Chapter 7: Leadership Flashcards
The process of influencing supporting others to work enthusiastically towards achieving objectives.
Technical skill
A persons knowledge of and ability in any type of processing or technique
Human skill
The ability to work effectively with people and to build teamwork
Conceptional skill
Able to think in terms of models, frameworks, and brought relationships, such as long-range plans
Autocratic leaders
These leaders centralize power and decision-making in them sells the structure of a complete work situation for their employees to expect to do what they’re told and I think for themselves.
Consultative leaders
These leaders approach one or more employees and ask them for their input prior to making a decision. These leaders then may choose to use or ignore the information.
Participant leaders
These leaders clearly decentralized authority decisions or not you are wrong because they use the inputs from followers and participation by them.
Considerate leaders are concerned about the human needs and their employees. They tried to build teamwork, provide psychological support, and help employees with their personal problems.
Structural leaders are task oriented they believe that they get results people constantly busy, closely monitoring employee actions, ignoring their personal issues and emotions, and urging them to produce at ever higher levels
Developmental level
The task specific combination of an employees competence and motivation to perform
Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid
This grid ranks leadership style of a manager on a 1 to 9 scale on the categories of concern for people and concern for production.
Fiedler’ Contingency Model
This model assumes the three factors to a leader’s effectiveness are; Leader-Member relations, Task structure, and leader position power.
Leader-Member Relations
Leader-member relations are determined by the manner in which the leader is accepted by the group.
Task structure
Task structure reflects the degree to which one specific way is required to do the job.
Leader position power
Leader position power describes the organizational power that goes with the position the leader occupies.
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model
This model compares an employee’s ability (High or low) with their willingness (High or low) to describe four possible manager-employee interactions
Double High: Participating
High ability, Low willingness: Delegating
Low ability, High Willingness: Telling
Double Low: Selling
Path goal leadership
This model states a leader’s job is to use structure, support, and rewards to create a work environment that helps employees reach the organizations goals.
Task support
When a leader helps assemble resources, budgets, power, and other elements essential to their employees success
Psychological support
Leaders must stimulate people to want to do their job and attend to their emotional needs.
Locus of control
The assessment of whether in employees achievement is the product of his or her own effort, and internal locus, or the result of an outside effort, and external locus,