chapter 10 Flashcards
Relatively short distance, one way movement is called?
d) dispersal
Dispersal REDUCES COMPETITION for resources this is called?
a) inbreeding avoidance hypothesis
b) win stay lose shift dispersal
c) site fidelity
d) competition hypothesis
Competition Hypothesis
(Competition hypothesis)
___________: 2 Sites IDENTICAL amounts of FOOD; DIFFER in DENSITY of individuals
prediction 1
(Competition Hypothesis)
___________: 2 Sites have SAME DENSITY of individuals; DIFFER in quality of FOOD higher dispersal in SITE WITH LESS FOOD
Prediction 2
Does conspecific density affect earthworm dispersal?
Competition for resources will result in INCREASE dispersal
(Density-dependent dispersal in earthworms)
Greater dispersal will occur with ___________ population density
(Density-dependent dispersal in earthworms)
Lower density = ______________
Lower dispersal
(Density-dependent dispersal in earthworms)
Higher density= ______________
Higher dispersal
(Density-dependent dispersal in earthworms)
Competitor density affects _______
(Density-dependent dispersal in earthworms)
Which prediction does this support?
a) prediction 1
b) prediction 2
(Food-related dispersal in water boatmen)
How is water boatmen dispersal affected by PREY density level?
Higher dispersal = LOW DENSITY prey pools
(Food-related dispersal in water boatmen)
-Competition for food facilitates PREDATOR dispersal
-Which prediction does this support?
Prediction 2 (competition hypothesis)
One-time movement from place of birth (natal location) this is called?
Natal Dispersal
Why does natal dispersal occur?
Reduction of fitness as result of mating with CLOSE RELATIVES is called?
Inbreeding depression
Natal dispersal MINIMIZES likelihood of inbreeding this is called?
a) Inbreeding depression
b) natal dispersal
c) inbreeding avoidance hypothesis
d) competition hypothesis
Inbreeding Avoidance Hypothesis
In birds and mammals there is _______________ natal dispersal
-INBREEDING AVOIDANCE HYPOTHESIS: Natal dispersal behavior minimizes the like hood of inbreeding
Sex biased
(inbreeding avoidance in great tits)
Individuals that dispersed ___________________ were less likely to be mated with a ______________
1) greater distance
2) Relative
(inbreeding avoidance in great tits)
Individuals that mated with close relative had dispersed _________ from natal site
(inbreeding avoidance in great tits)
Dispersal behavior can influence the _________________
This supports which hypothesis?
a) breeding dispersal
b) reproductive success
c) public information
d) personal information
e) inbreeding
1) Inbreeding
2) Inbreeding avoidance hypothesis
Abandoning one breeding site and moving to another is called?
a) breeding dispersal
b) reproductive success
c) public information
d) personal information
e) Site fidelity
Breeding dispersal
individuals that remain or return to a place that was previously occupied this is called?
a) breeding dispersal
b) reproductive success
c) public information
d) personal information
e) Site fidelity
Site fidelity
Species exhibit site fidelity after REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS; exhibit BREEDING DISPERSAL after reproductive failure this is called
a) breeding dispersal
b) Win-stay lose-shift
c) public information
d) personal information
e) Site fidelity
Win-Stay Lose-Shift dispersal pattern
What factors affect breeding dispersal in dragonflies?
a) breeding dispersal
b) reproductive success
c) public information
d) personal information
Reproductive success
(breeding dispersal in dragonflies)
MATING SUCCESS affects breeding dispersal
Evidence for _______________________ for dispersal decisions
a) breeding dispersal
b) Win-stay lose-shift
c) public information
d) personal information
e) Site fidelity
Win-stay Lost-shift
Information obtained from ACTIVITY OR PERFORMANCE of others about quality of an environment parameter or resource this is called?
a) breeding dispersal
b) Win-stay lose-shift
c) public information
d) personal information
e) Site fidelity
Public information
What affects breeding dispersal in kittiwakes?
Patch-wide reproductive success in subcolonies affects breeding dispersal
What cause failed breeders should abandon breeding site in Kittiwakes?
a) breeding dispersal
b) Win-stay lose-shift
c) public information
d) personal information
e) Site fidelity
Personal information
If kittiwakes use _________________, and failed breeder is surrounded by successful breeders: should not abandon breeding site
a) breeding dispersal
b) Win-stay lose-shift
c) public information
d) personal information
e) Site fidelity
Public information
(public information and breeding dispersal in Kittiwakes)
Many (70%) control patch birds ____________ the next year
Returned to same breeding site
(public information and breeding dispersal in Kittiwakes)
_________________ patch birds returned to same breeding sites the next year (less than 50%)
fewer treatment
(public information and breeding dispersal in Kittiwakes)
_______________________ affects breeding dispersal decisions
Information from conspecifics
Relatively LONG DISTANCE 2 way movements is called?
In the serengti, mammals track ___________________ of grass
Available biomass/quality
(resource variation and migration in neotropical birds)
What factors are important in determining whether a species migrates or not?
