Chapter 1 - Intro Flashcards
Two branches of science that deal with body’s parts and function
Anatomy & Physiology
The science of body structures and relationships
- First studies by dissection (cutting apart)
- Imaging techniques
The science of **body functions **
Basic Life Processes (6)
1) metabolism
2) responsiveness
3) movement
4) growth
5) differentiation
6) reproduction
Descriptions of the human body assume a specific stance - **Anatomical position **(6)
body upright
standing erect facing observer
head & eyes facing forward
feet are flat on the floor & forward
upper limbs to sides
palms turned forward
Terms for a reclining body (2)
1) prone
2) supine
**Prone **position
body is lying face down
**Supine **position
body is lying face up
**Directional Terms **
describe the?
position of one body part **relative to another **
group in pairs with opposite meaning
Directional Terms for front & back
**anterior **(front) view
**posterior **(back) view
___________ Nearer to the front of the body
___________Nearer to the back of the body
___________Toward the head
___________Away from the head
___________Nearer to the attachment of a limb to the trunk
___________Farther from the attachment of a limb to the trunk
___________Farther from the midline
___________Nearer to the midline
____ between 2 structures
__________ same side as another structure
__________ opposite side as another structure
__________ toward or on surface of body
superficial (external)
________away from surface of body
deep (internal)
Most Principal Regions (5)
Upper Limbs
Lower Limbs
Head Region
skull & face
Neck Region
Supports the head and attaches to trunk
Trunk Region
chest, abdomen, pelvis
Upper Limb Region
attaches to trunk (shoulder, armpit & arm)
Lower Limb Region
attaches to trunk (buttock, thigh, leg, ankle & foot)
imaginary flat surfaces that pass through the body parts
Sagittal plane
a vertical plane that divides the body into right & left sides
Midsagittal plane
divides body into equal right and left sides
Parasagittal plane
divides body into unequal right and left sides
**Frontal **or **Coronal **plane
Divides the body or an organ into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions
**Transverse **plane
Divides the body or an organ into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions
Also called cross-sectional or horizontal plane
**Oblique **plane
Passes through the body or an organ at an angle Between transverse and sagittal plane
Between transverse and frontal plane
cut of the body made along a plane
Body Cavities
Spaces within the body that help protect, separate, and support internal organs
(3) Body Cavities
1) Cranial cavity
2) Thoracic cavity
3) Abdominopelvic cavity
**Cranial Cavity **is continuous with the?
Both are lined by the?
**vertebral canal **
**Meninges **
**Cranial **cavity
- formed by?
- formed by the cranial bones
- protects the brain
**Vertebral **Canal
- formed by?
- contains?
bones of vertebral column - backbone
contains the spinal cord
3 layers of **protective tissue **that line the **cranial cavity **& **vertebral canal **
Thoracic Cavity
formed by?
**chest **cavity
muscles of chest
sternum (breastbone)
vertebral column (thoracic portion)
Within the **thoracic **cavity….(4)
1) **pericardial **cavity
2) **pleural **cavity
3) **mediastinum **
4) **diaphragm **
**Pericardial **cavity
fluid-filled space that surrounds the heart
**Pleural **cavity
Two fluid-filled spaces that that surround each lung
- Central part of the thoracic cavity
- Between lungs
- Extending from the sternum to the **vertebral column **
- First rib to the diaphragm
**Diaphragm **
dome shaped muscle
separates thoracic cavity from abdominopelvic cavity
Abdominopelvic Cavity
extends from?
encircled by?
divided into?
