Chapter 6 WOP Flashcards
people have a strong “money ethic” or “monetary intelligence” when they believe that…
money is not evil; that it is a symbol of achievement, respect, and power; and that it should be budgeted carefully.
men attach more value to money than women.
see it as a symbol of status
cultures: high power distance vs low?
high power distance: more value and status to money. they also talk about it more
compensation based on senority
hoe ouder, hoe meer geld
+ en - van compensation based on senority
+ low employee turnover
+ goed toekomstperspectief voor applicants
+ decrease in stress
- niet gebaseerd op performance
- mensen die unsuited zijn worden niet gemotiveerd om werk te zoeken dat beter voor hen is.
4 ways of financial rewards
- membership & senior-based pay
- job status (job evaluation: welke skills zijn nodig om die job te krijgen)
- competence: welke measurable skills heb je opgebouwd?
- performance: individual (cleaner: per kamer die schoon is)/team (team performance leidt tot hogere salaris)/organization (restaurant: tip jar).
wat is gainsharing
op team niveau: gainsharing plan, calculates bonuses from the work unit’s cost savings and productivity improvement. Many hospitals have cautiously introduced a form of gainsharing, whereby physicians and medical staff in a medical unit (cardiology, orthopedics, etc.) are collectively rewarded for cost reductions in surgery and patient care. (7% reduction)
employees are encouraged to buy stocks from their company. = organizational rewards
profit sharing plan
employees receive a percentage of the previous year’s company profits
stock options
a reward system that gives employees the right to purchase
company stock at a future date at a predetermined price
dus alle vier de plannen kort:
gainsharing plan: a team-based reward, obv work unit’s cost savings and
productivity improvement (BONUSES OBV SAVINGS)
employee stock ownership plan (ESOP): a reward system that encourages employees to buy company stock (BUY COMPANY STOCK)
stock options: a reward system that gives employees the right to purchase company stock at a future date at a predetermined price (BUY COMPANY STOCK AT PREDETERMINED PRICE)
profit-sharing plan: a reward system that pays bonuses to employees on the basis of the previous year’s level of corporate profits (BONUSES OBV PROFITS)
- punten employee stock ownerships plan
- employee heeft niet veel invloed
- neemt pension over.
hoe EOPS beter maken
- performance based!
- relevant rewards
- team rewards
- value rewards
job design
welke taken horen bij de job
job specialization
different tasks voor het doel are assigned to different people
cycle time
the time required to complete a task before starting a new unit
scientific management
many jobs were made more specialed last century
specialization nadelen
- minder motivatie
- not challenging
- socially insulating
standardization nadelen
- boring
- cannot see importance of your work in the large picture
herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory =
humans are motivated by two things: motivators and hygiene factors. These two factors are both critical to motivation: motivators encourage job satisfaction and hygiene factors prevent job dissatisfaction.
staan los van elkaar.
Hygiene issues, such as salary and supervision, decrease employees’ dissatisfaction with the work environment. Motivators, such as recognition and achievement, make workers more productive, creative and committed.
employees feel job satisfaction when they fullfill growth and confidence needs (motivators)
they feel dissatisfaction in poor working conditions or job safety (hygiene)
job characteristics model laat zien hoe…
how motivational properties of a job influence specific personal consequences.
5 core properties van job characteristics model
- skill variety
- task identity
- task significance
- autonomy
- job feedback
skill variety
how many different skills are needed to complete a task
task identity
Extent to which a job involves doing a complete from beginning to end and identifiable piece of work with a visible outcome, as opposed to doing only a portion of the job. (schroef aandraaien of hele auto in elkaar zien gezet worden).
job feedback
of je zelf (!!!) de outcomes van je werk kan zien
welke 3 psychological states horen bij de 5 core principles
- experience meaningfullness
- experience responsibility
- knowledge of results
job rotation =
moving employees from one job to another.
job rotation + punten
+ minder physical complaints
+ flexibility
+ reduced boredom
job enlargement
meer taken aan een job toevoegen
job enrichment
more responsibility to a job
natural grouping: wat is het?
deel van job enrichment
combining highly interdependent tasks into one job.
This natural grouping approach is reflected in the video journalist job. Along with being an enlarged job, video journalism is an example of job enrichment because it naturally groups tasks together to complete an entire product (i.e., a news story). By forming natural work units, jobholders have stronger feelings of responsibility for an identifiable body of work. They feel a sense of ownership and, therefore, tend to increase job quality. Forming natural work units increases task identity and task significance because employees perform a complete product or service and can more readily see how their work affects others.
wat is een andere manier om job enrichment in te plannen
employees contact laten maken met klanten
(= establish client relationships)
what is the most important way of increasing job motivation
give employee more autonomy
degree of empowerment: 4 dimensions
- self-determination: do they enjoy freedom and independence?
- meaning: is their job meaningful
- competence: are they capable
- impact: does it have an effect
how to empower employees
- autonomy
- accessible sources and information
- encourage learning
- accepts errors
high empowerment companies hebben meer….
- higher customer satisfaction
- more confidence
- higher job satisfaction
establishing the self-management and self-motivation needed to perform a task