Chapter 8 - Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Appendicular Skeleton
The primary function is ?
**Appendicular Skeleton **includes?
bones of the upper and lower limbs
girdles attach the limbs to the axial skeleton
Each upper limb has __ bones
(2) seperate regions of upper limb
1) pectoral (shoulder) girdle (2 bones)
2) free part (30 bones)
**Pectoral (shoulder) Girdle **consists of 2 bones
1) scapula
2) clavicle
(30) bones of the the part of the upper limbs
1 **humerus **(arm)
1 **radius **(forearm)
1 **ulna **(forearm)
8 **carpals **(wrist)
19 ( 5 **metacarpals **& 14 **phalanges) **(hand)
**Clavicle **
ends & joints
S shaped
medial end articulates with manubrium of sternum forming sternoclavicular joint
lateral end articulates with acromion forming acromioclavicular joint
The clavicle is :
______________in shape anteriorly near the sternal junction
______________anteriorly on its lateral edge near the acromion
Scapula (shoulder blade)
most notable features
spine, acromion, coracoid process & glenoid cavity
- **spine **
a large process on the posterior of the scapula that ends laterally as the acromion
acromion of scapula
the flattened lateral portion of the spine of the scapula
**coracoid process **of scapula
a protruding projection on the anterior surface just inferior to the lateral aspect of the clavicle
**Glenoid Cavity **of scapula
shallow concavity that articulates with the head of the humeru
**Medial (vertebral) border **of scapula
closest to the vertebral spine
**Superior border **of scapula
superior edge
**Lateral (axillary) border **of scapula
closest to arm
**Inferior angle **of scapula
where medial and lateral borders meet inferiorly
**Superior angle **of scapulaa
uppermost aspect of scapula where medial border meets superior border
**Subscapular fossa **of scapula
anterior concavity where the subscapularis muscle attaches
**Supraspinous fossa **of scapula
posterior concavity superior to the scapular spine, attachment site for supraspinatus muscle
**Infraspinous fossa **of scapula
- posterior concavity inferior to the scapular spine, site of infraspinatus muscle
- longest & largest bone of free part of upper limb
Humerus - articulation with shoulder blade
proximal ball-shaped end of humerus articulates with glenoid cavity of the scapula (**glenohumeral joint) **
Humerus - articulations
proximal ball end with glenoid cavity of scapula
distal end at elbow with radius & ulna
The head of the humerus has (2) unequal-sized projections
**greater tubercle - **lies more laterally
**lesser tubercle **- lies more anteriorly
Between the tubercles lies the ______________ where the long head of the biceps brachii tendon is located
**intertubercular **groove or sulcus (bicipital groove)
Just distal to the head is the ___ ___ which is where the __ ___ begins and is a common area for fracture
surgical neck
tubular shaft
About mid-shaft on the lateral aspect is a roughened area, the ___ ___ where the deltoid tendon attaches
deltoid tuberosity
a round knob-like process on the lateral distal humerus
- medial to the capitulum, is a spool-shaped projection on the distal humerus
anterior depression that receives the coronoid process of the ulna during forearm flexion
coronoid fossa
posterior depression that receives the olecranon of the ulna during forearm extension
olecranon fossa
medial & lateral epicondyles
bony projections to which the forearm muscles attach
The longer of the two forearm bones
**Ulna **
medial to the radius
e large, prominent proximal end, the “tip of your elbow”
the anterior “lip” of the proximal ulna
coronoid process
- the deep fossa that receives the trochlea of the humerus during elbow flexion
trochlear notch
the thin cylindrical projection on the posterior side of the ulna’s head
styloid process
Lies lateral to the ulna (thumb side of the forearm)
**Radius **
Location of Neck & Head
head (disc-shaped) and neck are at **proximal end **
head articulates with capitulum of humerus and radial notch of the ulna
- medial and inferior to neck, attachment site for biceps brachii muscle
radial tuberosity
large distal projection on lateral side of radius
styloid process
The shaft of the **ulna & radius **are connected by ?
an interosseus membrane
Joints between ulna & radius
proximal radioulnar joint and a distal radioulnar joint
proximal radioulnar joint
distal radioulnar joint
Proximally, head of radius articulates with radial notch of ulna
Distally, head of ulna articulates with ulnar notch of radius
Carpus (wrist)
consists of?