1) Takes advantage of spatial variation in _______________
2) Avoid seasonal __________________ at different locations
1) conditions
2) resource depression
(resource variation and migration in neotropical birds)
Species exposed to high fluctuation in environmental _________ and ____________ will more likely to migrate than species that live in more stable __________________ environments
1) conditions
2) resources
3) resource
(resource variation and migration in neotropical birds)
Fluctuations in ______________ and environmental conditions can affect migratory behavior
Resource level
For migratory behavior to evolve, it must be ______________
a) High density
b) fixed genetic trait
c) heritable trait
d) polymorphism
Who developed estimated heritability of migratory behavior in eurasian blackcaps?
Pulido, Berthold Mohr and Querner
(Heritability of migration behavior in Eurasian blackcaps)
______________________ in date of onset migratory __________________ in parent and offspring regression
1) Positive correlation
2) Restlessness
(Heritability of migration behavior in Eurasian blackcaps)
Onset of migratory behavior is ______________
a) High density
b) fixed genetic trait
c) heritable trait
d) polymorphism
heritable trait
If SOME individuals in population have higher fitness when migrating, then population may exhibit ____________________
Partial migration
If ALL individuals who migrate have higher fitness, then ______________________________
population becomes migratory
(Competition and migratory behavior of newt)
How do environmental conditions affect migratory behavior?
Competition for resources will result in more individuals migrating
(Competition and migratory behavior of newt)
More newts migrated out of _____________________ enclosures
High density
(Competition and migratory behavior of newt)
Population density affects _____________________ of newts
Migratory behavior
Migratory behavior could be __________________________
a) High density
b) fixed genetic trait
c) heritable trait
d) polymorphism
fixed genetic trait
Frequency-dependent selection maintains __________________________
-Migratory behavior dependent on ________________________
1) Polymorphism
2) Individual condition
What maintains resident and migratory behaviors within a population of dippers?
Fitness of residents higher than that of migrants; migratory behavior is condition dependent
Determination and maintenance of PROPER DIRECTION is called?
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
Determining PARTICULAR LOCATION and moving towards it this is called?
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
Use of sun for orientation this is called?
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
Sun compass
Use of STARS OR CONSTELLATIONS to orient this is called?
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
Star compass
Use of EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELDS to orient this is called?
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) geomagnetic compass
Geomagnetic compass
Gray whales use coastline
This is an example
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) physical landmarks
Animals use physical landmarks as cue for directional information
Nocturnal animals can use _____________ orientation cage experiment with sharp-tailed sandpiper
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
Star compass
Magnetic field flows south to north - has ____________
Intensity of field strongest at _________ and weakest at magnetic ___________
1) Poles
2) equator
Monarch butterflies display?
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Different generations migrate to new areas this is called?
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Intergenerational migration
Monarch butterflies use
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
sun compass
(antennae and the sun compass system in monarchs)
____________ migrated in correct direction (S/SW)
(antennae and the sun compass system in monarchs)
Clock-shifted group moved in __________________ direction
(antennae and the sun compass system in monarchs)
Clock-shifted animals had reset internal clock had so that their (daybreak) occurred at __________
(antennae and the sun compass system in monarchs)
At noon, the sun was in the southern sky, but they interpreted this position __________ the normal direction of the sun at daybreak- and so migrated in the wrong direction
Monarch butterflies use a _____________ associated with the ANTENNAE.
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Sun compass
(Monarch butterflies)
Controls (with antennae) oriented _____________________
(Monarch butterflies)
Antennae-less did not orient in a
Particular direction
(Monarch butterflies)
____________________ required for orientation
Antennae or photoreceptors
Migration flyways of monarch butterflies
Journey North
Sea turtles use _________________ to orient properly during migration
Magnetic compass
Loggerhead turtles use ______________________
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Geomagnetic compass
Pigeons use magnetic fields and chemoreception to orient in the right direction this is called?
Multimodal orientation
Pigeons use a _____________, can also orient on cloudy days
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Sun compass
Pigeons with _______________________ failed to orient properly
Altered magnetic field
Pigeons lacking _______________ also fail to orient properly
a) instincts
b) photoreception
c) machanoreception
d) Chemoreception
Ability to identify GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION using two varying ENVIRONMENTAL gradients
(Latitude and Longitude)
This is called?
a) Orientation
b) Bicoordinate navigation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Bicoordinate navigation
Sea turtles use ________________
a) Bicoordinate Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Bicoordinate navigation
Sea turtles use _______________________ to orient in different directions; __________________
1) Earth magnetic field
2) Instinctual
Juveniles sea turtles remain in shallow coastal feeding ground near natal beach for extended period. Turtle displaced 337 km north oriented and tried to move _____________
Turtles displaced 337 km south oriented and tried to move ____________
Sea turtles can use variation in earths ___________________ as map for orientation
1) south
2) north
3) Magnetic fields
Birds use ____________________
a) Bicoordinate Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
bicoordinate navigation
Displaced birds oriented to ________________
northwest compensate
Eurasian reed warblers display ______________
a) Bicoordinate Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Bicoordinate navigation
Salmonids return to ________________ for spawning
natal stream
Salmonids may use olfaction imprinting and __________________ reception
a) Navigation
b) orientation
c) Star compass
d) Sun compass
e) Geomagnetic compass
f) Intergenerational migration
Salmon may use ________________________ to get close to NATAL STREAM and __________________ to determine specific natal stream
1) Geomagnetic imprinting
3) Olfaction imprinting
Several species that detect magnetic fields depends on light sensitive chemical reactions in ________________________
retina protein cryptochrome