chapter 7 Flashcards
What is PERMANENT CHANGE in behavior as result of experience? (results in adaptive changes in behavior that ____________?
a) habituation
b) environmental stimulus
c) learning; enhances fitness
d) fixed world
a) Learning; enhances fitness
what species improves in foraging efficiency with experience?
What individuals rapidly learned to capture prey?
Which of the following has a Habitat A (50% probability for high fitness) and Habitat B (50% probability for high fitness)?
a) fixed world
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) stimulus
Which of the following has HABITAT a (100% probability for high fitness) and Habitat b (0% probability for high fitness)?
a) fixed world
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) stimulus
Fixed world
Things are changing rapidly therefore you wont have the opportunity to do it again causing you to never have to learn the behavior this is an example of what?
a) fixed world
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) stimulus
Dynamic world (come back if you dont understand)
In this the environment never changes therefore you never need to learn any new behavior?
a) fixed world
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) stimulus
Fixed world (come back if you dont understand)
Reduction/ lack to stimulus over time (simplest form; needed to filter stimuli) this is called?
a) environmental stimulus
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
Anything in the environment (abiotic or biotic) that an individual can perceive is called?
a) environmental stimulus
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
Environmental stimulus
reaction to a stimulus is called?
a) environmental stimulus
b) response
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
Fiddler crabs have a reduction and then lack of response to nonthreatening human observation this is an example of?
a) environmental stimulus
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
Changes is what cause learning occur? or changes in …
a) neurotransmitters
b) number of synapses
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
e) a and b
f) a and c
Number of synapses
Rapid learning in young animals during a SHORT INTENSIVE PERIOD; has long lasting effects this is called?
a) environmental stimulus
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
what technique is used to help endangered species need to learn migration routes?
a) environmental stimulus
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
Train whooping cranes to follow human flying an ultralight aircraft to learn natural/ migration routes. Which of the following is this an example of…
a) environmental stimulus
b) dynamic
c) imprinting
d) Habituation
How can you determine imprinting is occurring?
a) Neurotransmitters
d) both GABA and Glutamate
which neurotransmitters are playing a role in chicks due to determine imprinting?
a) Neurotransmitters
d) both GABA and Glutamate
Glutamate and GABA
Retention of learned experience is called?
a) Neurotransmitters
d) Memory
Structural changes in brain and the number of synapses between neurons is called?
a) Neurotransmitters
d) neural plasticity
Neural plasticity
Small protuberances on a dendrite that receive synaptic inputs are called?
a) Neurotransmitters
d) dendritic spines
dendritic spines
Mice that learned running on rotorod had higher levels of what?
a) Neurotransmitters
d) dendritic spines formation
dendritic spine formation
The formation of new dendritic spines associated with learning was…
cache means
What allows caching behavior in avian?
a) Neurotransmitters
c) Hippocampus formation
d) dendritic spines
Hippocampus formation/hippocampus
spacial memory in avian birds is associated with?
a) Neurotransmitters
c) Hippocampus formation
d) dendritic spines
Hippocampus/Hippocampal formation
Association between environmental stimulus and behavioral response is called?
a) classical conditioning
b) fitness
c) negative reinforcement
d) stimulus response association
Stimulus- response association
learning new associations between stimulus and INNATE/ UNLEARNED is called (novel stimulus alone will elicit same response as existing stimulus)
a) classical conditioning
b) fitness
c) negative reinforcement
d) stimulus response association
Classical conditioning (Pavlovian conditioning)
Explain pavlovs dogs
food = salivation ——>
bell = no response ——->
bell + food = salivation ——->
bell (no food) = salivation
Adults trained to learn that mating could occur in the conditioned stimulus cage type (CS+) but not in the other cage type (CS-) this is an example of what?
a) Pavlovian conditioning
b) fitness
c) negative reinforcement
d) stimulus response association
Pavlovian conditioning
Adults trained to learn that mating could occur in the conditioned stimulus cage type (CS+) but not in the other cage type (CS-) what would this increase?
a) Pavlovian conditioning
b) fitness
c) negative reinforcement
d) stimulus response association
fitness (reproductive success)
Fish exposed to cocktail + chemical alarm performed __________ than controls exposed to novel odor
less feeding behavior
How did fish learn associations between fish to determine if they were predators?
Odor and chemical alarms
Who developed operant conditioning?
Animal learns to associate LEARNED behavior with response and response to stimulus is reinforced by reward or punishment is called?
a) Pavlovian conditioning
b) operant conditioning
c) classical conditioning
d) stimulus response association
Operant conditioning
Behavior increase when stimulus presented (food) is called?
a) Pavlovian conditioning
b) positive reinforcement
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
positive reinforcement
Behavior increases when stimulus removed (pain) is called?
a) Pavlovian conditioning
b) positive reinforcement
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Behavior decrease when stimulus presented is called?
a) Pavlovian conditioning
b) positive reinforcement
c) positive punishment
d) negative reinforcement
positive punishment
Behavior decreases when stimulus removed is called?
a) negative punishment
b) positive reinforcement
c) positive punishment
d) negative reinforcement
negative punishment
Giving a child dessert for eating her vegetables is an example of?
a) negative punishment
b) positive reinforcement
c) positive punishment
d) negative reinforcement
Positive reinforcement
allowing a child to leave the table for finishing her vegetables is an example of?
a) negative punishment
b) positive reinforcement
c) positive punishment
d) negative reinforcement
negative reinforcement
scolding a child for disrupting class is an example of?