8 small bones (carpals) in 2 rows
(2) rows of carpal bones
Proximal row - scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
Distal row - trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
(lateral to medial)
most commonly fractured carpal bone
Carpal tunnel
space between carpal bones & flexor retinaculum
**Metacarpals **
how many? how are they numbered?
5 metacarpals
numbered I-V, lateral to medial
**Phalanges **of the hand
how many?
14 phalanges
2 in the thumb (pollex), 3 in each of the other fingers
each **metacarpal **& **phalanx **has a ..(3) ?
base, shaft & head
Joints of the Hand
**carpometacarpal **- distal row of carpals & metacarpal base
**metacarpophalangeal **- metacarpal head & proximal phalanges
**interphalangeal **- between phalanges
**Skeleton of the Lower Limb **
(2) seperate regions
1) pelvic girdle (2 bones)
2) free part (30 bones)
**Pelvic (Hip) Girdle **
consists of?
3 bones that fuse together:
superior ilium
inferior & anterior **pubis **
inferior & posterior ischium
the 2 coxal bones are joined ___ by the ___ (___)
and ___ by the ___ forming the ____ joints
**anteriorly **by the pubic symphysis (fibrocartilage)
**posteriorly **by the **sacrum **forming the **sacroiliac **joints
The complete ring composed of the __ __, __ ___, and ___ forms a deep, basinlike structure called the bony pelvis
**hip bones, pubic symphysis **and **sacrum **
Largest of the 3 hip bones
The **Ilium **is the ___ part of the hip bone
consists of? (2) which forms?
**superior part **of hip bone
consists of **superior ala **& **inferior body **which forms **acetabulum **(socket for head of femur)
**Superior border **of Ilium
**iliac crest **ends anteriorly in a blunt anterior superior iliac spine
Hip Pointer
bruising of the **anterior superior iliac spine **& associated soft tissues
**Greater Sciatic Notch **of Ilium
allows passage of sciatic nerve
Inferior and **posterior **part of hip bone
Most prominent feature of the Ischium
**Ischial tuberosity, **the part that meets the chair when you are sitting
Inferior and anterior part of the hip bone
what (3) things make up the p**ubis **of hip bone
superior rami, inferior rami and **body **
anterior, superior border of body of pubis
pubic crest
Projection at lateral end of pubic crest
pubic tubercle
The pubic tubercle is the beginning of?
a raised line, the pectineal line
The pectineal line extends ___ and ___ along ___ ___ to merge with __ __ of ___.
extends superiorly and laterally along** superior ramus** to merge with arcuate line of ilium.
What are important landmarks for distinguishing the superior (false) and inferior (true) portions of the bony pelvis.
the **pectineal line **and the arcuate line
**Ischium **is comprised of? (2)
superior **body **and an inferior **ramus **(portion of ischium that fuses with pubis)
Where is & what forms the pubic arch?
Inferior to the **pubic symphysis **(joint between 2 pubes of hip bones), the **inferior rami **of the 2 pubic bones converge to form the **pubic arch **
deep fossa formed by the ilium, ischium, and **pubis **that functions as a socket and accepts rounded head of femur
What forms the hip (coxal) joint
the acetabulum and the femoral **head **
** acetabular notch**
deep indentation on inferior side of acetabulum that forms a foramen through which blood vessels & nerves pass & serves as point of attachment for ligaments of the femur
Head of Ulna vs. Head of Radius
**Ulna: **head = distal end
**Radius: **head (& neck) = proximal end
**Pelvic Brim (Inlet) **
a line from sacral promontory to upper part of **pubic symphysis **
boundary that divides bony pelvis into superior & inferior portions
**Pelvic Brim **can be traced by following landmarks around parts of the hip bone to form the outline of an oblique plane.
