Chapter 1 - The dynamics Of people And orginazations Flashcards
Organizational behavior
Organizational behavior is the systematic study and careful application of knowledge about how people, as individuals and as groups, act within organizations.
Goals of organizational behavior
The four goals of organizational behavior or to describe, to understand, predicting, and control.
Describe (Goal)
Achieving the goal of describing allows managers to communicate about human behavior at work using a common language
Understand (Goal)
Achieving the goal of understanding allows managers understand why people behave as they do and the underlying reasons behind those actions.
Predicting (Goal)
Achieving predicting allows managers to predict future employee behavior. Ideally this allows the capacity predict which employees may be dedicated or productive and which might be absent or tardy.
Control (Goal)
Achieving control allows a manager to oversee and maximize the results of themselves and their employees.
A set of four forces affect the nature of organizations today. These forces are people, structure, technology, and environment.
Structure (Force)
Structure is the way in which the different jobs required to accomplish in organizations activities are related and organized.
Technology (Force)
Technology provides resources with which people working to fix the tasks they perform. There is great benefit of technology as it allows people to do more and better work, but also changes the way in which work can be done.
Employees bring a wide array of educational backgrounds, talents, and perspectives to their jobs
People (Force)
People make up the internal social system of the organization. That system consist of individuals and groups, and large groups as well as small ones.
Environment (Force)
Environments can be internal or external. Environment can include the government, the family, and other organizations.
Theories offer exclamation of how and why people think, feel, and act as they do. They also identify important variables and link them to form propositions that can be tested through research.
Research is the process of gathering interpreting relevant evidence that leave a support or change a theory
Practice is the conscientious application of conceptual models and research in order to improve performance at work.
Evidence based management
Evidence based management ask managers to set aside some the things they think they know parentheses conventional wisdom parentheses and become totally committed to collection of facts to implement.
Desire for involvement
Many employees today are actively seeking opportunities at work to become involved in relevant decisions. This can be achieved through employee empowerment
Value of the person
Will deserve to be treated differently from other factors of production (land, capital, technology)