chapter 8 Flashcards
Animals use ______________ when searching for food (vision, olfaction, hearing)
Combo of sensory systems
Bees trained to use _____________________ had highest feeding performance
Visual and odor cues
Use of multiple sensroy cues in bees _______________________
facilitates efficient feeding
Grey mouse lemurs use vision, olfaction, and hearing to locate prey. Detection is highest when _________________________
a) olfaction
b) Hearing
c) Vision
d) Smell
visual cues present
Evolution of behavioral and morphological adaptations in prey to avoid detection is called?
a) search image
b) optimal diet model
c) optimal behavior
d) cryptic coloration
Cryptic coloration
COUNTERADAPTATIONS in predators for better detection is called?
Co-evolutionary arms race
Distinctive visual features of an object like single prey type (facilitates ability to find cryptic prey)
Ex) eye of the fish stands out (this allows predator to notice fish that is camouflaged)
This is called
a) optimal diet model
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
Search image
Noncryptic prey ______ _________
a) found slower
b) found faster
c) Couldn’t find
found faster
Search time for noncryptic prey _______________
a) visualize more
b) vocalize more
c) increased with experience
d) decreased with experience
decreased with experience
What REDUCES predator hunting efficiency. Predator efficiency can increase with EXPERIENCE
Cryptic coloration
Predicts the food types an animal should include in its diet this is called?
a) optimal diet model
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
Optimal diet model
What assumes natural selection feeding behaviors that MAXIMIZES FITNESS?
a) optimal diet model
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
Optimal foraging theory
What assumes FITNESS WHILE FEEDING INCREASES with energy intake rate and OPTIMAL BEHAVIOR?
a) optimal diet model
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
Optimal foraging theory
Behavior that MAXIMIZES fitness is called?
a) optimal diet model
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) optimal behavior
e) Optimal foraging theory
What are the well known OFT models?
a) diet model
b) patch use model
c) optimal foraging theory
d) a and b
Diet model
Patch-use model
1) Foragers maximize fitness by MAXIMIZING ENERGY INTAKE RATE
2) Food items encountered ONE BY ONE in proportion to abundance
3) Food items ranked by their PROFITABILITY
These are the assumptions used in which model
a) diet model
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
Diet model
(OFT Diet model )
________________ = Time between prey encounters
a) optimal diet model
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) search time
search time
__________________ = time to MANIPULATE item prior to consumption
a) handling time
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) search time
Handling time
_______________= ENERGY/ handling time
a) handling time
b) profitability
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) search time
Forager has NARROW DIET is called?
a) specialist
b) co-evolutionary arms race
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) search time
Forager consumes WIDE VARIETY OF ITEMS is called?
a) specialist
b) generalist
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) search time
The diet model example
The optimal diet is to always consume types A,B,C while always ignoring D and E
Each food item is either always eaten or always rejected this is called?
a) specialist
b) generalist
c) cryptic coloration
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) zero one rule
Zero-one rule
Crows eat clams only if they are larger than 29mm this is an example of what?
a) specialist
b) generalist
c) diet model
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) zero one rule
Diet model
OFT model assumes fitness is only function of ______________________
Energy intake
Foragers may require more than just energy
-Sodium commonly limited for behaviors
a) sugar
b) nutrients
c) potassium
d) sodium
What affect diet choice in Ant foraging
a) sugar
b) nutrients
c) potassium
d) sodium
___________ limitation affects feeding behavior of ants
a) sugar
b) sodium chloride
c) potassium
d) sodium
Ants in low sodium environments will have strong preference for _________________
a) sugar
b) sodium chloride
c) potassium
d) sodium
Sodium chloride
Close to the road ______________ of NaCl vials visited
-Ants went to NaCl vials _________ as distance to road ______________
less than 10%
What predicts how long a forager should exploit a food patch
a) specialist
b) generalist
c) diet model
d) search image
e) Optimal foraging theory
f) Optimal patch use model
Optimal patch-use model
Resources are often PATCHY
TRAVEL cost energy
TRAVEL is risky but food runs out
This is called?