Begin posteriorly at **sacral promontory **of sacrum
trace laterally and inferiorly along **arcuate lines **of ilium.
Continue inferiorly along pectineal **lines **of pubis.
Finally, trace anteriorly along **pubic crest **to the superior portion of pubic symphysis.
**False **Pelvis
bordered by?
false (greater) pelvis
superior to pelvic brim
bordered by **lumbar vertebrae **(posteriorly), upper portion of hip bones (laterally) & abdominal wall (anteriorly)
The False (greater) Pelvis contains?
no pelvic organs except urinary bladder (when full) and uterus during pregnancy
True (lesser) Pelvis
the bony pelvis inferior to pelvic brim
- has an inlet, an outlet and a cavity
**True (lesser) Pelvis **is bounded by?
sacrum & coccyx (posteriorly)
inferior portions of ilium & ischium (laterally)
pubic bones (anteriorly)
Pelvic Axis
an imaginary line that curves through true pelvis from central point of plane of pelvic inlet to **central point of plane of pelvic outlet. **
the route taken during childbirth by the baby’s head as it descends through the pelvis.
**Male **vs. Female
1) general structure
2) false (greater) pelvis
3) pelvic brim (inlet)
4) pubic arch
5) pubic outlet
1) ** **bones are larger & heavier
2) deep
3) narrow & heart-shaped
4) less than 90°
5) narrower
1) light & thin
2) shallow
3) wide & more oval
4) greater than 90°
5) wider
(more space in true pelvis)
longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the body
**Lower Limbs **
**30 **bones in (4) locations
1) **femur **in thigh
2) **patella **(kneecap)
3) tibia & fibula
4) 7 tarsals in tarsus, 5 metatarsals in metatarsus, 14 phalanges in foot
Proximally, the head articulates with ______________of the hip bone forming the **hip (coxal) joint **
distal to head of femur, common site of fracture
Distally, the __ and ___ ____ articulate with the ___ of the __ forming the **knee joint **
medial and **lateral condyles **of the femur
**medial **and **lateral **condyles **of the tibia
The **distal end **of the **femur **articulates with (2)
tibia & patella
Projections from the junction of the neck and **shaft **of the femur where large muscles attach
**Greater **and lesser trochanter
Between the anterior surfaces of the trochanters is a narrow? .
intertrochanteric line
** Intertrochanteric crest **of the femur
A ridge between posterior surfaces of the trochanters
** Gluteal tuberosity **
vertical ridge inferior to intertrochanteric crest on posterior surface of body of femur
**Gluteal Tuberosity **is a vertical ridge inferior to intertrochanteric crest on posterior surface of body of femur that blends into..
another vertical ridge called the **linea aspera **
Gluteal tuberosity and linea aspera -
both are?
attachment sites for the large hip muscle
Intercondylar fossa of femur
depression between the condyles on posterior surface
muscle site attachments for the knee muscles
medial & lateral epidcondyles
Largest ______________bone in the body
forms the ____ joint
tibiofemoral (knee) joint
**Patella **
a) superior surface
b) inferior, narrower surface
a) base
b) apex
What lines the posterior surface of the patella?
Thick articular cartilage
The thick articular cartilage lines that the posterior surface increases?
leverage of quadriceps femoris muscle
** Patellofemoral stress syndrome** - “runner’s knee”
Rather than normal tracking (gliding) of patella supeiorly & inferiorly in groove between femoral condyles, the patella tracks laterally as well as superiorly and inferiorly
this increased pressure on joint causing aching or tenderness around or under patella
The larger, medial weight-bearing bone of the leg
Shin bone
What attaches the patella to the tibial tuberosity?
patellar ligament
patellofemoral joint
between posterior surface of patella & patellar surface of femur
The **Patellofemoral **Joint is the intermediate component of the ?
