Chapter 8: The Appendicular Skeleton: The Lower Limbs and Girdles Flashcards
Names of lower limb girdle
Pelvic girdle
What are the names of the two hip bones that make up the pelvic girdle?
coxal, pelvic bones or os coxa
What do the pelvic bones of the pelvic girdle attach posteriorly to?
The sacrum
What joint is formed by the articulation of the pelvic bones and the sacrum?
the sacroiliac joints
What is the name of the complete ring like structure composed of the hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum and coccyx
the bony pelvis
What are the main functions of the bony pelvis?
- Support for the vertebral column, pelvic and lower abdominal organs
- Connects the bones of the lower limbs to the axial skeleton
What are the three bones that create the hip bone? (they fuse by age 23)
- Ilium
- Ishium
- Pubius
What are the two components of the superior and quite large ilium?
Ala - superior portion
Body - inferior portion
Name for the superior border of the ilium
Iliac crest
Name of the area of the ilium that articulates with the sacrum
The auricular surface
This is the inferior, posterior portion of the hip bone
The ishium
Two main parts of the ishium
The body and the ramus
THis portion of the ishium is inferior to the body and connects with the pubis
The ramus
What is the largest foramen in the body and is formed by the ishium ramus and the pubis
The obturator foramen
This is the third component of the hip bone; it lies anterior and inferior to the ilium
The pubis
Three components of the pubis
Two rami - inferior and superior ramus
a body
This raised line extends superiorly and laterally along the superior ramus to merge with the acruate line of the ilium
pectineal line
What line on the pubis runs into the acruate line of the islium and helps with differenting true and false pelvis
the pectineal line
What is the name of the joint between the pubis bone of the left and the pubis bone of the right hips
pubis symphysis
What do the inferior rami of the two pubic bones converge to form?
the pubic arch
This is a deep fossa formed by the ilium, ishium and pubis; it is a socket for the head of the femur
THe acetabulum
What joint is formed by the articulation of the head of the femur into the socket called the acetabulum?
the hip or coxal joint
What boundary divides the pelvis into superior and inferior portions?
The pelvic brim
Describe the anatomy of the pelvic brim
an oblique plane from the sacrum to the pubis symphysis
This portion of the bony pelvis is superior to the pelvic brim
The false pelvis (greater pelvis)
What are the boundaries of the false (greater) pelvis
Posterior - lumbar vertbrae
Anterior - abdominal wall
Laterally - tops of hip bones
What is contained in the false pelvis
Superior portion of bladder when full, lower intestines; uterus ovaries and fallopian tubes in females
What is the portion of the pelvis BELOW the pelvic brim
The true (lesser) pelvis
What are the 3 components of the true/lesser pelvis
An inlet
An outlet
A cavity
What are the boundaries of the true or lesser pelvis
Posteriorly - the sacrum and coccyx
Anteriorly - the pubic bones
Laterally - inferior portions of the ilium and ishium
Contains the rectum and bladder, vagina and cervix in females, prostate in males
What is the superior opening of the true pelvis called
pelvic inlet
what is the inferior opening of the true pelvis called; it is covered in pelvic floor muscles
pelvic outlet
WHat is the pelvic axis?
the curved imaginary line from the central point of the inlet to the central point of the outlet. it is the path a baby takes to be born
How is the female pelvis different from the male pelvis?
- more space in the true pelvis since it is wider and shorter
What are the four locations of the lower limbs? How many of the 30 bones of the lower limb are in each?
- The thigh (femur) (1)
- The kneecap (patella) (1)
- The leg (tibia and fibia) (2)
- The foot (26)
What are the 3 types of bones in foot and how many of each are there?
- Tarsals (7) in the tarsus
- Metatarsals (5) in the metatarsus
- Phlanges 14 in the digits
What are the two projections from the neck and shaft bone junction of the femur that serve as points of attachment for the tendons and some of the thigh and buttock muscles
Greater and lesser trochanters
This tochanter is seena nd felt anterior to the hollow on the side of the hip; used often for landmarking
Greater trochanter
This trochanter is inferior and medial to the greater trochanter
the lesser trochanter
The line in between the anterior surfaces of the greater and lesser trochanters
narrow intertrochanteric line
The ridge between the posterior surfaces of the trochanters
intertrochanteric crest
A vertical ridge that blends iwth the gluteal tuberosity and serves as an attachment point for the tendons of several thigh muscles
linea aspera
What distal bone features of the femur articulate with the lateral and medial condyles of the tibia?