a) negative punishment
b) positive reinforcement
c) positive punishment
d) negative reinforcement
positive punishment
Putting a child in time out or making her miss recess for disrupting class is an example of?
a) negative punishment
b) positive reinforcement
c) positive punishment
d) negative reinforcement
Negative punishment
behavior changes bit by bit as animal makes progress is called?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
Trial-and-error learning (operant conditioning)
Graphical representation of change in learning over time (decline in errors over time) is example of…
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
Learning curve (operant conditioning)
Blue flowers have nectar, change the flowers to yellow and teaching bees that yellow flowers have nectar this is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
trial and error learning
Teaching macaques (moneys) you get more by choosing less some to longer to learn but eventually learned this is an example of (some learned quicker than others)?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
Learning curves
faster learning colonies of bees (learning yellow flowers have nectar) deliver more food colony which enhanced survivorship this is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
trial and error learning
using others as source of information for learning is called?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
social learning
baboons use rock to crack nut and child watching (child learned to crack nut) is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
social learning
prairie dogs learn anti-predator behavior from adults is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
social learning
individuals trained with adult showed higher level of anti-predator behavior which in turn had higher survivorship is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) classical conditioning
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
social learning
Using information from behavior of other individuals (INACTIVE) participation of demonstrator is called?
a) Trial and error learning
b) social learning
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
Social information
Directing individuals focus to particular part of the environment by presence of another is called?
a) Trial and error learning
b) local information
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) Learning curve
Local enhancement
Information obtained from activity or performance of others about the quality of an environmental resource is called?
a) Trial and error learning
b) local information
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
Public information
A bunch of penguins bunched up in a group (no purpose) and one viewing it and then later joins is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
Local Enhancement
Squirrels digging for food one views (has purpose trying to find food) one is viewing the activity and joins is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
Public information
Focal fish spent more time at patch with more demonstrators is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
local enhancement
focal fish preferred less demonstrators is an example of?
a) Trial and error learning
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
Public information
ACTIVE participation of experienced individual in facilitating learning by naive individual is called?
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
1) Teaching modifies behavior ONLY IN PRESENCE of pupil
2) Behavior is COSTLY to teach!!!
3) Pupil AQUIRE KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL more rapidly due to behavior of teacher
this is the criteria for…
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
chicks learn their diet from mothers food calls this is an example of?
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
Video recoded behavior of tandem (ants) runs in arena with nest and food source
1) first of scout
2) scout and recruit head to site of food
3) recruit back to nest and is now a scout for another recruit
This is an example of what?
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social information
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
behavioral traditions and song dialects are a form of what?
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) negative reinforcement
e) public information
social learning
Differences in behavior among population; transmitted across generations through social learning is called
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) negative reinforcement
e) behavioral traditions
behavioral traditions
characteristic differences in songs that vary geographically among populations is called?
song dialects
(Foraging behavioral tradition in great tits)
In each population with _________ demonstrators (t1-T5) knowledge about solving box spread quickly
(Foraging behavioral tradition in great tits)
Few individuals in ___________ populations solved box
(Foraging behavioral tradition in great tits)
Nine months later _____________ populations could still solve box and control populations had few who could solve
(Foraging behavioral tradition in great tits)
A novel foraging technique can spread through a population through _________________
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) negative reinforcement
e) behavioral traditions
Social learning
(Foraging behavioral tradition in great tits)
Behavioral traditions can persist over _________________
multiple generations
acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information is called?
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) cognition
e) behavioral traditions
1) Tool use (ex. OTTER, CROW)
2) Problem solving
-Insight learning
4) Spatial memory
These are all aspect of what?
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) cognition
e) behavioral traditions
Capuchins use stones to crack open nuts (stones vary in size, weight, and affects strength) this is an example of?
a) teaching
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) cognition
e) behavioral traditions
Spontaneous problem solving without trial and error learning
-considered to be one aspect of HIGHER COGNITIVE ability
-Common study designed is to put food out of reach to see if individual can obtain via unique behavior
this is called?
a) problem solving
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) cognition
e) insight learning
Insight learning
This is accomplished through trial and error learning?
a) problem solving
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) cognition
e) insight learning
Problem solving
Asian elephants with no experience, kandula moved a large cube underneath hanging fruit to stand on to obtain food this is an example of?
a) problem solving
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) cognition
e) insight learning
Insight learning
Birds often involves a string pulling task to acquire food this is an example of?
a) problem solving
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) cognition
e) insight learning
Insight learning
Ability to recognize numerical quantities is called?
(another aspect of cognition)
a) problem solving
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) numerical competency
e) insight learning
Numerical competency
New Zealand robins are shown two covered cache sites (placed different numbers of mealworms one at a time in caches) robins preferred larger cache sites this is an example of?
a) problem solving
b) local enhancement
c) social learning
d) numerical competency
e) insight learning
Numerical competency
Large brains costly to maintain; provide survival benefits through learning flexible behaviors
-cognitive ability correlated with brain size
This is called?
a) problem solving
b) cognitive buffer hypothesis
c) social learning
d) numerical competency
e) insight learning
Cognitive buffer Hypothesis
In female guppies, larger brains are associated with
higher cognitive (Learning) ability
(Brain size and cognition in guppies)
Food more important for females than males ________________________
Males fitness reliant on finding mates
There should be a positive relationship between cognitive performance and fitness this is called?
a) problem solving
b) cognitive buffer hypothesis
c) cognitive performance hypothesis
d) numerical competency
e) insight learning
Cognitive performance hypothesis