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Optimal foraging model
d) Search image
optimal patch use model
What are the 2 optimal patch-use models
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
1) Instantaneous harvest rate
2) Diminishing returns
What is it called when benefit of feeding in food patch
-DECLINEs with TIME spent in patch
-Due to running out of materials
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
Instantaneous Harvest rate
-Forager initially harvests food at HIGH RATE
This is called
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
Diminishing returns
-Foragers maximize energy intake rate
-all patches IDENTICAL
-Travel tune between patches is CONSTANT
-Forager experiences DIMINISHING RETURNS in each patch
This is called
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
e) marginal value theorem
Marginal value theorem
Who developed the Marginal Value theorem?
What predict optimal time exploiting each patch
-stay until BENEFIT OF FORAGING declines to that of the surrounding environment
-Affected by TRAVEL TIME
-Short travel time-optimal patch time SMALL
-Long travel time-optimal patch time LONGER
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
Optimal patch use model
(Patch use by ruddy ducks)
-Birds experienced __________________ in the patches
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
diminishing returns
Ducks maximize energy intake rate according to ______________________
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
optimal patch use model
(patch use by ruddy ducks)
-The model predicted number of items ______________________
-Spent more time in patches when ____________________
1) Eaten by most ducks
2) Travel time was long
Ducks _____________________ while feeding from artificial patches
maximize energy intake
What uses model with multiple costs
1) energetic costs
2) Predation risk
3) Missed opportunity cost
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
Optimal patch model
-patches with identical benefits and costs should be harvested to SAME QUITTING HARVEST RATE
-Quitting harvest rare
-Giving-up density (GUD)
This is called
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
e) Browns patch use model
Browns patch -use model
(Cleveland brown are quitters)
Foragers harvest rate when it LEAVES PATCH this is called?
Quitting harvest rate
(leave patch (hood) bc im a quitter)
Density/amount of food items LEFT IN PATCH after foraging event this is called?
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
e) Giving up density (GUD)
Giving-up density (GUD)
Examined humans use of resources using computer fishing game
-appearance of fish in pond varies ________ with their _________ in a pond
-Harvesting of fish reduces number of fish remaining
-can switch to new pind but can not return to abandoned one
-Moving to a new pond requires _________ during which cannot capture fish
-The final payout to the subject depends on the _________________ captured
-Two travels times (15 and 25 seconds)
-Increased ___________ as travel time increased
-Spent more time than optimal exploiting ponds
-Individuals may need ______________ to learn about environment
1) Positively
2) density
3) travel
4) total number of fish
5) patch -use
6) more time
How do fruit bats exploit food patches that differ in food amount?
Bats will attempt to maximize their energy intake rate
(patches used by fruit bats)
Bats experienced _______________ using feeders
EQUAlIZED GUDS of 3 feeders
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
1) diminished returns
(patches used by fruit bats)
-Bats maximize energy intake when feeding on patches that differ in ________________
initial food amount
How does variation in predation costs affect patch use?
Foragers will use patches less when predation costs are high
(Kangaroo rat foraging with variable predation costs)
-GUDS lowest for _____________________
-GUDs highest when _________________________
1) Patches under shrub
2) predator scent present
(Kangaroo rat foraging with variable predation costs)
-Kangaroo rat foraging behavior affected by _________________ costs as predicted by browns model
a) Optimal patch use model
b) diet model
c) Diminishing returns
d) instantaneous harvest rate
e) predation risk
Predation risk
(Okapi foraging with variable risk)
How does variation in perceived risk affect patch use?
Foragers will use patches less perceived risk is high
-perceived risk may not not be the same for all
(Okapi foraging with variable risk)
-GUDs highest in ________________________
-the male and female okapi _____________________ perception
1) areas of perceived risk
2) differed risky
(Okapi foraging with variable risk)
-patch use studies can reveal ___________________ for animals in captivity
-Consideration of individual exhibit perception is important for ___________________
1) risky situations
2) Animal welfare
(beach mouse)
-Many nocturnal animals perceive a higher risk of predation when _________
Light levels are high
-Santa Rosa beach mice strongly ___________________ (leave higher GUDs) near artificial lights
-Represents ___________________ quality
1) Reduced foraging efforts
2) Reduction in habitat