Chapter 9 Flashcards
Form of human dwarfism caused by single dominant allele
Classes of blood determined by presence or absence of carbohydrates
ABO Blood groups
Alternative version of a gene
Individual who is heterozygous for a recessive disorder but does not show symptoms of the disorder
Heritable feature that varies among individuals
Basic principle that states that genes are located on chromosomes and their behavior is determined by patterns of inheritance
Chromosome theory of inheritance
Expression of two different alleles of a gene
Cross-fertilization of two different varieties of an organism or species; also called hybridization
Genetic disease caused by recessive alleles that causes an extreme vulnerability to infection
Cystic fibrosis
Mating of individuals with two genetic loci
Dihybrid cross
Allele that determines the phenotype of a particular gene. The big letter
Dominant allele
First generation/ parents
F1 generation
Offspring of f1 generation
F2 generation
The study of heredity and inheritance
Genetic makeup of an organism
Inability of blood to clot. Disease caused by recessive allele
Transformation of traits from one generation to the next
Having two different alleles for a specific gene. One big letter one little letter
Having two identical alleles for a particular gene. Two big or two little letters
Disease caused by dominant allele. Characterized by loss of nervous system and bodily control.
Huntington’s disease
Offspring of parents of two different species
Disease caused by high cholesterol in blood
The mating of close relatives
Inheritance where both phenotype are expressed. Ex: pink rose
Incomplete dominance
Law that says each allele is selected independently
Law of independent assortment
Law that says two alleles in a pair will split up into gametes during meiosis
Law of segregation
Map of chromosomes showing relative position of genes
Linkage nap
Genes that are located close together and usually inherited together
Linked genes
Where gene is found on a chromosome
Locus (loci)
Family tree diagram showing path of inheritance
Parent individuals
P generation
Expressed traits- what you can see
Control of one or more phenotype by single gene
Phenotype expressed by multiple genes
Polygenetic inheritance
Diagram used to show percentage of random fertilization
Punnett square
Allele that has no affect on phenotype in heterozygotes
Recessive allele
Sex linked disorder that causes sight issues with respect to colors. Often in males occasionally in females
Probability of an event is the product of probabilities of separate events
Rule of multiplication
gene located on a sex chromosome
Sex linked gene
Disease where red blood cells take on irregular shapes and cause excess clogging
Sickle cell disease
Mating an organism with an unknown genotype with a heterozygous one
Test cross
Character found in organism inherited from parents
Traits most commonly found in nature
Wild type traits