Chapter 1 WOP Flashcards
organizational behaviour
the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizations
organizations =
groeps of people who work interdependently toward some purpose
3 levels of analysis of organizational behaviour
individual, tema/interpersonal, organization
organization 2 aspects
- people who work together in an organized way
- members have a collective sense of purpose
OB wanneer ontstaan
bestaat al lang, maar pas een organized discipline sinds WW2
why OB is important for you
- personal success in organizations
- better personal theories to predict and influence organizational events
- organizational behaviour is for everyone (everyone is a manager)
organizational effectiveness
the ultimate dependent variable
when are organizations effective?
- when they have a good fit with their external environment
- when they effectively transform inputs to outputs through human capital
- when they satisfy the needs of key stakeholders
organizations as open systems
organizations are complex organisms that depend on and interact with their environment. it is a permeable relationship.
closed systems
operate without dependence or interaction with an external environment
where do organizations get resources
from external environment
where does an organization consist of
numerous subsystems, that transform the incoming resources to output
what do organizations receive
feedback: about availability of resources, quality/appropriateness of transformation and the value of their outputs.
organization is effective when.. (1 reden)
they have a good fit with their external environment
what does good fit w/ external environment mean
organizations input, processes and output are aligned with the resources available in the external environemnt and with the needs and expectations of that environment
human capital
knowledge, skills, creativity and abilities that employees bring to a company.
Most important ingredient for transforming inputs to outputs!
enhancing organizational effectiveness via human capital (3 ways)
- developing employee skills and knowledge: directly improves their performance
- companies with superior human capital adapt quickly to a changing environment
- developing human capital -> investing and rewarding work -> employees more motivation
stakeholders wie?
customers, government, social groups, suppliers, stockholders, interested groups
stable, evaluative beliefs that guide our preferences for outcomes or coarses of action in a variety of situations.
(in organization: influences the way that organizations invest)
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
organizational activities intended to benefit society and the environment beyond the firm’s immediate financial interests or legal obligations.
triple-bottom-line philosophy
hoort bij corporate social responsibility.
aim to survive and be profitable in the marketplace (economic) but also improve situations for society (social) and environment.
anchors of organizational behaviour knowledge
- systematic research anchor: gebaseerd op research
- practical orientation anchor: het moet behulpzaam zijn voor organizations
- multidisciplinary anchor: import knowledge from other disciplines, do not just create your own
- contingency anchor: not every action will be applicable in every situation
- multiple levels of analysis anchor: individual/team/organization
evidence based management
making decisions based on scientific research
waarom is evidence based management lastig
- teveel informatie, wat is gebaseerd op research?
- OB research is altijd generic: dus wat in welke specifieke situatie gebruiken?
- sources of fads are rewarded for marketing their ideas, not for testing whether they work
- perceptual errors and bias
more evidence based organizations (4 manieren)
- ignore the hype
- letten op collective evidence ipv gurus
- rely on systematic research with large samples
- take a neutral stance towards popular trends and ideologies
the 4 most significant changes in the workplace due to globalization etc
- diversity/inclusive workspace
- work-life integration
- remote work
- employee relationships
diversity on 2 levels
- individual level (= allow all people to feel safe)
- collective level (= give diversities a voice through formal structures)
surface level diversity
observable and overt demographic differences
deep level diversity
differences in personality, beliefs, attitude etc
positive consequences of diversity
better decisions
team performance
negative consequences of diversity
take longer to perform effectively together due to communication problems
maar.. na een lange tijd zeker waard om meer divers te zijn. alleen het begin kan wat stroever lopen
work-life integration
the process of combining parts of your personal life with your career or professional life. It involves giving yourself the flexibility to choose how to manage your time to work and have personal time simultaneously.
- the degree to which people are effectively engaged with work and nonwork roles, with low conflict.
work-life conflict
als de ene meer tijd in beslag neemt of de ander ondermijnt
work-life integration (4 dingen)
- combine 2+ roles (walk during meeting)
- flexible work
- ensure all work and nonwork roles are alligned with your personality
- set boundaries
advantages and disadvantage of remote work
- better work-life integration
- but not better work life integration if no privacy / safe workspace at home
those who work effectively from home have..
higher motivation
self motivation
IT skills
jobs suited for remote work
- tasks do not require resources from workspace
- work is independently
- performance is measurable
direct vs indirect employee relationships
direct: gewoon vast contract, full time
indirect: flex, agency, temporary
contract work
free lance
Advantage of direct
higher quality, innovation, agility, individuals self-concept
advantage of indirect
increase employee performance under some circumstances
disadvantage of indirect
lower job satisfaction, less commitment of permanent employees door hun, no role stability
advantage of contract
similar job satisfaction as direct
disadvantage of contract
no role stability
wat gebeurt erbij direct mixed w/ indirect of contract
minder social network -> less info sharing, managers have ambiguious roles (want die mensen zijn technisch gezien niet hun werkers)
waar staat MARS voor
role perception
situational factors
(als er eentje laag is = poor productivity)
welke zijn internal en welke external
internal: MAR
external: S
MARS model individual characteristics
emotions and attitude
MARS model verder na individual
motivation, ability, role perception + situational factors -> behaviour and results
MARS model behaviour and results
taks performance, organizational citizenship, counterproductive work behaviours, joining/staying with the company, maintaining attendance.
forces in a person that affect their direction, intensity, and persistence of effort for voluntary behaviour.
3 aspecten van motivation uitgelegd
- direction: wat voor doel hebben ze?
- intensity: hoeveel effort stoppen ze hierin?
- persistance: hoelang houden ze dit vol? time
natural aptitudes: talent
learned capabilities: physical/mental skills and knowledge that are acquired
samen leiden ze tot competency: competencies underly the ability of a person
role perceptions
people understand their job duties and where to direct their efforts. role clarity (not role ambiguity)
3 forms of role clarity
- understand duties
- understand which duties have priority
- understand the preferred behaviours/procedures for a task
organizational citizenship
cooporation, helpfullness to others that support the organization. kan beiden voor de individual en de organization zijn.
counterproductive work behaviours
disruptional activities, voluntary activities that harm the organization
employee turnover + en -
+ nieuwe plek voor iemand met nieuwe ideeen
- slechte invloed op customer service, team development en corporate culture strength.
showing up to work unwell, injured etc -> maakt het slechter voor jezelf en voor anderen