chapter 4 Flashcards
An observed traits of an individual and the genotype and environment is called?
a) Phenotype
b) Genotype
c) Allele
d) Heritability
All the allele of an individual is called?
a) Phenotype
b) Genotype
c) Allele
d) Heritability
The study of how genes and environment behavioral differences is called?
Behavioral genetics
The proportion of phenotypic variation in a trait due to genetic influences is called?
a) Phenotype
b) Genotype
c) Allele
d) Heritability
All genetic effects on phenotype is called?
a) Narrow sense heritability
b) Genotype
c) Broad sense heritability
d) Dominance effects
Broad sense heritability
(broad = all)
What are the 3 factors of genetic effects of each allele on phenotype?
1) Additive effects
2) Dominance effects
3) Epistasis
The average effect of individual alleles on phenotype is called?
a) Additive effects
b) Dominance effects
c) Epistasis
d) Broad sense heritability
Additive effects
(add average)
Interaction between alleles at one locus is called?
a) Additive effects
b) Dominance effects
c) Epistasis
d) Broad sense heritability
Dominance effects
(between alleles)
Dom all locus
Interaction between genes at different loci is called?
a) Additive effects
b) Dominance effects
c) Epistasis
d) Broad sense heritability
(between genes loci)
epi loci
increased chance parent and offspring will resemble each other in trait and this is called?
a) Narrow sense heritability
b) Genotype
c) Broad sense heritability
d) Dominance effects
Narrow-sense heritability
Hunting dogs behavior are affected by…
a) genetics
b) environment
c) Reflexes
d) Both a and b
both genetic and environmental component
What is a behavior that is performed the same way each time, fully expressed the first time, and present even in individuals raised in isolation?
Example: blinking or crying
a) Innate (instinct)
b) reflexes
c) fixed action patterns
d) Major genes
Innate or instinct behavior
What are types of instinct behavior?
a) Reflex
b) Major genes
c) fixed action patterns
d) both a and c
Reflexes and fixed action pattern
What is involuntary movement in response to stimulus called?
a) Reflex
b) Major genes
c) fixed action patterns
d) both a and c
What is a behavior that displays almost no variation. Once started, cannot be stopped until completed?
a) Reflex
b) Major genes
c) fixed action patterns
d) both a and c
Fixed action pattern
come back to page 16,17 and 18
Individual gene that is responsible for large fraction of phenotypic variation are called?
a) Epistasis
b) Minor genes
c) Major genes
d) Reflex
Major gene
Individual gene that contributes to small amounts of variation in phenotype are called?
a) Epistasis
b) Minor genes
c) Major genes
d) Reflex
Minor gene
Interactions between genes at different loci, and major genes effect expression of several other genes are called?
a) fixed action patterns
b) reflex
c) pleiotropy
d) Epistasis
What is a single gene that affects more than 1 phenotypic trait?
Example: yellow gene affection body color and courtship
a) fixed action patterns
b) reflex
c) pleiotropy
d) Epistasis
c) Pleiotropy
trophy goes to only 1st place
Single reproductive queen is called?
Example: Fire ant colonies
a) Epistasis
b) Polygyne
c) Supergene
d) Monogyne
Monogyne (major gene)
Multiple reproductive queens and they have a higher ecological impact is called?
example: fire ant colonies
a) Epistasis
b) Polygyne
c) Supergene
d) Monogyne
Polygyne (major gene)
a set of linked genes that affect many traits are called?
a) Epistasis
b) Polygyne
c) Supergene
d) Monogyne
Approach that disables gene and examines effect on behavior is called?
a) Super gene
b) Thigmotaxis
c) Knockout technique
d) Quantitative trait loci
Knockout technique
Anxiety related behavior and knockout of a hormone in mice results in what happening?
Knockout mice spent more time in open, light areas than wild type mice
Preference for physical contact is called?
a) Super gene
b) Thigmotaxis
c) Knockout technique
d) Quantitative trait loci
Stretches if DNA that either contain or are linked to genes influencing a phenotypic trait is called?
a) Super gene
b) Thigmotaxis
c) Knockout technique
d) Quantitative trait loci
e) QTL mapping
Quantitative trait loci
This is a statistical technique that combines genetic information with trait information to determine which regions of the genome contain the genes that influence the trait QTLs?
a) Super gene
b) Thigmotaxis
c) Knockout technique
d) Quantitative trait loci
e) QTL mapping
QTL mapping
Major genes suspected of contributing to large amount of the phenotypic variation in a specific trait is called?
a) Super gene
b) candidate genes
c) Knockout technique
d) Quantitative trait loci
e) QTL mapping
Candidate genes
Aphid feeding behavior is viewed by…
a) Super gene
b) Thigmotaxis
c) Knockout technique
d) Quantitative trait loci
e) QTL mapping
QTL mapping (minor genes)
How was the genotyped assessed in aphid feeding?
a) Super gene
b) Thigmotaxis
c) Knockout technique
d) AFLP markers
e) QTL mapping
AFLP markers
Come back to pages 30 and 31
What can effect gene expression?
a) Super gene
b) environment
c) gene expression
d) Quantitative trait loci
e) QTL mapping
the environment
What is the process by which gene products are formed and dependent on sensory inputs called?
a) Super gene
b) environment
c) gene expression
d) Quantitative trait loci
e) QTL mapping
Gene expression
come back to pages 37 AND 38
Bird calls (simple vocalizations are…
a) Super gene
b) environment
c) innate
d) Quantitative trait loci
e) QTL mapping
Passeri produce songs by…
a) innate vocalizations
b) closed ended learners
c) open ended learners
d) Complex vocalizations
complex vocalizations
Individuals must hear tutor sing its conspecific song shortly after hatching in order to learn correctly (sensitive period) this is called?
a) innate vocalizations
b) closed ended learners
c) open ended learners
d) Complex vocalizations
Closed ended learners
Individuals can acquire new song elements throughout life this is called?
a) innate vocalizations
b) closed ended learners
c) open ended learners
d) Complex vocalizations
Open ended learners
Posterior nucleus in birds
a) innate vocalizations
b) song learning
c) Drawling
d) sound production
sound production
Anterior nucleus in birds
a) innate vocalizations
b) song learning
c) Drawling
d) sound production
song learning
Exposure to bird song influences gene expression in which genes?
Zebra finches knockdown technique used to reduce expression FoxP2, adult male tutors and young juvenile males housed together. What was the result?
Knockdown birds tend to omit specific syllables in songs (FoxP2 required for normal song development)
This allows researchers to characterize acoustic structure of vocalization in Zebra finches?
a) Super gene
b) Thigmotaxis
c) Knockout technique
d) Spectogram
e) QTL mapping
Spectogram (Sonogram)
Range of behaviors expressed by single genotype in different environments are called?
-phenotypic plasticity
a) Reaction norm
b) thigmotaxis
c) innate learning
d) gene environment interactions
Reaction Norm
When environment has greater effect on one genotype than others this is called?
a) Reaction norm
b) thigmotaxis
c) innate learning
d) gene environment interactions
Gene environment interaction
Rover and sitter foraging behavior in fruit flies is caused by?
a) Reaction norm
b) thigmotaxis
c) innate learning
d) gene environment interactions
Gene environment interactions
(COME BACK) Scouting behavior in bees found…
differential gene expression between the two phenotypes
Are behavior and morphological differences between males correlated with differential gene expression?
1) Male phenotype plasticity more strongly associated with differential gene expression than sexual dimorphism
2) Genes for male mating tactics appear to be species specific and novel from previous candidate genes
Exploratory behavior in great tit is
a) gene
b) allele
c) heritable