extends from diaphragm to groin
encircled by abdominal wall + bones & muscle of pelvis
divided into **abdominal **& **pelvic **cavity
**Abdominal **cavity
Stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, small and large intestines
**Pelvic **cavity
Urinary bladder, internal organs of reproductive system, and portions of the large intestine
Which of the 2 portions of the **Abdominopelvic **cavity is the
a) **superior **portion
b) **inferior **portion
a) Abdominal
b) Pelvic
Organs of the thoracic and abdominal pelvic cavities
**Serous **membrane
a thin slippery membrane that covers the
Parts of the **serous membrane **(2)
1) **Parietal **layer
2) **Visceral **layer
Thoracic & **Abdominal Cavity Membranes (3) **
1) Pleura
2) Pericardium
3) Peritoneum
serous membrane of the **pleural cavities **
serous membrane of the pericardial cavity
serous membrane of the **abdominal **cavity
(2) types of **Pleura **
1) **Visceral **pleura
2) **Parietal **pleura
1) Visceral pleura
2) **Parietal **pleura
1) clings to surface of lungs
2) lines the chest wall
(2) types of Pericardium
1) Visceral pericardium
2) Parietal pericardium
1) Visceral pericardium
2) Parietal pericardium
1) covers heart
2) lines chest wall
(2) types of Peritoneum
1) **Visceral **peritoneum
2) **Parietal **peritoneum
1) **Visceral **peritoneum
2) Parietal peritoneum
1) covers **abdominal cavity **(viscera)
2) lines the **abdominal wall **
**Retroperitoneal **
between parietal peritoneum & posterior abdominal wall
**Other **Cavities
1) **oral **cavity
2) **nasal **cavity
3) orbital cavities
4) middle ear cavities
5) synovial cavities
**Oral **cavity
tongue & teeth
**Nasal **cavity
**Orbital **cavities
**Middle Ear **cavities
small bones of the middle ear
Tic-Tac-Toe Region
Abdominopelvic Regions
*Used to describe the location of abdominal and pelvic organs *
2 horizontal & 2 vertical lines partition the cavity
Tic-Tac-Toe Grid
2 horizontal & 2 vertical lines partition cavity
(3) lines
1) **subcostal line ** - top horizontal
2) **transtubercular **line - bottom horizontal
3) **midclavicular **line - 2 vertical lines
1) subcostal line - top horizontal
2) **transtubercular **line - bottom horizontal
3) **midclavicular **line - 2 vertical lines
1) inferior to rib cage
2) inferior to top of hip bone
3) midpoints to clavicles & medial to nipples
(9) abdominopelvic regions
right hypochondriac epigastric left hypochondriac
right lumbar umbilical left lumbar
right inguinal (iliac) hypogastric (pubic) left inguinal (iliac)
(2) methods of dividing abdominal cavity into smaller areas
1) Tic-Tac-Toe Grid
2) Quadrants
2nd method - Quadrants
(2) lines
midsagittal line + tranverse line
*method 2: *Quadrant method
vertical & horizontal lines pass through umbilicus (belly-button)
Right upper Left upper
Right lower Left lower
Medical Imaging
Techniques & procedures used to create images of the human body
Allow visualization of structures inside the body Diagnosis of anatomical and physiological disorders Conventional radiography (X-rays) have been in use since the late 1940’s
produce image of interior structures
• Inexpensive & **quick **
• Hollow structures appear black or **gray **
• Do not pass easily through dense structure (bone)
- At low dose, useful for soft tissue (breast)
- Mammography (breast)
- Bone densitometry (bone density)
**Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) **
• High energy magnetic field
- Protons in body fluid align with field
• Color image on a video monitor
- 2D and 3D blueprint
• Relatively safe procedure
- Not used on patients containing metal **
• Used for differentiating normal** and abnormal tissues
- Tumors, brain abnormalities, blood flow
**Computed Tomography **
Computer-Assisted radiography (CT-Scan)
3-D structures
- Visualize soft tissue in more detail than conventional radiography
- Tissue intensities show varying degrees of gray
- Whole-body CT scan
- Lung & kidney cancers, coronary artery disease
Ultrasound Scanning
**• High frequency sound waves **
- Sonogram - Noninvasive, painless, no dyes - Pregnancy (fetus)
Radionuclide Scanning
Radioactive substance (radionuclide) given intravenously
Gamma rays detected by camera
Radionuclide image displays on video monitor
Color intensity represents uptake
Single-photo-emission computerized tomography (SPECT)
Specialized technique used for brain, heart, lungs, and liver
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
• Positron (positively charged particles) emitting substance injected into the body
- Collision between positrons and negatively charged electron in body tissues
- ** Gamma rays produced**
- Computer constructed a PET scan image in color
- **Used to study physiology of body structures (metabolism) **
**Endoscopy **
(3) types
1) colonoscopy
2) laparoscopy
3) arthroscopy
**Endoscope - **lighted instrument with lens
image projected onto a monitor