chapter 12 Flashcards
Genitalia/ reproductive organs
Primary sexual characteristics
Morphological differences between sexes NOT DIRECTLY INVOLVED in reproduction
Secondary sexual characteristics
Acts on heritable traits that affect reproduction via MATE COMPETITION and MATE CHOICE
-form of natural selection
Sexual selection
WITHIN SEX competition for access to opposite sex
Mate competition (INTRASEXUAL selection)
One sex selects members of other sex
Mate choice (Intersexual selection)
DIFFERENT sized gametes in different sexes
-Males lots of small, motile gametes
-Female fewer larger, nutrient rich gametes
Production of same sized gametes
-fungi, algae, unicellular protozoans
-Ancestral form
Assumption 1
Individuals produce different sized gametes
Ancestral marine environment
Assumption 2
Parents have FIXED ENERGY for gamete production; size-number trade off
-number of gametes increases, size decreased
come back
Assumption 3
Zygote VIABILITY related to size
-larger zygote ___________ viability; contain more resources
Larger (female) gametes = __________________; small )male gametes = _____________ advantage
-both have _________ fitness. intermediate size gametes have low
1) higher survivorship
2) numerical
3) High
Female reproductive success limited by the NUMBER OF SUCCESS OF EGGS; male reproductive success limited by NUMBER OF MATES
Sex with greater investment IN OFFSPRING should be choosier
Parental investment theory
Traits used in male - male competition this is called
weapons (intrasexual selection)
Traits used to attract females
ornaments (intersexual selection)
What is the role of males horn-like projection?
larger horns provide an advantage in mate competition
-males with larger horn will win most fights
are peacock tails an ornament used in mate choice?
Larger males with longer tails= most successful in site defense
-males preforming the most displays/ greatest number of ocelli obtained more compilations
-Mate competition and mate choice are important are important in evolution of peacock tail
Females compete for males (invest heavily in parental care)
-females have enhanced secondary sexual characteristics
This is called?
Sex role reversed species
How do male pipefish select a mate?
Males prefer females that have higher expression of a sexually selected trait
-males should spend more time and mare more often with those females that display their temporary striped pattern (ornament) the most
males spent more time dancing/shorter latency to dance with ________________
-more ornamented female obtained ________________
high displaying females
more copulations
Females with _____________________ had highest mating success
female mating preferences are byproduct of preexisting biases in females’s sensory systems what is this called?
Sensory bias hypothesis
How does a male trait become selected in female mate preference?
Males and females should be attracted to orange colored objects; orange associated with carotenoids
________________ were attracted to orange and red dics
males and females
-female mating preference linked to ______________________ for orange food objects
preexisting preference
Material resources obtained from mating with male this is called?
Direct material benefits
Physical resource that male provides to enhance mating success this is called?
Nuptial gift
Male green-veined white butterflies provide a _____________________ sperm packaged within a protein-rich structure produced by male accessory glands as ______________________
1) spermatophore
2) Nuptial gift
Do nuptial gifts enhance female reproductive success?
Nuptial gifts are a direct benefit for females and increase their reproductive success
How does territory quality affect side-blotched lizard female choice and fitness?
Females selected males based on territory quality significant gain
Genetic benefits female obtain for offspring by mating with males of HIGH GENETIC QUALITY this is called?
Indirect genetic benefits
evolutionary process where male trait COEVOLVES with FEMALE PREFERENCE; becomes increasingly exaggerated this is called?
Runaway process
Well-developed secondary sexual characteristics are costly to survival; accurate signals of fitness this is called
Handicap principle
Good genes
How do females assess male quality in frogs
Most attractive males provide best genes alleles fitness to offspring
Male field crickets produce energetically COSTLY courtship songs
Females should prefer to mate with males that the greatest expression of SECONDARY SEXUAL TRSITS (song), since those males have the highest levels of IMMUNOCOMPETENCE (male immune system function is a heritable trait)
Parasites and pathogens play an important role in sexual selection when secondary sexual traits are costly and condition dependent this is called?
Hamilton-zuk hypothesis
(good genes and the hamilton-zuk hypothesis)
Females preferred males that produce __________ frequency and duration of HF ticks
- those males had high _________________________ rates
1) Higher
2) encapsulation
(good genes and the hamilton-zuk hypothesis)
Females can obtain __________________________ (higher immunocompetence level) for their offspring
Indirect genetic benefits
Mate choice fitness benefits in spiders
What is important of pheromones as signals of male quality in mate choice?
