Chapter 15 Flashcards
Benefits of sociality
1) Decreased time to find food
2) Enhanced foraging success
3) Enhanced resource defense
4) Decreased predation risk
5) Reduced costs of thermoregulation
6) Specialization and division of labor
7) Communal care of young
8) More rapid learning
9) Reduced cost of movement
Cost of Sociality
1) Increased aggression
2) Increased competition
3) Increased attraction to predators
4) increased disease transmission
5) Increased infanticide
6) Increased cannibalism
What FORAGING BENEFITS are associated with sociality in minnows?
1) Sociality reduces search time for food because multiple individuals simultaneously search
2) As group size increases, the search time for an individual to find hidden food declines
Individuals benefit from living in groups by gaining information about distant food sources from others
ex) Vultures
Information center hypothesis
Can groups of communal roosting euasian griffon vultures be a source of information about distant food sources?
Uninformed individual will follow informed individual to carcass, remain close together, informed individual will LEAD
Do individuals associate with others to obtain anti-predator benefits?
Variation in predation risk should explain variation in group size
1) Sociality reduces predation risk
Why do large birds fly in a V-formation?
-Birds in formation will have lower wingbeat frequency and heart rate than solitary birds
Do fish in any position in a group have a reduced cost of swimming compared to solitary individuals?
Swimming with others REDUCES hydrodynamic drag, reducing cost of movement
Individuals in stable groups can benefit when group members specialize on different tasks this is called?
Skill pool Effect (ants)
Does individual specialization result in HIGHER fitness for individuals living in groups?
1) Colonies with more behavioral specialization (brood care and exploration of novel objects) have HIGHER fitness
2) Behavioral specialization among workers within a colony enhances productivity
Does competition affect the size of social groups in red-tailed guenons?
1) Competition for food limits group size
2) Low-resource environments should have smaller group sizes than high-resource environments
How does sociality affect DISEASE TRANSMISSION in guppies?
1) Tighter spacing between individuals enhances disease transmission
2) Disease transmission rates will be higher in tighter social groups
Within group variation in _________________
competitive ability
Organized social system with dominant/ subordinate members this is called
Dominance Hierarchy
Individual dominant to each member below it; subordinate to all above it this is called?
Linear dominance hierarchy
Do dominance hierarchies affect aggression in crayfish?
1) Dominance hierarchies reduce aggression between individuals
2) Level of aggression will be high during hierarchy formation but will then decline
How do dominance hierarchies affect stress levels in baboons?
1) Aggression level and stress hormones such as glucocorticoid will be lowest when stable dominance hierarchies exist
2) The formation of a dominance hierarchy reduces aggression and stress in individuals
How do ecological CONDITIONS influence the evolution of sociality in historicognath rodents?
1) Common ancestor most likely SOCIAL species that lived in open habitats
-evolution of solitary species often in conjunction with closed habitats
-vegetation cover associated with group living
2) Sociality influenced by habitat and phylogeny
African antelope
1) Small species = small SOCIAL groups, dense vegetation, hide from predators, dietary specialists
2) Large species= large groups, OPEN habitats, flee from predator attacks, dietary generalists
Are these correlations supported when account for evolutionary relatedness?
Ecological conditions can help explain variation in sociality among closely related species
What are the social approach behavior and neuropeptides in goldfish?
1) Vasotocin (VT) and isotocin (IT no effect) affect social affiliation
2) Vasotocin (VT) will inhibit social affiliation
How do hormones affect sociality in zebra finches?
1) Endogenous MT promotes sociality in zebra finches
2) Individuals with higher MT will spend more time with larger groups
How does OXYTOCIN (OXT) modulate female reproductive behavior in gray seals?
Link between OXT plasma concentration and prosocial behavior in these wild seal pups (made the seals more social less aggression)