tibiofemoral (knee) joint
What part of the tibia articulates with the femur
lateral & medial condyles at proximal end
What part of the tibia articulates with the talus & fibula
distally, **medial malleolus **articulates with **talus **of ankle
fibular notch articulates with distal end of fibula to form **distal **tibiofibular joint
attachment site for the patellar ligament
tibial tuberosity of tibia
Medial malleolus of tibia
medial surface of distal end of tibia (medial surface of ankle joint)
smaller, laterally placed bone of the leg
non-weight bearing
What forms the proximal tibiofibular joint
head of fibula (proximal end) & inferior surface of **lateral condyle **of tibia
What forms the distal tibiofibular joint
fibular notch of **tibia **& medial part of distal end of **fibula **
Lateral malleolus
- distal end of fibula
articulates with tibia and the talus at the ankle
7 tarsal bones
3 cuneiform bones (third/lateral, second/intermediate, first/medial)
Tarsals located in posterior part of foot
**talus **and **calcaneus **
most superior tarsal bone
articulates with?
articulates with the **fibula **and tibia
heel bone, largest & strongest
**calcaneus **
in posterior part of foot
Anterior tarsal bones (5)
third (lateral, second (intermediate), first (medial) cuneiform bones
How many metatarsals?
How are they numbered?
each consists of?
5 metatarsals
I-V (medial to lateral)
base, shaft, head
1) Big toe
2) Ankle
1) Hallux
2) tarsus
Articulation between **talus **and **tibia **and fibula
on one side with **medial malleolus **of **tibia **
on the other side with **lateral malleolus **of fibula
The **talus **articulates on one side with **medial malleolus of tibia and on the other side with lateral malleolus of fibula **forming the?
**talocrural (ankle) **joint
**Arches of the Foot **
support weight of body (the arches flex when body weight applied)
provide spring & leverage to foot when walking
(2) arches of the foot
1) longitudinal arch
1) transverse arch
(2) Parts of the Longitudinal Arch
1) medial part
2) lateral part
arches decrease or “fall”
too much arch due to various pathologies
Does the hyoid bone belong to the appendicular skeleton, axial skeleton, the upper extremity or the skull ?
axial skeleton
Does the clavicle belong to the axial skeleton, the pectoral girdle, the pelvic girdle or the upper extremity?
pectoral girdle
Long ends of the bone are called?
The patella is part of the ___ skeleton
What is an osteon?
a component of compact bone arranged in repeating structural units
also known as Haversian Systems
(building block of compact bone)
Define trabeculae
lamellae arranged in lattice of thin columns in spongy bone
(lamellae = concentric rings of calcified matrix)
What part of the rib articulates with the transverse process of a vertebra?
nonarticular part of tubercle
the most inferior portion of the sternum
xiphoid process
the difference between the sacral foramina and the sacral canal?
sacral foramina - openings on concave anterior & convex posterior side of sacrum
**sacral canal **- perpendicular to sacral foramina & is continuation of vertebral canal
second cervical vertebra
A rib that attaches to the sternum by the cartilage of another rib has what name?
vertebrochondral ribs
What structures make up the vertebral arch?
2 pedicles unite with flat laminae
Which bone are the eyebrows superficial to?
frontal bone
What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone in the orbit?
sphenoid bone
The sella turcica is found in what bone?
sphenoid bone
What are the two bony structures that make up the nasal septum?
**vomer **and ethmoid bone
The humerus fits into what specific part of the scapula?
glenoid cavity
What are the name of the condyles of the humerus?
lateral and medial epicondyles
**trochlea **and capitulum
What is the cuplike depression of the os coax into which the head of the femur fits?
acetabulum of hip bone
The carpal bone at the base of the thumb
another name for the heel bone
How many bones are in the ankle vs. the number of bones in the wrist?
7 **tarsal **(ankle) bones
8 **carpal **(wrist) bones