Chapter 14 Flashcards
The similarity of structures between species that are not closely related (bug and bird wings)
The formation of a new species as a result of an ancestral population being separated by a geographic barrier
Allopatric speciation
A two part Latinized name of a species
The definition of a species as a population or group of populations that can interbreed
Biological species concept
An ancestral species and all its descendants - one branch on evolutionary tree
The study of evolutionary history through clades
The taxonomic category above order
Adaptive changes resulting in analogous similarities among organisms. Species from different lineages look similar
Convergent evolution
A taxonomy level above kingdom. Includes Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
Evolutionary developmental biology- studies evolution of developmental processes
Taxonomic level above genus
Taxonomic level above species
Time scale established by geologists that reflects a sequence of geologic periods
Geologic time scale
Taxonomic level above phylum
Evolutionary change on a big scale
Taxonomic level above family
The retention in the adult features that were juvenile in ancestral species
A branching diagram that represents hypothesis about evolutionary relationships between organisms
Phylogeny tree
Taxonomic level above class
A reproductive barrier forming when species cross-reproduce and produce sterile offspring
Postzygotic barrier
A reproductive barrier that impedes animals ability to fertilize eggs
Prezygotic barrier
The term describing long periods of little change, or equilibrium, punctuated by Brooke periods of speciation
Punctuated equilibrium
A method for determining the age of fossils and rocks from the rate of decay of the radioactive isotopes
Radiometric dating
Anything that prevents individuals are closely related species from interbreeding, even when populations of the two species live together
Reproductive barrier
The formation of new species
A group of populations whose members have similar anatomical characteristics and have the ability to interbreed
The formation of a new species as a result of a change that produces a reproductive barrier between the change populations
Sympatric speciation
A discipline of biology that focuses on classifying organisms and determining their evolutionary relationships
The branch of biology concerned with identifying, naming, and classifying species
A system of taxonomic classification based on the three basic groups: bacteria, Archaea, and eukarya
Three domains system