chapter 13 Flashcards
socail associations and number of SEXUAL PARTNERS an individual has DURING ONE BREEDING SEASON
this is called
mating system
-number of females 1
-number of males 1
this is called
-number of females more than 1
-number of males 1
this is called
-number of females more than 1
-mating occurs within social groups
-number of males more than 1
this is called
polygynandry or plural breeding
-number of females 1
-number of males more than 1
this is called
-number of females more than 1
-number of males more than 1
-mating is not restricted to specific social associations
this is called
Sexual conflict (evolutionary) and resource distribution (ecological)
2 factors:
1) Sexual conflict
2) Resource amount and distribution vary in different environments
this is called
Emlen and Oring model
differential selection on males and females to maximize fitness
-female fitness most often limited by ACCESS OF RESOURCES
-male fitness most often limited by NUMBER OF MATES
this is called
Sexual conflct
males monopolize AGGREGATIONS OF FEMALES directly this is called
Female defense polygyny
Males defend territories RICH IN RESOURCES used by females this is called
Resource defense polygyny
Location where aggregation of males DISPLAY TO FEMALES
-Males often form DOMINANCE Hierarchy
this is called
Dominant males obtain most mating this is called
Male dominance polygyny
May evolve when MALE-BIASED parental care is advantageous for both sexes
-very HIGH PREDATION on offspring advantageous for females to be able to MATE AGAIN QUICKLY
this is called
MULTIPLE MATING partners for both sexes
ex) lions
Multiple mating partners for both sexes
-social associations ARE NOT PRESENT; males and females are SOLITARY
(Mating system in reed warblers)
1) Most species are _______________ and live in POOR QUALITY habitats
2) Four species display __________________ and live in MEDIUM QUALITY habitats
3) One species displays __________________ and lives in GOOD QUALITY habitat
4) Most species show high levels of PARENTAL CARE
5) _______________ occurs in polygynous and promiscuouc species
1) Monogamous
2) Polygyny
3) promiscuity
4) reduced parental care
Bi-parental care favors the evolution of ____________
One male associates and mates with one female often forming pair-bond
-association with bi-parental care
-favored in resources-poor environments/ when resources are difficult to obtain
California mice are _______________
High levels of paternal care to raise offspring
-reproductive success will be low if paternal care is absent
Poison frogs are _______________
-When resources are limited, ________________ will evolve because bi-parental care is required to successfully raise offspring
Small pool of water that collects at base of leaves or petals in a plants is called
How are habitat quality and mating system related to the level of male care in reed warblers?
1) most species show high levels of parental care
2) reduced parental care occurs in polygynous species and in the promiscuous species
Habitat quality is correlated with ______ and level of ______-
mating system
paternal care
males in r imitator (monogamous)
carries the fertilized eggs to small phytotelma
female r imitator (monogamous)
feeds young with her unfertilized eggs
Males in R. variables (promiscuouc)
carries the fertilized eggs to large phytotelma
females in R variables (promiscuous)
no egg feeding
two individuals (one of each sex)
can better defend a critical resource needed for reproduction
territorial cooperation hypothesis
a single male can benefit by remaining close to a single female during one or more reproductive cycles
Mate guarding hypothesis
2 hypothesis that may be explanation for monogamy in some species without bi-parental care
1) territorial cooperation hypothesis
2) mate guarding hypothesis
why are snapping shrimp monogamous when males provide no care?
1) females in pairs won more contests than solitary females
2) males in pairs won more contest than solitary males
3) males only respond to water that contained females close to and during sexual receptivity
34) territorial cooperation and mate guarding have favored monogamy in snapping shrimp
males monopolize aggregations of females directly (female is being defended) this is called
female defense polygyny
males defend territories rich in resources that are used by and attract females this is called
resource defense polygyny
Do male horses defend females directly or the resources they seek?
1) males defended their females from other males
2) all bands used the same geographic areas over time
3) males defended females directly
Females should mate polygynously only when the benefits of doing so (extra resources) exceed the costs (sharing resources with other females) this is called?
Polygyny threshold model
Why do some blackbirds mate monogamously while others mate polygynously?
1) in 12 of the 14 male dyads, newly arriving females settled on the high-quality territory and mated polygynously
2) these females had high reproductive success; the two females that mated monogamously had low reproductive success
3) territory quality affects observed mating system in red-winged blackbirds as predicted by the polygyny threshold model
What is the mating system of carrion beetles?
1) the two females had similar reproductive success
2) the large male had higher reproductive success than the small male
3) resource defense polygyny appears to be the mating system in this species
males can benefit by aggregating on leks near high quality resources that attract females this is called
hotspot hypothesis
males can benefit by aggregating on leks near high-quality males that attract females this is called?
hotshot hypothesis
Why do male great snipe (gallinago media) aggregate on leks)?
1) when dominant were removed, their territory remained unoccupied and subordinates moved away
2) When subordinates were removed, other subordinates added the vacant space to their territories
3) support the hotspot hypothesis
Why do male peafowl aggregate on leks?
1) Males closest to the feeding site obtained the most mating
2) New males quickly settled on the sites of removed males
3) the number of female visits to a display site was similar before and after a male was removed
4) hotspot hypothesis
5) females preferred to mate with males close to the feeding site
Females exhibit high levels of territorial defense and aggression while males provide high parental care
-may be favored in resource-poor environments or where predation on offspring is high
this is called
sex role reversed species
Where is sex role reversed species favored?
1) resource poor environment
2) predation on offspring is high
3 methods of the evolution of polyandry?
1) male biased parental care
2) high female fecundity
3) intense competition among females for mates
What distinguishes polygyandry from promiscuity?
Presence of social associations (bonding)
plural breeding
In polygynandry, group defense of a territory is _______ than defense by a single individual
5 examples of polygynandry
1) African lions
2) Banded monogooses
3) spooted hyenas
4) chimpanzees
5) bonobos
What is the mating system of the European badger?
1) Social groups averaged six adult males and six adult females
2) Within social groups, multiple males and multiple females reproduced within a single breeding attempt
3) Polygynandry
Promiscuity is characterized by
scramble competition
individuals compete with one another to obtain copulations with multiple mates this is called?
scramble competition
Promiscuity may evolve when ____________ or ____________
1) the costs of the defense of mates or resources exceed the benefits
2) there is no need for bi-parental care
What is the mating system of red squirrels?
1) females copulated with an average of 5.8 males
2) 83% of litters with more than one young were sired by multiple males (mean of 2.3 sires per litter)
3) these data indicate a promiscuous mating system with scramble competition
Based on observations of social associations among the sexes this is called
social mating system
Based on the actual number of sexual partners that contribute to a set of offspring this is called
Extra-pair copulations
Females that engage in multi-male matings can improve the fitness of their offspring via genetic mechanisms this is called?
genetic quality hypothesis
Why do female juncos engage in extra-pair copulations?
1) Extra-pair young produced more grand offspring than within-pair young
2) the fitness of female offspring from extra-pair matings is higher than that of within-pair young
Why do female marmots engage in extra-pair copulations?
1) off 220 offspring, 45 resulted from extra-pair matings
2) Extra-pair offspring had higher survivorship and a greater probability of becoming dominant than within-pair young
3) Females can improve their fitness by seeking extra-pair partners