ (organ of Corti)
The membranous cochlea consisting of a spirally arranged tube enclosed in the bony cochlea and lying along its outer wall
Cochlear duct or scala media
The type of photoreceptor in the retina that is specialized for highly acute color vision in the bright light
The delicate membrane covering the eyeball and lining the eyes
A synaptic arrangement in which the synaptic end bulbs of several presynaptic neurons terminate on one postsynaptic neuron. The medial movement of the two eyeballs so that the both are directed toward a near object being viewed in order to produce a single image
The nonvascular, transparent fibrous coat through which the iris of the eye can be seen
A crest or ridged structure. A small elevation in the ampulla of each semicircular duct that contains receptors for dynamic equilibrium
A mass of gelatinous material covering the hair cells of a crista; a sensory receptor in the ampulla of a semicircular canal stimulated when the head moves
The maintenance of body position, mainly the head, in response to sudden movements such as rotation
Dynamic equilibrium
The primary germ layer that gives rise to the nervous system and the epidermis of skin and its derivatives
A primary germ layer of the developing embryo; gives rise to the gastrointestinal tract, urinary bladder, urethra, and respiratory tract
A curved tube in the temporal bone that leads to the middle ear
External auditory canal or external auditory meatus
The outer ear, consisting of the pinna, external auditory canal, and tympanic membrane (eardrum)
External ear
The hairy ridge superior to the eye
The superficial coat of the eyeball, made up of the posterior sclera and the anterior cornea
Fibrous tunic
One of the conical projections that are distributed in parallel rows over the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and lack taste buds
Filiform papilla
A mushroomlike elevation on the upper surface of the tongue appearing as a red dot; most contain taste buds
Fungiform papilla
Usually, a group of neuronal cell bodies lying outside the central nervous system
An eye disorder in which there is increased intraocular pressure due to an excess of aqueous humor
The inner ear of the labyrinth, lying inside the temporal bone, containing the organs of hearing and balance
Internal ear
Pressure in the eyeball, produced mainly by aqueous humor
Intraocular pressure
The colored portion of the vascular tunic of the eyeball seen through the cornea that contains circular and radial smooth muscle
Intricate communicating passageway, especially in the internal eear
A duct, one on each eyelid, beginning at the punctum at the medial margin of an eyelid and conveying tears medially into the nasolacrimal sac
Lacrimal canal