Chapter 3: Managing Communications Flashcards
Communication is the transfer of information or understanding from one person to another
Encoding is the process where this sender of communication converts an idea in their head in the suitable words, charts, are other symbols for transmission
Framing uses Rich, colorful, carefully selected language to shape the perceptions of recipients
Went to different viewpoints take even more extreme opposing positions
Defensive reasoning
When threatened with the potential embarrassment of losing argument people tend to abandon logic and rationality and instead blame others selectively use data and seek to remain in control
Cognitive dissonance
This is the internal conflict and Exide he that occurs in people received information incompatible with their value systems
Face saving
Face saving is an attempt by sender to preserve or even enhance their valued self concept
Self concept
Self-concept is our personal image or social honor.
Noise constitutes obstacles or barriers to communication and may emerge need a physical surroundings or with an individual’s emotions
Personal barriers
Personal barriers are communication interferences that arise from human emotions, values, and poor listening habits. Then I also stem from differences in background (such as race, sex, education, Etc)
Psychological distance
A feeling of being emotionally separated. This also includes being communicated to you in a negative way
Physical barriers
Physical barriers are communication interferences that occur in the environment in which the communication takes place such as a set a noise that drowns out a message
The study of spatial separation during communication.
Semantics is the science of meaning which contrast with phonetics the science of sounds
Semantic barriers
These barriers arise from limitations in the symbols with which we communicate.
Communication symbols
There are three communication symbols words, pictures, and actions.
Pictures (communication symbol)
Pictures are used to clarified word communication pictures can provide Visual images, blueprints, progress charts, etc.
Action (Non verbal communication)
Nonverbal communication emphasize the importance that failure to communicate is still communicating and that actions speak louder than words
Credibility gap
A credibility Gap can exist and there is a difference between what someone says and someone does. Credible communication is based on trustworthiness, expertise, and charisma
Body language
Body language is the means with which people communicate meaning to others with their bodies in an interpersonal interaction
Where to the main communication symbol used it work. With many different meanings and connotations for words it is the context that matters most
Social cues
Social cues are positive or negative bits of information that influence how people react to communication. Some examples are job titles, articles of clothing.
Readability is the process of making writing the speech more understandable
Downward communication
Downward communication is the fall of information from higher to lower levels of authority. Successful downward communication relies on managers who communicate in open and true dialogue with their employees
Communication overload
Vacation overload is when employees receive more communication inputs and they can process or more than they need
Performance feedback
Performance feedback leads to both improve performance and improve attitudes
Feedback seeking behavior
When employees search for information about the prior performance and possible areas of improvement
Social support
Social support is the perception that employees are cared for, steamed, and valued.
Upward communication
Opera communication is when management tunes into employees to maintain in touch with them
Organize silence
This is the conscious or unconscious withholding of information about potential problems or issues on the part of employees
Lateral communication
Cross communication crossed different chains of commands