The lateral and medial condyles of the distal femur
What are found superior to the medial and lateral condyles?
the medial and lateral epicondyles
What is the function of the lateral and medial epicondyles?
they are attachment points for knee ligaments to attach to
What is the posterior surface between the lateral and medial condyles of the distal femur called?
Intercondylar fossa
What is found on the anterior surface between the lateral and medial condyles?
The patellar surfaces
This bone is a small, triangular bone located anterior the knee joint; it is a sesamoid bone
Two areas of the patella
Broad proximal end - base
pointed distal end - apexF
Function of the patella
increases the leverage opf the tendion of the quad muscle, maintains positon of the tendon when knee is bent and protects knee joint
What are the two bones of teh lower leg
The tibia and fibula
This bone is the larger, medial and weight bearing bone of the leg
What does the proximal end of the tibia expand into?
the lateral and medial condyles
What joints are formed by the articualtion of the lateral and medial condyles of the femur with the lateral and medial condyles of the tibia?
tibiofemoral joints (knee)
What does the inferior surface of the lateral condyle on the tibia articulate with?
The head of the fibula
Where is the intercondylar eminence on the tibia?
between the condules
Where is the medial malleolus found on the tibia?
The medial surface of the distal end of the tibia
What does the medial malleolous of the tibia articulate to distally?
This is the bone felt on the medial surface of the ankle
The talus of the ankle
Where does the distal end of the fibula articulate on the disstal tibula?
The fibular notchW
What joint is formed by the articulation of the distal lateral tibia at the fibular notch, with the distal end of the fibula?
Distal tibiofibular joint
This bone is smaller than the tibia, laterally postioned, does not articulate with the femur, but does help stabilize the ankle joint
The fibula
What does the proximal end of the fibula articulate with?
The head of the fibula articulates with the inferrior surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia to form the proximal tibiofibular joint
Where is the lateral malleolus on the fibula and its landmark?
This is a prominance on the lateral, distal end of the fibula that is the projection felt on the lateral ankle. It articulates with the talus of the ankle
The foot can be broken down into 3 distinct regions
- The Tarsus - 7 tarsals
- The metatarsus - 5 metatarsals
- The digits - 14 phlanges
What are the 2 posterior tarsals in the foot?
- Calcaneus (heel)
- Tallus (ankle)
What are the 5 remaining tarsals anterior to the others?
- navicular
2-4. 3 cuneiform bones (lateral (3rd), intermediate (2nd), and medial (1st)) cuneiforms - cuboid bone
What does the proximal end of the talus articulate with?
The medial malleolus of the tibia and the lateral malleolus of the fibula
What joint is formed by the articulation of the tibia, fibula and talus?
The talocrural joint (ankle)
How much weight is distributed to the calcaneous bone when walking (from the talus) and how much to the remaining tarsals?
roughly half of the weight
What do the proximal ends (bases) of the metatarsal bones articulate with?
The 3 cubeiform bones and the cuboid bone
What joint is formed between the 5 metatarsals and the 3 cubeiform and cuboid bone?
Tarsometatarsal joint
WHat are the two arches of the foot?
Longitundial Arch
Transverse Arch
This is an arch from the anterior to posterior of the foot; there are two parts to it
The longitudinal arch
This part of the longitudinal arch originates at the calcaneus, rises to the talus and descends through the navicular, 3 cuneiforms and the heads of the three medial metatarsals
the medial part of the longitudinal arch
The two parts of the longitudinal arch
- the medial part
- the lateral part
This part of the longitudinal arch also begins at the calcaneus, but rises at teh cuboid and descends to the heads of the two lateral metatarsals
the lateral part of the longitudinal arch
This foot arch is located between the medial and alteral foot and is formed by the navicular, three cuneiforms and the bases of the five metatarsals
The transverse arch