Chapter 8.4 hydrogen oxygen fuel cell Flashcards
What is a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell
Uses hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. Only chemical product is water.
2 H2 + O2 –> 2 H20 + electrical energy + thermal energy
What happens to the water and heat
Flows out in the form of water vapour along with the unused air
Some of the heat can be used to heat the inside of the vehicle
Adv of a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell
Only chem product is water - harmless
Hydrogen can be made by the electrolysis of water (which is very abundant)
Disadv of a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell
Hydrogen has to be stored as a liquid under high pressure to make it practical to use since it is a gas.
Hydrogen filling stations aren’t widely available
Adv of petrol
Petrol filling stations are widely available
Relatively cheap
Disadv of petrol
Burning petrol produces harmful substances such as Carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, deadly carbon monoxide
Petrol is obtained from oil - non-renewable resource