Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is a testable explanation for observed phenomenon?
Which of the following is a hypothesis?
a) How do male wolf spiders find unmated females
b) Male wolf spiders use behavior of nearby males to find receptive females
c) Presence of rival male searching male orienting toward the rival, searching for a female and beginning courtship tapping
b) Male wolf spiders use behavior of nearby males to find receptive females
Mathematical models can generate predictions about which behaviors maximize an individual fitness
All models are based on assumption about ecology and evolution of organism
Squirrel foraging: Carrying food creates tradeoff safety vs energy
1) Fitness increases with higher energy intake rate
2) fitness increases with less time spent away from cover
3) squirrels are safe in a tree and at risk of death away from trees
4) larger food items require longer handling time
Predictions squirrel foraging: As food size increases carrying to safety increases handling time
as distance to safety tree increases carry less
No manipulation (lack control)
Manipulation of variables
-Must have control group to evaluate the effect of the manipulation
Compare behaviors around species
- Assessment of ancestral vs derived traits
-timing of development of the behavioral trait
Seahorse are considered?
a) Subordinate
b) coursing
c) Monagomous
d) independent
What are species that have daily greeting ritual?
a) Subordinate
b) monogamous
c) dominant
d) independent variable
What are males that will chase guard ewes to attempt to mate?
a) Monogamous
b) Dominant
c) Independent variable
d) Subordinate
Subordinate (coursing)
males guard a ewe?
a) Monagomous
b) subordinate
c) Dominate
d) independent variable
Dominate (trending)
Variable that is changed by researcher this is called?
a) control group
b) dependent variable
c) comparative variable
d) independent variable
independent variable
variable measured in response to change in the independent variable this is called?
a) control group
b) dependent variable
c) comparative method
d) independent variable
dependent variable
group that does not experience manipulation this is called?
a) control group
b) dependent variable
c) comparative method
d) independent variable
control group
What examines differences/similarities between species to understand evolution of behaviors this is called?
a) control group
b) dependent variable
c) comparative method
d) independent variable
comparative method
Traits found in a common ancestor of 2 plus species
a) reduction
b) plesiomorphic
c) apomorphic
d) phylogeny
Ancestral traits (plesiomorphic)
traits found more recently evolved species and not present in common ancestor?
a) control group
b) phylogeny
c) Plesiomorphic
d) Apomorphic
Derived trait (Apomorphic)
What is a diagram that shows evolutionary ancestor dependent relationships among organisms?
a) Phylogeny
b) Apomorphic
c) control group
d) Plelsiomorphic
(geny an sistor (ancestor) dependent on relationships)
Two species more closely related to one another than another then to any other species?
a) Phylogeny
b) Apomorphic
c) sister species
d) Plelsiomorphic
sister species
(two species more close are considered sisters)
What are the 3 r’s?
1) Replacement
2) Reduction
3) Refinement
(place duct fine)
Burrowing behavior in mice are considered?
a) apomorphic
b) phylogeny
c) Plesiomorphic
d) Control group
derived trait (apomorphic)
Joe burrow is a morphic
Encourages use of computer modeling videotapes, or other approaches are called? (instead of using animals)
a) Replacement
b) Reduction
c) Refinement
d) apomorphic
Promotes limiting the number of animals subject to disturbance in research or teaching is called?
a) Replacement
b) Reduction
c) Refinement
d) apomorphic
(reduce is limiting disturbance)
involves improving procedures and techniques to minimize pain and stress for animals is called?
a) Replacement
b) Reduction
c) Refinement
d) apomorphic
(pain and stress come with being fine)
The ability to evaluate scientific information critically and ascertain it validity this is called?
a) Scientific literacy
b) Primary literature
c) secondary literature
d) Refinement
Scientific literacy
ORIGINAL SOURCE of scientific information, must seek approval, conduct research, analyze findings, write and submit manuscripts (peer review- major difference) this is called?
a) Scientific literacy
b) Primary literature
c) secondary literature
d) Refinement
Primary literature
A report that summarizes and interprets the primary ligature (different form review article) this is called?
a) Scientific literacy
b) Primary literature
c) secondary literature
d) Refinement
Secondary litature