Chapter 63: The Spreading Persian Empire (first half) Flashcards
he was the chief Egyptian general of Apries, he was sent to put down a rebellion against the king.
he was the younger brother of Cambyses. He went on the campaigning trip with his brother, and he was lost.
Battus the Prosperous
he was the third king of the Greek settlement Cyrene, West of the Delta.
they were fierce fighters who used bronze-tipped bows and spears, lived in mountain tribes, and worshiped the sun.
he was the man who took management over the household of Cambyses, when Cambyses went on a campaign.
Psammetichus III
He was the father of Amasis.
he was the younger brother of Patizeithes, and he looked exactly like Bardiya. When Bardiya went missing he posed as him and was on the throne.
she was the queen of the Massagetae, her troops were part of the biggest battle between non-Greeks. She won the battle and Cyrus was killed.
this was the cobra goddess of Lower Egypt.