Chapter 3 WOP Flashcards
self concept 2 factoren
- self-beliefs
- self-evaluations
3 levels van self-concept
collective (memberships in entities)
3 characteristics of self-concepts (3x c)
-complexity: hoeveel distinctive roles? als ze interconnected zijn, dan is complexity low (bijvoorbeeld allemaal van werk)
-consistency: zijn de rollen allemaal hetzelfde, komen ze overeen met elkaar?
-clarity: do you have a clear, defined and stable self-construct? ook wel confidence
alles hoog = zelfverzekerd
self-enhancement gevolgen in de workplace
+ wel goed omdat het zelfvertrouwen verhoogt
- meer risico door overestimating themselves
- take longer to recognize mistakes
self-verification =
people are motivated to confirm and maintain their existing self-concept
hoe beinvloedt self-verification de workplace
- perceptual process: alleen dingen herinneren die overeenkomen met self-concept
- alleen feedback accepteren als het in line is met self-concept
- motivation to interact with others that affirm their self-concept
positief of negatief. gewoon hoe goed jij denkt dat je bent
self-evaluation 3 factoren
- self-esteem
- self-efficacy: hoe goed ben je in een bepaalde taak
- locus of control: beliefs about the amount of control you have in your life over personal events. internal locus of control: zelf controle. external locus of control: fate, universe.
difference personal identity and social identity
personal: uniqueness. social: in relation to others
social identity theory
people define themselves on the basis of the groups in which they belong
categorical thinking
unconscious categorization of people and objects into perceived categories
tegelijkertijd met categorical thinking ook making sense of stimuli, door middel van
emotions -> geven gelijk aan of een omgeving goed of slecht voor ons is.
mental models
models we use to describe explain and predict the world around us
+ makkelijker om sense van de wereld te maken
- lastig om te veranderen
beliefs via which we assign characteristics to a group, and automatically assume everyone of that group has these characteristics.
waarom stereotyperen?
- categorical thinking
- natural/innate
- unconscious
- energy saving
- we want to understand and predict others
- handy for own self-enhancement and social identity
- makkelijker om een stereotype voor een hele groep te onthouden dan alle individuele karakteristieken van elk persoon
3 problems with stereotyping
- niet iedereen valt in dat plaatje
- unintentional/systematic discrimination: decision makers rely on stereotypes to find the perfect position for someone
- intentional discrimination or prejudice; unfounded attitudes towards people from a group
forming beliefs about the causes of an event or behaviour
3 attribution rules
consistency: is het bij diegene altijd zo?
distinctiveness: is het in andere situaties ook zo?
consensus: doen anderen het ook zo?
denk aan student en klappen
self-serving bias
attribute our failure to external factors
fundamental attribution error
anderen hun gedrag attributeren aan hun eigen persoonlijkheid
self-fulfilling prophecy
expectations about another person lead to that person behaving in a way that is consistent with these expectations
wanneer is self-fulfilling prophecy het sterkste
- bij begin van een relatie
- als meerdere mensen die expectations hebben
positive organizational behaviour
focusing on the positive will lead to better well-being and organizational success
4 other perceptual effects
- halo effect: op basis van een eigenschap ook andere eigenschappen aannemen (mooi- slim)
- false consensus effect: denken dat anderen dezelfde beliefs/behaviour hebben als jij
- primacy effect: eerste indruk van iemand -> quickly form an image of them
- recency effect: most recent information dominates our perceptions
improve perceptual bias
- awareness
- self-awareness
- meaningful interaction
(maar awareness training of biases has a minimal effect helaas. beter is self-awareness)
manier van self-awareness increasen
- formal tests
- johari window: open up all your windows (open, blind, hidden and unknown) to everyone, yourself and collegues -> receive feedback
contact hypothesis
meaningful interaction can lead to less bias because you get to understand someone better -> reduce the dependence on stereotypes and more empathy
global mindset
ability to perceive, know about and process information about cultures
4 stappen van global mindset
- awareness of and openness to other views
- empathize
- process complex info about novel environment
- comprehend and reconcile intercultural problems
global mindset begint met …