Male pheromones function to convey information about quality
-ability to select a mate enhance fitness
Phase 2: almost all females chose pheromone of same male in phase 1
-females who mated with preferred males had ____________________, more/heavier eggs, and higher _______________
1) larger egg sacks
2) hatch rate
Male pheromones function to convey information about quality
-ability to select a mate __________________
Enhances fitness
captive breeding programs used to ___________________ of endangered species
increase population size
Allowing individuals to _________________ and ________________ should both be considered in programs
1) select a mate
2) genetic diversity
male follow mate to prevent mating with rivals this is called
mate guarding
Offspring of pair bonded female produced by third party male this called
extra pair young
How affective is mate guarding in warblers?
Mate guarding effective for increasing paternity assurance
competition between sperm of different males to fertilize eggs this is called
sperm competition
female influences fertilization success of sperm from one male over others and inbreeding depression this is called
cryptic female choice
reduction in fitness result of mating with close relatives this is called
inbreeding depression
Sperm competition in tree swallows
How can males increase paternity assurance?
increase in copulation rate results in increased paternity for male
Do females avoid inbreeding depression by cryptic female choice?
Females display cryptic female choice in regards to matings with siblings reduced inbreeding depression
(inbreeding avoidance via cryptic female choice in spiders)
Females display ____________________ in regard to mating with siblings reduce ________________
1) cryptic female choice
2) inbreeding depression
Multiple behavioral MATING PHENOTYPES in population this is called?
Alternative mating tactics
Male REMAIN a bourgeois male to INTERCEPT females this is called?
Satellite male
Competitive males defend nest or territory this is called?
Bourgeois male
Male tries to avoid detection and enters a bourgeois territory to fertilize eggs this is called
sneaker male
Use of particular strategy based on condition this is called
conditional strategy
Strategy that cannot be invaded by another strategy; yields highest fitness this is called
Evolutionary stable strategy (ESS)
(Conditional satellite males in tree frogs)
Does male tree frog mating behavior represent a conditional strategy?
Males adopt reproductive strategies based on condition
(conditional satellite males in tree frogs)
Bourgeois males ___________, produced ______________________ calls than satellite males
Females and satellite males preferred ___________________ calls
1) Large
2) lower frequency
3) lowest frequency
What is the reproductive success of parental and sneaker male pumpkinseed sunfish?
-Parental _______________ than sneakers
-Parental sired 85% of offspring in nest
-Sneakers rare; reproductive success proportional to ___________
-two strategies have ________________
1) larger, older
2) abundance
3) equal fitness
(Hormone profiles of parental and sneakers)
Sneaker males had ____________ testosterone and cortisol and ____________ 11-ketotestosterone levels than parental males
1) Higher
2) Lower
When one individual OBSERVES AND COPIES the mating decisions of another individual this is called?
Mate choice copying
Do females copy the mate choice of other females?
-17/20 females spent more time near male that had been NEAR MODEL FEMALE
(Mate choice copying in guppies)
-Females _________________________ preference to copy mate choice of model female
switched mates choice
What factors affect the mating behavior of female fruit flies?
Female fruit flies spent more time with a non-preferred male after observing female association with him
(Mating behavior of female fruit flies)
Pretest-females spent more time near ___________ male
-posttest females that observed model female with low-quality male chose ______________ male
1) Higher quality
2) low quality
(Mating behavior of female fruit flies)
Female fruit flies mating behavior affected by decisions of ____________________
other females
Benefits of mate coping
-Increases likelihood of mating with _____________________
-Should only occur when discrimination among potential mates is difficult’
-males ____________-
-females _____________
1) higher quality males
2) very similar
3) inexperienced
(nonindependent mate choice by male mosquitofish)
Does risk of sperm competition affect mate choice by males?
-Experiment 1 and 3 -males preferred ________________
-Experiment 2_ focal male spent ____________ with chosen female during last stage
1) Larger female
2) Less time
(nonindependent mate choice by male mosquitofish)
Does risk of sperm competition affect mate choice by males?
-male mate choice affected by risk of ____________________
sperm competition
Are human mate choice preferences influenced by mate choice behavior of others?
Women rated attractiveness of men for short and long term relationship
-attractiveness INCREASED for men seen interacting with INTERESTED RIVAL